List of Super Mario World (television series) quotes

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This is a list of quotes from the Super Mario World television series, listed in alphabetical order.

Dino Riders[edit]


  • "What dis?"
  • "Oh, you wanna be a biker, kid?"
  • "You know Marios?!"
  • "Dino dork be ticket to fine city!"
  • "Social group, Rockman!"
  • "Yoshi leave mark on society!"
  • "No eat! Paint wall!"
  • "Now, big test, Yosh-man!"
  • "Yoshi do good! Welcome, Yoshi Dino Rider! Yoshi official member in bad standing!"
  • "Dino Riders talk to Mario Bros.! Teach 'em treat Yoshi right!"
  • "This our chance to grab Marios! Strike deal with Koopa!"
  • "You tell Marios, meet at Tar Pit Milk Bar! Dino Riders straighten Marios out!"
  • "We give Marios to King Koopa!"
  • "Koopa pay many coins for Marios! Yoshi big dope! Help Dino Riders cash in!"
  • "Dino Riders take linguini losers to Koopa!"
  • "Last meal, plumber men!"
  • "Goomba quiche! Lulu make!"
  • "It's Yoshi wimp! Get him!"
  • "Koopa reward gone!"


  • "You cute! Like be Lulu's main man? Ride motorcycle, dino babe?"
  • "Lulu fix everything! You like ride in side cart?"
  • "First, Yoshi pass initiation. Yoshi prove worthy to be Dino Rider."
  • "Is deal! Go, Dino Riders!"
  • "Yoshi no wimp, Yoshi mega wimp!"
  • "Give Lulu break, Yoshi! Prove worthy be Dino Rider! Throw Bob-omb!"
  • "Cool out, Rock! We eat no pasta men!"
  • "Dino Riders eat Yoshi wimps for breakfast! Plumbers for dessert!"
  • "Lulu fingernail polish gone!"


  • "We got runaway, Duke!"
  • "King Koopa offer bodacious reward for plumber bozos!"
  • "Hmm, maybe we make member of ga-"
  • "Yoshi wimp."
  • "No, THROW Bob-omb!"
  • "I fix Mario's plumbing! Lunchtime!"
  • "Hey! What's gone?"

Evil dinosaur[edit]

  • "ROAR!!! Mmmm! good! Eat!"
  • "ROAR!!! We eat plumber, too!"


Gopher Bash[edit]

  • "♪ Oh, when there's underhanded evil to be done, to be done, then Cheatsy's life becomes a lot of fun, lots of fun! ♪" - second line during the "Cheatsy's Life" song
  • "♪ Oh, when there's underhanded evil to be done, to be done, then Cheatsy's life becomes a happy one, happy one! ♪" - fourth line during the "Cheatsy's Life" song

King Koopa[edit]

The Wheel Thing[edit]

  • "Fantastic! And what is it?"
  • "But what makes it go?"
  • "What seatbelt?"
  • "Ouch! Slow down, Kooky!"
  • "Got any other brighter ideas, Kooky?"

Send in the Clown[edit]

  • "Come one, come all, to the Koopaling Bros. Circus: The Greatest Show on Dinosaur Land! Ya don't know what a circus is? Then now is the time to find out! Cave People, free of charge! Two for the price of none! Such a deal! Hurry, hurry, hurry right this way!"
  • "This is easier than talking Kootie Pie into a shopping spree!"
  • "Right this way, boys! You are about to enter this Warp Pipe and leap into a dimension beyond space and time!"
  • "Right into a Cave People Casserole for my ravenous dinosaurs!"
  • "Time-out in the tongue department, Big Mouth! Bring on the clowns!"
  • "I never knew Big Mouth had a sense of humor!"
  • "I'll take that!"
  • "Quick! Block the entrances!"
  • "The dinosaurs are having YOU for dinner!"
  • "Are my dinosaurs in for a treat! Kinda high in cholesterol, but I'm sure they can handle it!"
  • "A circus isn't a circus without a dinosaur-taming act!"
  • "Big Mouth, bring on the dinosaurs!"
  • "Quick! Stop him!"
  • "I wouldn't do that, plunger face! Not if you wanna see your precious Princess again!"

The Night Before Cave Christmas[edit]

  • "Cave Christmas? What's that pipe-squeezer up to now? It's the hottest day in the year!"
  • "See, Bully? They're cutting a Christmas tree!"
  • "Don't worry, Bully! I have a plan!"
  • "You're gonna wait a long time, Princess! 'Cause these toys are goin' to my Koopa Kids on Koopa Christmas morning!"
  • "Are those cave kids gonna whimper when they find out I Kooped all their toys! Merry Koopa Christmas, boys and girls!"
  • "My Koopalings will be so happy when they see all the wonderful presents I stole for 'em!"
  • "YOU!? What are you doing in my bag of toys, cave creep?"
  • "Wrong, prehistoric punk! They're mine!"
  • "Give it back! That's for Bully!"
  • "Have a Merry Cave Christmas, bone-brain! Remember, Oogtar spelled backwards, is Ratgoo!"

King Scoopa Koopa[edit]

  • "8 Egg Scoopa Koopas comin' up! Cook 'em good! No one likes runny eggs, dino-brain!"
  • "Hey! Don't forget the Special Scoopa Sauce! A little scoop will do you!"
  • "Hurry up with those fries!"
  • "Hey, no eating the profits! I'll take it outta your pay!"
  • "Shake it up! Time is money!"
  • "What a deal! Not only will I make Egg Scoopa Koopa addicts out of those silly Cave People and make myself filthy-rich at the same time, just wait till they discover the side effects! Those birdbrains will never know what hit 'em!"
  • "You little dino-dweeb! Whaddaya think this is, a charity operation? I'll make Special Scoopa Sauce outta you!"
  • "18 smackeroos, flange-face! Absolutely no credit to actors, writers, or plumbers!"
  • "Well, I call it more ways than one! Wait till the calories start piling up in his waistline!"
  • "That's not rat you smell, that's my Special Scoopa Sauce! Here! Complements o' the chef!"
  • "Patience, my little chickadees! Egg Scoopa Koopas for everyone! Cash in advance, of course!"
  • "Look at those dumb clucks hand over their life savings for a few brief moments of mouthwatering bliss. Hmm...but what am I gonna do when all my paying customers have turned into useless Chickadactyls? Koopa, you capitalistic fiend, you're a genius! I'll open up Flew the Koopa's Fried Chickendactyl Stand! Fortune number 2, comin' up! Like they say, you can't be too rich, or...too evil!"
  • "You and who else, plumb-dumb? My customers and employees might not agree with you! One more day and it'll be too late! Your friends will go from the fried egg to the fryer, and the next stop is the frying pan!"
  • "Let's see some hustle! Move it!"
  • "Don't egg me on, Mario!"
  • "Yeowch! I think it's time to take the money and run!"

Gopher Bash[edit]

  • "If those cave cretins succeed in growing their own food, I'll never be able to subjugate 'em!"
  • "We can start a famine! The cave people would have to come to me for food! It's brilliant! Glad I thought of it! I'll leave the details in good claws! If those cave louts get anything growing, I'm counting on you to plantnap it!"

