Your Use of Welsh Government Trade Marks

Welsh Government
[Private] Cardiff, Wa, CF10 3NQ, GB Sent on COUNTRY: GB 🇬🇧
Crocels Community Media Group
[Private] Swansea, Wa, SA1 9NN, GB Received on

Re: Unknown

Sent via: Letter

Notice Type:
Action taken:
Alleged Infringement

The Welsh Ministers are the proprietors of a number of UK registered trade marks and own the
copyright and registered trade mark rights in relation to the following:
1. UK registered trade mark number [REDACTED] for the logo featuring the names 1 communities
first/ cymunedau yn gyntaf;
2. UK registered trade mark number [REDACTED] for the Welsh Government dragon logo;
3. UK registered trade mark number [REDACTED] for the Welsh Government name and dragon
4. Any logo featuring the Welsh Assembly Government name and dragon logo (see also 2
collectively the "Trade Marks".
We enclose for your information details of the relevant trade mark registrations.
We note that your website (the "Website") currently features the Trade
Marks in a "supporters" (previously "sponsors") section of the Website.
The Trade Marks belong to the Welsh Government. We do not authorise nor permit general use of
the Trade Marks and any permitted use must adhere to our branding guidelines. You do not have
permission from the Welsh Government to use the Trade Marks on the Website or in relation to the
activities portrayed on the Website. The receipt by you of any Welsh Government funding in relation
to matters other than the Website does not amount to an implied permission to use the Trade Marks
on the Website.

Your use of the Trade Marks on the Website is likely to cause confusion in the minds of the public
that the Website is associated with the Welsh Government, contrary to section 10 of the Trade
Marks Act 1994. Such use also suggests that the Welsh Government is endorsing the Website and
the activities featured on it when it is not. The continued use of the Trade Marks on the Website is
likely to cause damage to the Welsh Government's reputation.
Please therefore remove the Trade Marks from the Website immediately.
If we do not see that the Trade Marks have been removed from the Website by 4pm on Friday 9th
December 2016 we shall refer this matter to our external legal advisors and instruct them to take all
necessary steps to stop this unauthorised use of the Trade Marks without further notice to you.
We recommend that you seek independent legal advice in relation to this letter.

Mark Registration Number

GB2356260, GB2356262, GB2356262

Welsh Government , government , trademarks
United Kingdom , Wales