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Our Services

Jesus said that He will build His church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it (Matthew 16:18). The word church means a gathered community set apart for His mission. In Maranatha, we believe in setting aside our Sabbath day to be holy by resting from our work and exalting God through gathered corporate worship. We gather every Sunday at 10:30 am to praise God, receive God's Word, encounter God's presence and partake in biblical fellowship. Join us today!

Our Main English Service: 

Every Sunday from 10:30 am to 12 noon.

LHK2, #07-03 (Lift Lobby 2)

We also have concurrent online service if you can't join us onsite.

Refresh Youth!

Youths are at a critical age where they begin to either own their faith or drift away due to the many distractions of life. Refresh Youth ministry create platforms for them to experience God and build their faith in the midst of biblical friendships. They will get to serve God to develop their strengths and leadership in local and overseas context.

Refresh youth service happens every 10:30 am on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month onsite at the youth hall at #07-04. Youths are encouraged to attend the main service on the 1st and 3rd Sunday to experience intergenerational worship.

DC Kids!

Jesus ministered to children and says that the Kingdom of God belongs to them. Discoverer’s Club (DC) Kids is a ministry that seeks to partner with parents and family to nurture the next generation in the ways of the Lord. We believe in helping kids have a genuine relationship with God and character formation through creative Bible stories in a faith-filled community.

DC Kids! Service is held onsite alongside adult onsite services at 10:30 am every Sunday at #07-04.



76 Playfair Road, LHK 2 Building,

#07-03/04, Singapore 367996

(Lift Lobby 2)

WhatsApp: +65 98300465

Email: [email protected]

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