Rock TV[edit]

  • "Hmmm... I haven't done anything really rotten in a long time! Not since yesterday. There must be some truly, totally depraved, evil, insidious scheme I can use to take advantage of those stupid Cave People. Lemme think. What did I learn in the Real World?"
  • "What's the one thing most likely to rock people's minds and reduce their brains to mashed potatoes? I remember now! Television!"
  • "But there's no TV here in the Stone Age; It hasn't been invented yet! ...Or has it!?"
  • "Hurry it up there! I gotta go on right away!"
  • "Hi, everybody! I'm Robbie Rockwell, and I'm here today to tell you about Rock TV!"
  • "You say, 'What that?' I'm glad you asked! On Rock TV, friends, you can watch all kinds of wonderful shows!"
  • "Great shows like...'Mr. Koopa's Neighborhood!'"
  • "We've got the World Dinosaur Wrestling Federation!"
  • "Okay, okay! Next time, we'll have the real thing. How about this? Totally hip...Rock Rock TV!"
  • "With stars like, Vanilla Ice Age!"
  • "Now, here's the really big news: You can enjoy all this, on your very own Rock TV, in your very own cave!"
  • "You ask how? You ask how much? You can own your own Koopasonic Rock TV, and it's all yours for a measly 10 coins down...and a coin a minute."
  • "Next!"
  • "Clams, coins, cold socks, we're givin' 'em away! Here's your Rock TV, sir! Have a nice day!"
  • "Ah, you'll have to get on the waiting list. It'll be a few thousand years! In the meantime, just add money, kick back, and enjoy!"
  • "Next!"
  • "And now it's time for everybody's favorite Koopaerobics show, 'KOOPA SEZ!'"
  • "Alright, everybody! Koopa Sez, up on your feet! It's time to trim all that ugly fat!"
  • "Now... Koopa Sez jump up and down and kick your legs around!"
  • "C'mon, you lazy cave potatoes! Koopa Sez, cluck like a Chickadactyl!"
  • "Don'tcha love it? Hey, and now, here's a real special game Koopa wants everybody to play! Listen up real good!"
  • "Koopa Sez, everybody go to the Dome Castle, and get Mario and Luigi, and bring them to me!"
  • "Ah, my fine flushing fools! You are two lucky plumbers! You're gonna be TV stars!"
  • "All-Star Prehistoric Tag-Team Wrestling!"
  • "Top THIS, turkey-mouth!"
  • "Ladies and gentlemen! The Mindless Mario Bros.!"
  • "OH NO!!!"
  • "You think maybe you could eat a little faster?"

A Little Learning[edit]

  • "You will NOT go to school! No lizard of mine is going to learn good citizenship!"
  • "NO!!! You will grow up to be sneaky twofaced cheating illiterates, just like your dad!"
  • "Lying? Of course! An excellent trait! No school! Understand?"
  • "Sure is quiet around here! I wonder where Hip and Hop are?"
  • "Well, whatever they're doing, I hope they're up to no good! Think I'll take a look around!"
  • "Hip! Hop! Where are you?"
  • "Dawdling dinosaurs! When will those awful offspring of mine learn to pick up their...pipes?"
  • "The Warp Pipe to Dome City? I wonder... Only one way to find out!"
  • "I knew it! The little scalebaits snuck off to school!"
  • "Neither do you! When I get you and your brother home..."
  • "HIP!!! HOP!!! GET ME OUTTA HERE!!! I'LL SEND YA TO SCHOOL!!! Gladly..."

Mama Luigi[edit]

  • "MY THRONE! MY THRONE ROOM!!! You'll pay for this, plumbers! GET THEM!!!"
  • "That dino-twerp is eating me out of house and home!"
  • "I can build another castle, but you can't build another princess! Without this key, you'll never find her!"
  • "I'll be back! And when I do, that little monster of yours is goin' on a crash diet!"


  • "Hey, kids! The circus is in town! Come one, come all to King Koopa's Big-Top Dinosaur Show! We've even got a flying clown head, and if you don't know what that is, you better tune in!" - "Send in the Clown" preview from Captain N: The Game Master
  • "I'm back! And so is Captain N and Super Mario Bros. World!" - "We're back!" bumper from Captain N and the New Super Mario World

Koopa Kids[edit]

Big Mouth Koopa Jr.[edit]

Send in the Clown[edit]

  • "Not here, Kootie Pie! Use your head for something BESIDES makeup! Those faucet fixers might see us! They got eyes everywhere! They got ears too, so keep it quiet! We don't want THEM at our circus, we just want Cave People like Papa Koopa said! Then the more, the better! And furthermore-"
  • "Come one and come all, to the greatest circus of them all! The Koopaling Bros. Circus! Greatest show in Dinosaur Land! Because of me, Big Mouth, the greatest ringleader of them all! Master tamer of dangerous dinosaurs! Mastermind of the amazing Mechkoopas! Lord of all he surveys! Purveyor of-"
  • "Oh, the brave klutzes! I am not part of your stupid act! I am the ringmaster! The greatest ringmaster of them at the greatest circus of them all! I am your fearless leader! Your master of hope and ceremony! I am to be treated with-"
  • "...Respect!"
  • "I don't! Come back here, you poor silliness perambulator! You negligent nudnik! You-"
  • "On to the next act, folks! There'll be lots of audience participation! Fun for all, and all for fun! The time of your life! The LAST time of your life!"
  • "Have a good time! Have a nice day! Sayonara! So long! Ciao! See ya later, alligator! Ciao! Bon voyage! Hasta la vista! Be sure to write!"

Rock TV[edit]

  • "Welcome to All-Star Prehistoric Wrestling! A splendid gladiatorial spectacle! A fight to the finish! In this corner, in the pink and purple trunks, with the orange ruffles, weighing in at 90,000 pounds each, the totally-terrible toothsome, titanic, thunderous, thumping, throttling, towering, thrusting, threatening, top-heavy, top-notch, top-flight, tip-toe, tip-top, top-tip-"
  • "Wait! I am just about to finish! Finish big... BIG finish! In this corner, the Tyrannosaurus Twins! A totally terrific twosome, a terrifying, tenacious, two-fisted-"
  • "Thank you! Thank you! And in this corner, from the bucolic borough of Brooklyn, in that rollicking Real World, these two fat fumbling, faucet-fixing freaks, those forever foolish fur-brained, fishhead...fishhead? Uh, foolish, flabby, fudge-eating- Yaaaaahhhhhh!!!"

The Yoshi Shuffle[edit]

  • "Yooooouuuu're looking live at the Koopa Dome, where football is played the way it was meant to be played, in a dark, damp, and dusty dungeon!"
  • "Welcome to today's game, featuring those bad boys of the Neon Castle, The Koopa Karcass Krunchers, vs. the Dome-Heads: Mario and Yoshi, who by the way don't seem to have any fans of attendance!"
  • "And before I forget, we would like to extend a SPECIAL welcome to Mario's brother, Luigi! Without his presence as a football, none of this would be possible!"
  • "Today's game will be refereed by honest Cheatsy Koopa! It's not easy being a referee... Sure, Cheatsy might let a lotta penalties go unnoticed, but ya HAVE to let them play the game! Cheatsy is so unbiased that, in a gesture of good will, Mario and Yoshi will start the play!"
  • "So it'll be first and ten, but it might as well be fourth and long because it's now or never, it's do or die, and it's sudden death if that egg breaks open! Boy, that missed extra point sure looms big now! All the excitement's building now folks and-"


"It's first and ten, and the Koopas have the ball! But this isn't any ordinary ball! It's an egg named Luigi! He's been turned into an egg, and here's the kicker: we're gonna crack him up! Hut, two, three, hike! It's bye-bye, Luigi!" - NBC promo for "The Yoshi Shuffle"

Bully Koopa[edit]

The Night Before Cave Christmas[edit]

  • "I want one, King Dad!"
  • "This Santa Claus only brings presents to good children? What kinda wimp is he?"
  • "When I get my claws on Santa, I'll turn him into Christmas pudding!"

The Yoshi Shuffle[edit]

  • "King Dad will love me, uh, us, even more if we bring him Luigi!"
  • "(with Cheatsy) Mario?!"
  • "Let's get 'em both!"
  • "Sorry, dino-dud! Luigi got changed into an egg! I saw it!"
  • "AWWW, SHUT UP!!! We'll never get started!"
  • "Now THAT'S not fair!"
  • "Yeah! I'm tryin' to put you down under; 6 FEET down under!"
  • "No good! You were out of bounds!"
  • "I'll leave footprints, alright...on their faces! CHAAAAARGE!!!"

