The LSAT is the most trusted test in law school admissions and the only test accepted by all ABA-accredited law schools. Get your legal education journey off to the right start with the LSAT.
Registration is now open for all LSAT administrations through June 2025. Most test takers will have the choice of whether to take the test at home, proctored by a live, remote proctor, or in person at a Prometric digital testing center.
Your Legal Education Journey Begins with the LSAT
Are there other tests available for law school admission?
Some law schools in the U.S. and Canada accept other tests. However, the LSAT is the only test accepted by all law schools, and the only test designed specifically for law school admission. Other tests are designed for different purposes and test different skills. The best way to assess your ability to succeed in law school is to take the LSAT.
How will schools use my LSAT score?
Law schools use LSAT scores as one component of a holistic admission process that considers many factors related to each candidate. These schools have a long history of using the LSAT appropriately and know how to use the test and other predictors in their processes.
What effect does the LSAT have on law school diversity?
Properly used as part of well-developed holistic review admission practices, law schools can effectively consider many distinct applicant qualities and life experiences when advancing their mission-related DEI goals. The LSAT enables schools to identify highly qualified candidates who might otherwise be overlooked on the basis of undergraduate institution, GPA, lack of access to extracurricular activities, or other factors.
How does LSAC ensure the LSAT is measuring the right skills?
LSAC periodically conducts skills analysis studies to ensure the LSAT is focused on the right skills. Law school faculty members who participate in these studies consistently rate all the skills assessed by the LSAT as those most essential to success in law school and legal practice. LSAC also uses reports from the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) and the American Bar Association (ABA), along with focus groups of students and law school faculty, to ensure the LSAT assesses the most relevant skills.
How does LSAC ensure that the test is fair?
Every LSAT question is subjected to rigorous external expert review and field testing to ensure it is free from any form of bias and fair to every group of test takers; any question that shows any racial, ethnic, or gender bias in field testing is rejected and never used in actual scored testing. Additionally, LSAC believes standardized assessments should be only one important component in a holistic admission process. Properly used, the LSAT can be a tool for enhancing diversity, providing opportunity for students from minoritized groups, as well as those from different social and economic backgrounds. The LSAT provides a way for every student to demonstrate their skills, regardless of what undergraduate institution they attended or other forms of privilege.