Cheatsy Koopa[edit]

Gopher Bash[edit]

  • "This is badder than bad, Dad! This is baddest!"
  • "Unless, oh radiant reptile of repulsiveness, we stole all the crops!"
  • "I will be ever vigilant, oh perfidious parent of peevishness!"
  • "Rats! If they can't grow crops, I'll have nothing to steal!"
  • "You'd think these dodos were working for me!"
  • "At last, my time has come! Let's show those plumbers how much pull we have, boys!"
  • "Ohhhhh, how mean of us to take away all their food!"
  • "So we'll leave 'em a little surprise, and see who ends up being dinner!"
  • "MOVE 'EM IN!!!"
  • "What's happening up there!?"
  • "Don't just help him! Stand there!"
  • "GET HIM DOWN!!! NOOOW!!!"
  • "Listen to me, you pathetic pea-brained problem-producing plumbers! You'll never see your crops again!"
  • "The only way you guys are gonna eat, is by shopping at the Koopamart! So long, suckers!"
  • "Good work, my bucktoothed battalion! In fact, better than good! This is splendiferous! The cave people will have to buy their crops back from me, or go hungry!"
  • "Oh, Cheatsy! Is there anyone more despicable than you?"
  • "♪Oh, when Koopa sees a chance for some real mischief, when there's the blackest of evil to be done, he smiles and then says, 'Cheatsy, just go to it!', then Cheatsy's life becomes a lot of fun! ♪" - first line during the "Cheatsy's Life" song
  • "♪ If you want to cheat a family of their mortgage, if you want to put some grandma on the street, then I'm the one that has the plan, I know how to do it. Oh, Cheatsy's got the schemes that can't be beat. ♪" - third line during the "Cheatsy's Life" song
  • "♪ If the idea is to take someone's life savings, if you wanna steal a little boy's last dime, then I'm the one that you should all be calling, I'll do the job no matter what the crime! ♪" - fifth line during the "Cheatsy's Life" song
  • "I hate those plumbers..."

The Yoshi Shuffle[edit]

  • "Football? So THAT'S their little game! We'd better tell King Dad!"
  • "Wow! Luigi's been turned into an egg! Let's grab it!"
  • "(with Bully) Mario?!"
  • "I can't believe they jumped in the Warp Pipe that leads right to the Neon Castle!"
  • "Take these prisoners to the dungeon! While WE decide decide what to do with Luigi the Egg!"
  • "Yup! In fact, I'm going to go tell King Dad, right now!"
  • "Oh, King Daaaaaad! I have a big surprise for you! How does Eggs Luigi sound for lunch?"
  • "Maybe the fact that I have captured the Super Mario Bros., will wake you up?"
  • "What was that? You say that as long as you're asleep, I'M in charge? I can do whatever I want with Mario and Luigi? Hahahahaha! Thanks, King Dad!"
  • "It's time to have a little fun in the great Koopa tradition! We're challenging Mario and the dino-dweeb to a game of football! Also making his first appearance as a football, and probably his last, will be Luigi the Egg!"
  • "I am the emperor of eavesdropping!"
  • "Objection overruled!"
  • "Aww, who cares? You didn't get a first down. So it's the Koopas's egg!"
  • "Get back here! That's a 5-yard penalty for excessive demonstration!"

Hip Koopa[edit]

A Little Learning[edit]

  • "...a blast!"
  • "Let's..."
  • "...King Dad!"
  • "...lying!"
  • "(with Hop) Yes, King Dad!"
  • "...lying is an excellent trait!"
  • "(with Hop) And to the repulsiveness for which he stands, one Koopa, underground, reprehensible, with lizards and Goombas for all!"
  • " school!"
  • "...doesn't want us to!"
  • "But, we thought-"
  • "...this wimpy game!"
  • "Hey, cave-klutz! Try dodging this!"
  • "Now, this is..."
  • "Zeroing in on target!"
  • "(with Hop) ...1!"
  • "Hey! Where's my-"
  • "Or, cross Oogtar..."
  • "(with Hop) ...and get Oogli!"
  • "Oogli's in for a surprise tomorrow..."
  • "Now to make our volcano..."
  • "(with Hop) I love school!"
  • "And she hasn't seen..."
  • "Remember how it goes?"
  • "I tap twice,..."
  • "This is a volcano!"
  • "You can NEVER predict exactly when a volcano is going to erupt!"

Hop Koopa[edit]

A Little Learning[edit]

  • "School looks like..."
  • "...go!"
  • "Aww, come on,..."
  • "You forgot..."
  • "(with Hip) Yes, King Dad!"
  • "Like King Dad said,..."
  • "(with Hip) And to the repulsiveness for which he stands, one Koopa, underground, reprehensible, with lizards and Goombas for all!"
  • "We wanna go..."
  • "Except King Dad..."
  • "Time to heat up..."
  • "!"
  • "5...4...3...2... (with Hop) 1!"
  • "...with broccoli..."
  • "(with Hip) ...and get Oogli!"
  • "...when his eggabaga turns out to be...a Piranha mama!"
  • "...a real blowout!"
  • "(with Hip) I love school!"
  • "...the best of it!"
  • "You tap once, I turn it a little!"
  • "...I give ya the works!"
  • "King Dad! You don't belong here!"
  • "Give us a chance! We're doing an experiment even you'd be proud of!"
  • "You mean it's a holiday?"

Kooky von Koopa[edit]

The Wheel Thing[edit]

  • "Good idea, Mario... Great idea... In fact, just the idea I needed to conquer the Dome City!"
  • "Thank you, Marios! You've inspired me to create my most monstrous invention ever!"
  • "Help me with my brilliant invention! Today, the Dome City...TOMORROW, THE WORLD!!!"
  • "Mega Mechanasaur; Big-Feet for short."
  • "The Kooky key to any door!"
  • "A genuine cave-patch doll!"
  • "All aboard, King Dad!"
  • "Fasten your seatbelt! It's going to be a bumpy ride!"
  • "Later, King Dad! Gotta finish the KOOKY VON KOOPA MEMORIAL FREEWAY!"
  • "Uh, fasten your seatbelt?"

Kootie Pie Koopa[edit]

Fire Sale[edit]

  • "The thing I love most about my new palace is that all these lovely ice mirrors let me see myself everywhere I look! What I don't like about my ice palace, IS THAT IT'S FREEZING!!! I'm so cold that I have ice on my feet! I'm painted blue, and I hate that! I hate being cold! I think it's horrible! I think it stinks! I, think that YOU'D better do something about it before I LOSE MY TEMPER!!! I WANNA BE WARM!!! I WANT HEAT!!! I WANT FIRE!!! I WANT IT!!! I WANT IT!!! IIIIII WAAANT IIIIIIT!!!"
  • "AND, most of all...I WANT IT NOOOOOW!!! We're gonna go to Dome City and get Mama Fireplant. And bring her back here!"
  • "I, am NEVER gonna be cold AGAIN!"
  • "You're coming with me, you stupid sprout!"
  • "We'll see about that, ya hotheaded water-cultural heap!"
  • "Mama! You've been puttin' on weight!"
  • "Nooooow, this is more like it!"
  • "They can buy fireballs from ME! I'll have a fire sale! I'll be rich! Now, let's have more heat, or I'll know what pesky herb is gonna end up in the frozen food section!"
  • "How about a swimming lesson? I hate it when people try to steal back what I've already stolen!"
  • "GET ME OUT OF HERE!!! IT'S FREEZING!!! I've never been this cold in my life! Are you listening to me?! I'm turning blue again! I hate blue! I hate cold! It's not fair!"


  • "Ice Land's my favorite part of Dinosaur World, but it's so cold I just had to borrow Mama Fireplant to keep warm, and now Mario is trying to spoil my fun! IT'S NOT FAIR!!!" - "Fire Sale" preview from Captain N: The Game Master

Koopa Wizard[edit]

The Yoshi Shuffle[edit]

  • "Hey, watch where you're going, ya egghead!"
  • "You are!"
  • "So, whaddaya have to say NOW, egghead?"


Fire Sale[edit]

  • "Mmmm! A barbecue! I can taste it already! Dino Dogs! Bronto Burgers!"
  • "Just for that, my ravenous reptile? You can go see Mama Fireplant and bring back some fireballs to start the barbecue!"
  • "Maybe we should file a missing plant report!"
  • "Uh, sorry, big brother! I slipped on that melting ice."
  • "Uh, Mama Fireplant was defrosting her freezer."
  • "The last time I saw ice, was in Ice Land. Maybe the kidnappers took her there!"
  • "Are you sure this'll take us there?"
  • "You said it, big brother!"
  • "In a minute!"
  • "What kept you?"

The Wheel Thing[edit]

  • "Yeah! Like what?"
  • "How many more of these wheels do we have to invent, Mario? I'm tired!"
  • "Ugh, they're too heavy!"
  • "So much for progress... Bon appetito, Yoshi!"
  • "Be my guest!"
  • "Wha?! Give it here, you ravenous reptile!"
  • "And a sense of balance! WHOOOA! WE GOT WHEELS!"
  • "Hehehehey! I'm stylin'!"
  • "Mario! Maybe we should've invented driver's education first!"
  • "Ohhhh. Your turn as traffic cop, Mr. Fender-Bender. And uh...if only Yoshi would stop nibbling on the stop signs? It's a nightmare out there! Yeesh!"
  • "Sure, they're catching alright!"
  • "I think they blame us!"
  • "Good thing you had your emergency pizza stash with ya, Mario!"
  • "What does she say?"
  • "Does that mean what I tink it means?"
  • "Check!"
  • "Potholes?"
  • "Yeah! A few thousand!"

Send in the Clown[edit]

  • "Hey! 30-love, Princess! That fire plant serving machine sure was a good idea!"
  • "Ball boys don't eat the balls. They pick 'em up!"
  • "Give up, Mario! She's whooping ya bad!"
  • "Yeesh! Forget it, Mario! It's outside!"
  • "(with Mario and Princess Toadstool) NO!!!"
  • "'KOOPALING BROTHERS CIRCUS.' Oh no! Koopa's at it again!"
  • "What's Koopa up to? He never does anything like this without a reason!"
  • "It's a trap!"
  • "Poor dinosaur! He doesn't know the indigestion he's in for. Hey! You still have that Fire Flower?"
  • "Good job, bro!"
  • "Way to go, Mario! You sure cooked his casserole!"

Ghosts 'R' Us[edit]

  • "That's right, Mario!"
  • "Phew! I thought you were a ghost!"
  • "Those we're not so crazy about!"
  • "Well, I'm afraid he's got a point there, Princess."
  • "We're trapped like hairballs in a...lint filter!"
  • "Great! But who's gonna rescue you?"
  • "(with Mario) Wisen-whatever!"
  • "It worked! We're back in Dome City!"

The Night Before Cave Christmas[edit]

  • "It's not just him, look!"
  • "Hey, you mean like Christmas? You popped your plunger, big brother. It's the middle of August!"
  • "Oogtar, I know you're there!"
  • "Out!"
  • "Uh, not exactly."
  • "Uh, don't try wearing it in Brooklyn!"

King Scoopa Koopa[edit]

  • "Neither do you, unless you're in trouble!"
  • "Hmm...egg! Teesh! Delish!"
  • "Mmmm! It's a good thing you don't like eggs, Mario. Means more for me! These Egg Scoopa Koopas are fabuloso!"
  • "My sentiments exactly, Yoshi! How about another round, brother-meo?"
  • "(acting like a chicken) Bawk! Luigi hungry!"
  • "(as a Chickadactyl) Boy, am I hungry."
  • "(as a Chickadactyl) Boy, am I excited!"
  • "(as a Chickadactyl) You make Luigi mad!"
  • "(with Chickadactyl Yoshi) What?!"
  • "Yeah, well that makes two of us, kiddo! Hey, pass the veggies please, Mario!"

Born to Ride[edit]

  • "Check."
  • "Check."
  • "Hey, nice technique!"
  • "Hey, if this works, we can install a shower!"
  • "Hey! That's not food! It's plumbing!"
  • "Down the drain!"
  • "Well, not since we scolded him for eating the bamboo plumbing."
  • "Yeah, he's a tough little guy!"
  • "(*with Mario*) A GANG!?"
  • "We're gonna stick out like sore thumbs!"
  • "(*with Mario*) Phew!"
  • "(*with Mario*) KING KOOPA?!?!"
  • "Hey! This looks delicious! What is it?"
  • "Mario! It's hopeless!"
  • "Tada! It's ready, Princess!"

Party Line[edit]

  • "Brother, I see what you mean!"
  • "Ooh! That smarts!"
  • "What we really need is emergency number to call!"
  • "That's the biggest dinosaur I've ever seen!"
  • "Why coconuts?"
  • "Sorry! I have a coconut in my ear!"
  • "Okay! Hello? Mario! Are you there?"
  • "Yeesh! Congratulations, Alexander Graham Mario! Speak to me!"
  • "Mario! Are you there?"
  • "Darn! Somebody put me on hold!"
  • "Gee, I hope everyone doesn't decide to reach out and touch someone at the same time!"
  • "I thought air pollution was bad, but vine pollution?!"
  • "Well, they might talk less if we sent them a phone bill!"
  • "If they don't tend their crops, they don't eat! If they don't eat, they'll starve! It could be the end of Cave People kind!"
  • "Woooooo! They're everywhere!"
  • "I don't have any coins!"
  • "Why do I feel guilty about this?"
  • "HELP!!! Caterpillar attack!"
  • "Yeesh! It's busy!"
  • "That'll solve the phone problem!"
  • "Wait! Floating blocks!"
  • "Mario!"
  • "Alright! Invincible Luigi at your service! Time to kick some caterpillar!"
  • "Pest control! You called?"
  • "These'll be the first caterpillars in orbit!"
  • "Liftoff!"
  • "It's that big pile of scales again! And he looks even hungrier than before!"
  • "This is our big chance to get things back to normal!"
  • "By tomorrow, they'll have forgotten they ever had a phone system!"

Gopher Bash[edit]

  • "Well, what do ya think, guys?"
  • "Sure, they're gonna love it! Right, guys?"
  • "Right! First, we learn how to plow!"
  • "All you gotta do, is make a straight line! Go, Yoshi!"
  • "It's a cinch!"
  • "Hey, see? Nothing to it!"
  • "Hey! Planting is simple! It's just putting things in the ground!"
  • "Assuming it...gets to the ground."
  • "You guys can put stuff in the ground, can'tcha?"
  • "Maybe this isn't gonna be so easy!"
  • "There's no way to get this wrong. Right, guys?"
  • "Now, go get some water!"
  • "Oh no! Run for your life, Yoshi!"
  • "Uh...uh... Perfect!"
  • "Hey, big brother! When that crop is in, you're gonna eat those words!"
  • "As well as some very good vegetables, I can taste 'em already! Cake carrots! Stone squash! Pebble peas!"
  • "Yeah, well, that's why I'm the tall one, little big brother!"
  • "Hey! Someone pilfered the produce!"
  • "No Piranha Plant's gonna munch Mario!"
  • "Mario, I've heard of weed killers, but killer weeds?!"
  • "Mario, we've run out of ways!"
  • "Mario! We're plant food!"
  • "Just my luck! He's hungry."
  • "Dig in, Yoshi! Smorgasbord!"
  • "Hey! Where'd they go?"
  • "It's time for our gopher bash!"
  • "No, no, they can't! Oh, Mario...I was so sure that they'd have a great crop that I told the cave people they didn't have to save berries anymore! And they didn't... They don't have any food stored for the winter... And it's all my fault!"
  • "Hey! That was close!"
  • "(*with Mario and Yoshi*) No."
  • "(*with Mario and Yoshi*) ♪ When there's something really rotten to be done, to be done, then Cheatsy's life becomes a worthwhile one, worthwhile one, that's Cheat-sy's life! ♪" - sixth and final line during the "Cheatsy's Life" song
  • "Hey! My pleasure, Mario!"
  • "Not to mention cave cabbage, stone squash, and pebble peas!"
  • "We rescued the crops, friends! And here they are!"
  • "YOSHI!!! Oh no! We'll have to plant everything all over again! Well, since you ate the whole thing, now you can do the hoe thing!"

Rock TV[edit]

  • "But there's nothing on!"
  • "How do we get one?"
  • "But a coin a minute, Mario? That's gonna add up fast!"
  • "Remember the trouble we got into with that 'Speak to Santa' hotline back in Brooklyn?"
  • "Hey, Mario. How come his lips aren't moving when he talks?"
  • "Maybe we gotta add coins!"
  • "What's that sound?"
  • "TV stars? What's the show?"
  • "It's alright! He-he wants to shake hands! He wants to be friends!"
  • "Uhuh...I'M bruised everywhere; twice!"
  • "It's not over yet!"

The Yoshi Shuffle[edit]

  • "Hey, Mario! Look what I made!"
  • "It's a football! I chiseled it!"
  • "It's even official size...but not official weight!"
  • "I GOT IT! I GOT IT!"
  • "Who's an egghead, eggface?"
  • "Uh...did I catch the ball?"

Mama Luigi[edit]

  • "Well, like they say in Brooklyn, early to bed, early to catch the worm! it the bagel?"
  • "Okay, okay! Well, it all started when Mario, the Princess and I came to Dinosaur World for a vacation."
  • "We banished King Koopa from Princess Toadstool's Mushroom Kingdom, but...he found a way, to escape into the Dinosaur World, and when we got to Dome City, the place was deserted!"
  • "Koopa Football Players grabbed the Princess!"
  • "Mario was attacked, by a Koopa Wizard...and a Magnum Bill!"
  • "And I found myself face-to-face, with a Fire Sumo!"
  • "I fell for hours!"
  • "Well, it seemed like hours... Anyway, I was falling. Nothing below me but boiling lava!"
  • "Good thing I found a magic balloon!"
  • "Luckily, a skull raft came by!"
  • "Well, these skulls were good medicine for me!"
  • "Unfortunately, they were heading straight for a lava waterfall!"
  • "I lucked out, and landed on a block ledge!"
  • "Alright, wise guy! So what happened next?"
  • "How'd you know?"
  • "Yeah, well I didn't think it was so funny."
  • "Aw, what's the matter, baby? Are ya hungry?"
  • "Uh...hi! Uh, looking for your baby? Here! Fed and burped! Ready to go!"
  • "Get back, you despicable dinovores! You're dealing with a licensed plumber here!"
  • "Hold on, Yoshisaur! I'll get us to the surface!"
  • "See, Yoshisaur? Nothing to be scared of in the water... EXCEPT THAT!!!"
  • "Hang on! We're outta here!"
  • "We're not gonna make it!"
  • "Whoa! Dolphins!"
  • "Hey! Thanks for the airlift, guys!"
  • "We gotta find Mario and Princess Toadstool! Stay here while I wring out my cap!"
  • "Hey! Where'd he go? Come back here, you scamp! It's dangerous in there!"
  • "Well, heads up, Yosh!"
  • "Look here, Yoshkins! When I tell you to stay, YOU stay!"
  • "I'm not your-"
  • "Was it something I said?"
  • "Mario! Wherever you are! HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!!!"
  • "Hey, who's telling this story? So anyway, there we were, about to become worm food!"
  • "You'll have to wait! Those caterpillars are hungrier!"
  • "Hoo, boy! This kid makes Mario look like he's on a diet! Chow down, Yoshi!"
  • "No, Yoshi! That's my brother Mario!"
  • "That'll teach ya to mess with my new little buddy, Yoshi!"
  • "Cool it, caterpillar-breath! I'm not your-"
  • "Well, then we'd better go now before I get scared just thinking about it!"
  • "No, I won't leave ya. But ya have to promise to behave yourself, and stop calling me 'mama'."
  • "And so, we found ourselves overlooking, King Koopa's Neon Castle!"
  • "Luckily, Mario was able to get us in the same way he got out! That's when the real fun started!"
  • "Yikes! Where's the light switch?"
  • "Okay, but you hold Yoshi."
  • "Hey! G-gimme a boost, Mario!"
  • "Ohhh... It's the liftoff that got me... Uh oh! Where's Yoshi!?"
  • "That's Mama Luigi to you, Mario!"
  • "Hey, good work, Yoshi! didn't swallow that key, did ya?"
  • "And so, we found ourselves back, in Dome and sound, thanks to you, Yoshi!"
  • "Good night, Yoshi!"


  • "Stay tuned! Captain N and Super Mario Bros. World will be right back!" - "We'll be right back!" bumper from Captain N and the New Super Mario World

Mama Fireplant[edit]

  • "Who's that comin' up through my floor? Well, if it isn't the gruesome girl herself!"
  • "Oh, yeah? Take this, luggin'-skins!"
  • "You think you're hot? Hahahahaha!"
  • "Put me down, you repulsive robbing reptile!"
  • "I'm gonna blister your behind! You're gettin' me steamed up, I mean it! You're gettin' me ALL STEAMED UP!"
  • "Listen, you lady-latch lizard! If you don't take me back to Dome City, the cave people will freeze!"
  • "Uh oh! I'm seaweed. Goodbye, world! We've had a hard old time!"
  • "All I gotta say is, it's great to be home. But I think the hottest thing in Dome City is my little dino hero. Honey, you can light my fire anytime!"


Fire Sale[edit]

  • "Mmmm! Stoneberry Pie!"
  • "Yoshi, you dinner-devouring dinobrat! Leave some for the rest of us!"
  • "Hah! Mystery solved! There's a Warp Tube under this crate!"
  • "Ice? Where'd that come from?"
  • "Mama Fireplant must have been kidnapped! She would never allow ice in her dome!"
  • "Do Koopa Troopas have shells? Besides, little brother, if I wasn't sure, would I do THIS?"
  • "Let's go!"
  • "I'm sure glad to have something solid under my feet again!"
  • "There's another platform below us!"
  • "Don't worry, little brother! I'll give you a hand!"
  • "You've been hittin' the linguini, Luigi!"
  • "That was a close one, little brother. Little brother?"
  • "I'll Goomba them!"
  • "Well, that's that! The only problem is- Huh? What now!?"
  • "We gotta go back and find Luigi!"
  • "Yeah, he'd do it for me!"
  • "LUIGI!!!"
  • "And lots of it! If Ice Land melts, all of Dinosaur World will be flooded, and Mama Fireplant will be extinguished forever!"

The Wheel Thing[edit]

  • "Oooh, look at that, Luigi! Those cave people work too hard! Must be something we could do to make their life easier!"
  • "I can't think of anything. I'm spinning my wheel!"
  • "Ah! I've got it!"
  • "Hold it steady, Luigi!"
  • "Take five, Luigi!"
  • "Then take two! Let's try these out on the natives."
  • "Yo! Ugga! Ooga! Surprise! Here, give your back a break."
  • "Aaaaugh! Use your head!"
  • "No, Ugga, not that!"
  • "Well, that too. Now hold on. Luigi, do you still have a spare Fire Flower?"
  • "All right, Luigi! Gimme some of that prehistoric prod!"
  • "Whoa, and I thought I was hungry all the time!"
  • "All it takes is a little Brooklyn know-how!"
  • "Behold our cave mobile assembly line, Princess! We're on a roll! The cave people are gonna have wheels before you can say Henry Ford!"
  • "Of course they are. They can't stay primitive forever. Here, check it out! Yoshi's in charge of wheel and chassis production. Looga here, handles the seats!"
  • "There's our chassis bash-em!"
  • "It's...kinda high-tech. You'll see. Now, the all-important engine-housing unit!"
  • "One Goomba-powered special."
  • "You put the pedal to the medal, and... LOOGA!!!"
  • "Heh, that's not the horn! That's the driver!"
  • "Ah, forget it! They'll catch on! Then they'll thank us!"
  • "Hey, I thought they'd catch on by now."
  • "Eh, it's all part of being civilized! Don't worry, Luigi! What are they gonna do? Banish us to the Lava Pits?"
  • "Okay, so they banished us."
  • "Aha! A message from the Princess!"
  • "Tinkety-tink... tink!"
  • "Yep! Morse code: Please come home and help the Cave People get rid of Koopa, and Kooky!"
  • "Huh. That's what HE thinks! Speed bump logs!"
  • "Traffic lights!"
  • "Railroad crossing arms!"
  • "And potholes!"
  • "So, you think we should forget about this wheel thing for a few years?"

Send in the Clown[edit]

  • "Urrrgh... Yoshi!"
  • "AFTER the ball is out of play!"
  • "Yoshi, what did we just tell you?"
  • "(with Luigi and Princess Toadstool) NO!!!"
  • "Huh? Hey, where'd all the Cave People go? The place is deserted!"
  • "We'll take the Star Path and start looking for the Cave People at Koopa's Neon Castle! This could be, a Koopatastrophe!"
  • "That one!"
  • "We gotta stop them! They're going to their doom!"
  • "Take a seat! Let's check this out before we do anything rash!"
  • "Big Mouth with his mouth shut... That's something to cheer about!"
  • "Relax! Enjoy the show! We'll find out soon enough."
  • "Not bad, Yoshi!"
  • "Dinosaurs!"
  • "NOOO!!! STOP!!!"
  • "Uhhhh, how about a chipmunk-taming act instead?"
  • "Take that, ya big lug! You do- You don't scare me!"
  • "Eeeyuch! I guess no one's invented mouthwash yet..."'
  • "How about saying grace!? A-a nice long one maybe? I know! We'll get Big Mouth to say it!"
  • "Ha! Thanks, Princess! Ya like hot 'n' spicy? Heh, try this!"
  • "I'll be back! As soon as I find a feather!"
  • "Oh no!"
  • "I'll have you out in a bang!"
  • "You Mechkoopas just got a new name: Mashedkoopas!"
  • "No more clowning around, Koopa! You're Kooped up!"
  • "Give our high-flying Princess a round of applause, folks! Send in the clown!"
  • "Oh no. While our clown gets his balance, I'll keep you entertained with my juggling act!"
  • "Hey! That's my act you're eating! Folks, meet our new star!"

Ghosts 'R' Us[edit]

  • "Don't worry, Princess. We'll find little Oogtar soon. It's almost past his bedtime."
  • "Don't be afraid, little buddy. There's not a ghost in sight. Right, Luigi?"
  • "Hey! What's the big idea, Wizen-wise guy of scaring everybody like that?"
  • "Oh, yeah? Make us!"
  • "You'll never get away with this, Wiseacre!"
  • "Wisen-whatever!"
  • "Only Yoshi can save us now."
  • "Now let's show Wisen-whatchamacallit a new magic trick: How to disappear!"
  • "(with Luigi) Wisen-whatever!"
  • "No, Oogtar!"
  • "You sure did a job in that haunted house, little buddy! I thought you were scared of ghosts!"

The Night Before Cave Christmas[edit]

  • "Stop it, you two! There's plenty for both of you!"
  • "Oogtar's impossible. All he does all day, is squabble with Yoshi."
  • "You know how everyone gets nice to each other around the holidays?"
  • "We're in Dinosaur World, Luigi! We can have a Christmas anytime we want! The Cave People don't know what doesn't come in the summer!"
  • "We'll call it, Cave Christmas!"
  • "It's a day when everyone's nice to each other!"
  • "And kids, get lots of treats!"
  • "And there's this nice guy named Santa Claus, who brings presents to all the kids who've been good!"
  • "That's right, Oogtar!"
  • "Merry Cave Christmas, everyone!"
  • "Ah, Cave Christmas Eve! Just like back home in Brooklyn, huh, Luigi?"
  • "So, what do you think?"
  • "The toys! They're gone!"
  • "Why, that contemptible corpuscle! This is low, even for Koopa!"
  • "Only one thing TO do! Go to Neon Castle, and get them back!"
  • "Oogtar! He's gonna be dino dessert if we don't save him!"
  • "Give Santa a push!"
  • "Santa is not going on a diet! Push harder!"
  • "You've got some explaining to do!"
  • "PRESENTS?! Haven't you opened ALL of Santa's presents already?"
  • "And cross Oogtar's fingers too!"
  • "Santa was a bambino, err...uh, boy once himself, Oogtar!"
  • "Right! Wings! Hold on, little buddy!"
  • "Quick, Yoshi, or we may never get outta here!"
  • "Alright, into bed, Oogtar, before Yoshi loses his wings. We still have presents to deliver all over Dome City!"
  • "Why, Oogtar, this isn't, like you!"
  • "Oogtar?"
  • "Wouldn't it be nice if every day were Christmas?"

King Scoopa Koopa[edit]

  • "Oh, not rabbit food again!"
  • "Yeah, but how come everything I don't like is good for me, and everything I do, isn't?"
  • "Hmm, speaking of Yoshi, where is he? He-he never misses lunch."
  • "Egg!? Eeeeeeyuck! But I think I know where we'll find Yoshi!"
  • "Step off, you nasty green bully! What's he owe?"
  • "18 coins?! I call THAT highway robbery!"
  • "I smell a rat here, Koopa!"
  • "You oughta try some, Princess! The shakes and fries are great!"
  • "Um, maybe he finally decided to earn an honest buck for a change, Princess!"
  • "I think he's got a gold mine here!"
  • "Let's go! I have some coins left!"
  • "Diet? Aww, Princess, anything but that! Help me up, would ya?"
  • "Oh no! We'll starve!"
  • "Princess! Lemme out! Luigi and Yoshi have flown the coop!"
  • "Just like I said, they flew the coop!"
  • "Gimme that!"
  • "That does it. We're shutting down Scoopa Koopa's before the damage is permanent!"
  • "We need a plan, quick!"
  • "Phew! Safe at last!"
  • "Eeeyuck! Do I detect a savory aroma of old gym socks?"
  • "Rotten fruit? Egg shells? must be coming out of-"
  • "We can't just bust in...they'll french fry us... We'll be sitting ducks!"
  • "Heheh, not if I beat you to the punch!"
  • "Gotta time it just right!"
  • "Ladies first?"
  • "You're next, Koopa!"
  • "This joint, is hereby closed by order of the health inspector!"
  • "And JUST to make sure..."
  • "Now go home and eat some vegetables! Dr. Mario's orders!"
  • "My pleasure! Oops! I just invented the tossed salad!"

Born to Ride[edit]

  • "Wrench."
  • "Pliers."
  • "Ehh, just a little something I picked up from watching "This Old Castle" on TV!"
  • "It's a piece of cannoli, Princess. Watch this!"
  • "Hey! It's not workin'!"
  • "STOP THAT!!! Yoshi, do you HAVE to eat everything?!"
  • "That's no excuse! All that work!"
  • "Now from now on, just stay out of our way when we're on a job, OK?"
  • "Uh, take it easy, Princess! Yoshi will pout awhile and, then forget about it."
  • "Hey, what's with the funny costume?"
  • "(*with Luigi*) A GANG!?"
  • "Just keep a low profile and we'll blend right in!"
  • "Gulp! Maybe on the other hand, we won't!"
  • "Look, we really love hanging out with you dino dudes, but we got plumbin' to do!"
  • "(*with Luigi*) KING KOOPA?!?!"
  • "You took advantage of Yoshi! He thought you were his friends!"
  • "Hey! How about some food?"
  • "Uh, how about we have our last meal a little later like, week, maybe?"
  • "Hey, the Mario Bros. NEVER give up! You never know when an idea can hit ya!"
  • "This is one time I'm thankful for your appetite, Yoshi!"
  • "Here's our ticket outta here! Move it, guys, before those Dino Riders get back on their wheels!"
  • "Yeah, me too! I-I promised I won't yell at him again."
  • "Yoshi! Not again!"

Party Line[edit]

  • "Heh, you know, Luigi, living in Dinosaur World can be bad for your health!"
  • "Yeah, trouble at every turn! See? The Cave People are always hurting themselves! Look over there!"
  • "Always having accidents!"
  • "Heh, good thing band-aids come in four sizes: Small, medium, large, and dinosaur!"
  • "That should make your dino-sore feel better, Yoshi!"
  • "Like right now, for instance!"
  • "Not to mention just plain awful!"
  • "Only trouble is, Yoshi, calling an emergency number doesn't work without a telephone!"
  • "Well, it carries sound!"
  • "I've got it! Watch this, Luigi!"
  • "Well, melons are too juicy! They drip in your ears! Here. Let's try it."
  • "Hello? Luigi? Can you hear me?"
  • "Try talking to me, Einstein!"
  • "Yes, yes, yes, I'm here!"
  • "Haha! I've DONE IT!!!"
  • "Our first payphone! Isn't it great, Luigi? Check it out! Now, if there's an emergency or an accident, the Cave People can call for help! A phone in every dome!"
  • "No way! You worry too much, Luigi!"
  • "Maybe you're right, Luigi! Princess Toadstool is getting too wrapped up in her work! This whole telephone business is getting out of hand! Look! Those vines are multiplying as we speak!"
  • "The noise pollution is worse!"
  • "Problem is, they can't read!"
  • "Ah, the payphone idea didn't work. Nothing stops them!"
  • "And now, the crops are dying from neglect, while all they do is gossip! They don't work, they don't play, they've turned junkies!"
  • "Speaking of which..."
  • "Worse than that! Caterpillar quake!"
  • "I'll fix 'em!"
  • "YIKES!!! Call the emergency number!"
  • "Do what the Cave People do! Bash the block!"
  • "You're gonna feel a lot guiltier if I end up as caterpillar chow!"
  • "Climb, Luigi! It's our only hope!"
  • "They're eating our telephone vines!"
  • "Yeah, but wh...what about our problem!?"
  • "We're trapped in these vines, the Cave People are too busy talking on the phone to help us!"
  • "They're too high to reach!"
  • "Get the Star, Luigi!"
  • "HEEEEEELP!!!"
  • "Yeah! Make these critters bug off!"
  • "What have we done!?"
  • "This is a vine state of affairs!"
  • "Or...choke us out, too!"
  • "Uh, you can say that again. All they do is quack, quack, quack! Luigi, you and the Princess warn the Cave People! I'll distract our hungry friend!"
  • "Ha ha! Call me Mario da Vinci! I just invented the Dino Copter!"
  • "These vines are going down permanently! Next time we have an emergency around here, we're going to rely on good old lung power to see us through! Uh, keep eating, Yosh!"

Gopher Bash[edit]

  • "Uh, the field's fine, but uh, I don't think the Cave People are wild about being farmers! Especially when all they have to do when they're hungry, is reach out and grab some grub!"
  • "So how's the farming going, guys?"
  • "It looks like a washout to me."
  • "Hmmm... Well, Mama always said you were good at growing."
  • "Hey! Luigi! I think I see something down there! ...I got it."
  • "RUN!!! That way!"
  • "That way!"
  • "Yeah, Luigi! The only way we can run now, is into trouble!"
  • "Cheatsy Koopa! You plant-pilfering pest!"
  • "Well, that's what YOU think, Cheat-skate!"
  • "Uhh, wait, Luigi. The cave people can go back to picking berries."
  • "We're gonna get those crops back, and no creepy Koopa is gonna louse up Luigi!"
  • "One for all..."
  • "Shh! I-I-I hear voices!"
  • "(*with Luigi and Yoshi*) No."
  • "(*with Luigi and Yoshi*) ♪ When there's something really rotten to be done, to be done, then Cheatsy's life becomes a worthwhile one, worthwhile one, that's Cheat-sy's life! ♪" - sixth and final line during the "Cheatsy's Life" song
  • "Okay, Luigi! Lighten your load!"
  • "Well, Luigi, we're bringin' home the bacon!"

Rock TV[edit]

  • "Do my eyes deceive me, or is that the biggest television set I ever saw in my life?"
  • "Maybe they forgot to plug it in!"
  • "Ahem, more important. How much?"
  • "Hmm, 10 coins down! That's cheap!"
  • "Phone bill... Amount due: $1,295.31!"
  • "Hey! That was back when we had to work for a living! Now all we have to do, is bash in a few blocks and rake in the buckaroos!"
  • "Maybe he's been watching too many cartoons. Who cares? I want my Rock TV!"
  • "10 clams-uh, uh, I mean coins!"
  • "Uh...where's the remote?"
  • "Hey! Maybe we'll see you on PBS!"
  • "Hey! Our TV's broken!"
  • "Naaah, worthless Koopa junk!"
  • "Cave People carrying clubs! They're storming the castle!"
  • "Heheh, thanks a lot, FRIENDS!"
  • "Well?"
  • "Leapin' lasagna! Luigi, look at the size of this guy!"
  • "Hey! Let's be pals! Ha! You're my kinda reptile!"
  • "LUIGI!!! WATCH OUT!!!"
  • "I don't know how these guys do it on TV without gettin' hurt! I'm...bruised everywhere!"
  • "Nice going, Princess!"

The Yoshi Shuffle[edit]

  • "Sheeeeesh! Somebody needs to teach these guys organization and teamwork!"
  • "It's a stone, Luigi. You didn't make it!"
  • "Well, what're ya waitin' for? Throw me a pass!"
  • "Hey! You've just thrown me a great idea! We'll use football to teach the cavemen organization and teamwork!"
  • "Alright, men! Let's play football!"
  • "Alright now, if you get to there, ya score a touchdown! OK? Who wants to start with the ball first?"
  • "No, Yoshi. Come back! I've gotta stop him before he clobbers Luigi!"
  • "Come back here! You're out of bounds! Come back!"
  • "Koopalings?! Uh oh! YOSHI, KEEP RUNNING!"
  • "JUMP, YOSHI!!!"
  • "Y-you mean that egg is Luigi?"
  • "My brother's been turned into an egg, and now these wretched reptiles want us to play football with my brother as the ball! I mean, what's this kingdom comin' to!? It's a longshot, Yoshi, but I'm going to diagram some plays, that just might get us outta here with Luigi!"
  • "Yoshi, you and I may not be the best football players in the world, but we have to go out there, and give it our best, and work together like a team! After all, it doesn't matter if we win or's how we play the game!"
  • "Okay, Yosh, remember our plays, and remember that we have to use teamwork! See those double doors over there? That's OUR goal line!"
  • "Hey! Wait a second! We're outnumbered! This is not fair!"
  • "Hehehe, Tough...HIKE!!!"
  • "Hey! What're ya playing, Australian rules?"
  • "Okay, but...throw it soft. And with your arm, not your tongue, yuck!"
  • "I was not! I had both feet in!"
  • "TOUCHDOWN!!!"
  • "I'm sorry, reptile-ref! This game's over! Dome-Heads 7, the Koopa Karcass Krunchers a big fat egg-shaped...0!!!"
  • "Oops! I guess we shouldn't have counted our eggs before they hatched!"
  • "Good work, team, but how'd you find us?"
  • "Alright! We're gonna use teamwork to figure out what happened to Luigi! Now spread out the line, buoyant!"
  • "Now we walk forward and look for clues, but we have to work as a team, so keep your positions!"
  • "That must be it! Yoshi, let's have that egg...I-I-I mean, Luigi!"
  • "What do you mean 'catch the ball'? You WERE the ball!"

A Little Learning[edit]

  • "The whole town's upset, Princess!"
  • "Uh, she's got a point! Uh, don't you think we should give them a chance?"
  • "Heheh, I gotta hand it to you, Princess. I still can't believe you turned Hip and Hop into good students!"
  • "Hm... How's he do that?"
  • "No problemo, Princess!"
  • "Be right back!"
  • "A little bedwarming for Papa Koopa!"

Mama Luigi[edit]

  • "I'mma comin', Luigi!"
  • "Hey! This wee dinosaur givin' you a hard time, little brother? I'll fix him for ya!"
  • "Ugh! Now I know how a meatball feels!"
  • "Eeeeyuck! I've been slobbered!"
  • "Mama? Mama Luigi?! AHAHAHAHAH!"
  • "Luigi, King Koopa has the Princess locked up in his Coney Island Disco Palace, and I fought my way out, and I've been lookin' for ya ever since! We gotta go back and rescue her!"
  • "On the ceiling! You see that block up there? You bash it, Luigi, you're taller!"
  • "Stay, Yoshi."
  • "Hey, watch the landing, Luigi!"
  • "Watch out, Luigi! These Mechkoopa robots will eat ya alive!"
  • "You didn't tell me you were bringin' a secret weapon, Luigi!"
  • "Alright, Koopa! Free the Princess, or Yoshi here, will eat your castle piece by piece until we find her!"


  • "I invented the telephone to make life easier for the Cave People, but now all they do is gab, gab, gab! When I call to them there's a dinosaur attack, the line's busy." - NBC promo for "Party Line"
  • "Dr. Mario says, Captain N and Super Mario Bros. World will return!" - "We will return!" bumper from Captain N and the New Super Mario World


Ghosts 'R' Us[edit]

  • "Me king of jungle!"
  • "Oogtar capture Yoshi!"
  • "Dino bunga! HEEEEEEEEELP!!!"
  • "Oogtar sorry! Oogtar be plant food! Oogtar goner! Help Oogtar QUICK!!!"
  • "Whoa! Yoshi eat Piranha Plant! Dino dude RADICAL cool!"
  • "You scoozed! Dino dude save Oogtar! Yoshi Oogtar's friend again?"
  • "Oogtar king of jungle! Oogtar not lost, Oogtar just...not sure where he is."
  • "Worry not, dino dude! Oogtar rescue friends!"
  • "Oogtar not afraid of ghosts, Oogtar not afraid of anything.""'
  • "Cave caterpillar!"
  • "Oogtar know hungry smile when he see one. Run for it, dino dude!"
  • "Oogtar not afraid! Oogtar not run! Oogtar jogging for health!"
  • "Is when being chased by giant hungry Oogtar-eating caterpillar!"
  • "No way, dino dude! Right now, Oogtar trade entire rock collection for one can of bug spray!"
  • "Yippee-ki-yay, man!"
  • "Way to bug off, dino bud! Why no eat him before Oogtar running?"
  • "Ooga-awesome!"
  • "This Warp Pipe lead to Wisenheimer's digs! Hopping in place, man!"
  • "Yoshi wait here. Oogtar not fraidy-cat, Oogtar eat ghosts for breakfast!"
  • "Oogtar come to rescue Princess and plumbers! Take Oogtar to dungeon!"
  • "Ooga-bummer, man!"
  • "Me come to rescue you."
  • "Use your tongue, dino dude!"
  • "Ooga-awesome!"
  • "No problemo! Oogtar break down door!"
  • "Whooooa! Oogtar find magic key!"
  • "Oogtar sorry he get friends in trouble! Yoshi brave rescue us! Way to go, dino dude!"

The Night Before Cave Christmas[edit]

  • "No way, dino-breath! Is Oogtar's!"
  • "Is not!"
  • "MY corn!"
  • "Ooga-boring, man."
  • "Hmmm... Getting better!"
  • "Only good kids?"
  • "Dino-bummer, dude!"
  • "Oogtar want!"
  • "Ooga-whoa!"
  • "Before Santa visit goody-two-foots, Oogtar get best toys!"
  • "Your bag? These MY toys, Koopa dude!"
  • "Yeah?! Watch THIS, scale-brain!"
  • "Mine now!"
  • "Ooga-bumba! Give Bob-omb to own kids? Ugh, glad you not MY dad."
  • "Uh oh! Koopa flip lizard lid!"
  • "Oogtar no want be dino food!"
  • "Way go, Santa Claus!"
  • "No time, must go bed like good cave kid, wait for Santa bring--"
  • "Me sorry! Oogtar not been good..."
  • "YOSHI NO ANGEL EITHER! Oogtar promise be good cave boy for rest of life! Cross Oogtar heart!"
  • "How Santa know?"
  • "Me know Oogtar bad, cause Santa big trouble! No deserve present, but Oogtar thankful Santa save me from dinosaur! That present enough!"
  • "'Course, if Santa want leave Oogtar present, Oogtar be very happy!"
  • "Santa no leave present for Mario! Oogtar play Santa!"
  • "Merry Cave Christmas, Mario dude!"

Party Line[edit]

  • "Bowa-tunga! Yoshi hear Oogtar?"
  • "Hey! Oogtar phone out of order! Plumbers fix phone fast! Oogtar on party line with bodacious babes!"

Rock TV[edit]

  • "Looky-doo! Come see!"
  • "Rock TV? Hey, man, what that?"
  • "Far out! Dino-bunga!"
  • "Ice Age, baby!"
  • "HEY, dumb dino-dork! No eat my Rock TV!"

A Little Learning[edit]

  • "Oogtar bring teacher!"
  • "Wormabunga, dude!"
  • "(with Princess Toadstool, Yoshi, and the other cave people) I pledge allegiance to the flag, of the United Lands of of Dinosaur World."
  • "Look bad for you, Koopa-dudes, but Oogtar know how get lizard kids on Princess good side! Here!"
  • "Fresh from Chickle Tree! Teacher dig dudes blow bubbles! Biggest bubbles best!"
  • "What?! No way, cave babe!"
  • ""Fireballs! HEEEEELP!!!"
  • "Me!? Hey, but-"
  • "Cross eggplant with rutabaga, get eggabaga!"
  • "Yeah! Make our eggabaga look like day-old stegosaurus burger!"
  • "Hey! Me get idea! Come on!"
  • "Maybe with lots of fertilizer, plant grow extra fast!"


  • "Dino-bunga! Captain N and Super Mario Bros. World will be back soon!" - "We'll be back soon!" bumper from Captain N and the New Super Mario World

Princess Toadstool[edit]

Fire Sale[edit]

  • "Yikes! There won't be anything left if you don't stop Yoshi from snack-snatching!"
  • "It's not so bad, Yoshi! You can take the bridge!"
  • "We must get her back, Mario! It's too cold! She'll die in Ice Land!"
  • "No, Yoshi. Ice is frozen water. It's solid."
  • "Next stop, Ice Land!"
  • "Oh no! Paragoombas!"
  • "Mario! The Paragoombas!"
  • "I GOT him!"
  • "Mario, pay attention! We've gotta find Mama Fireplant fast! It's so warm, look at all the slush! Ice Land is melting!"
  • "I wonder what happened to Kootie Pie?"

The Wheel Thing[edit]

  • "Uh, are you sure they're ready for this?"
  • "What's a chassis?"
  • "But...what makes them run?"
  • "It even has a horn?"
  • "Uh, I still think we're moving them forward too fast."
  • "Ooga! What's wrong?"
  • "You'd like the Marios to come back? I didn't know they were gone!"
  • "You banished them into the Lava Pits!?"
  • "Yikes! I'll get right on it!"

Send in the Clown[edit]

  • "Thank you! I tried everything! Even Fire Flowers! The fire plant was the only thing that worked! Serve!"
  • "(with Mario and Luigi) NO!!!"
  • "LOOK OUT!"
  • "I...I can't hold on!"
  • "Food for the Dinosaurs? We gotta do something!"
  • "Poor Mario!"
  • "Of course! MARIO! QUICK! CATCH!"
  • "Get 'em, Mario!"
  • "Yeah! When we get the Cave People back to Dome City, we'll have a celebration!"

Ghosts 'R' Us[edit]

  • "Where could that lost cave kid be? It seems like we've been searching the enchanted forest for hours!"
  • "Watch out, Luigi! It's the most terrible Koopa Wizard in the entire Dino World! Wisenheimer!"
  • "Yoshi's running away!"
  • "No way! That Warp Pipe leads to a haunted house!"
  • "We're not afraid of you!"
  • "We never did anything to you! Why are you holding US prisoner?"
  • "Oogtar! We've been looking all over for you!"
  • "We're free!"
  • "Nice going, guys. Now how do we get outta here?"

The Night Before Cave Christmas[edit]

  • "It's like Oogtar started an epidemic! We've gotta do something! Maybe if we can get Oogtar to be nicer, it might rub off on the others!"
  • "Remember, Yoshi! Santa Claus only brings presents to good children!"
  • "All these toys! I can't wait to see all those happy children on Cave Christmas morning!"
  • "And I know who stole them. Koopa! Look, here's one of his scales!"
  • "What are you gonna do?"

King Scoopa Koopa[edit]

  • "It's good for you, Mario!"
  • "You sound just like Yoshi!"
  • "I wouldn't put anything in my stomach that King Koopa had his dirty claws on!"
  • "Why didn't Koopa invent vitamins first and fast food second?"
  • "Ugh, this is disgusting! You've been eating nothing but King Koopa's junk food for days! Take a break!"
  • "Stop squawking! You sound like birds! You're going on a diet, all of you!"
  • "Forget it! I'm locking all of you in!"
  • "They took our treasure chest, too! did they do it? The door was locked the whole time."
  • "Right... They grew wings and flew away. Gimme a break, Mario..."
  • "You traded our treasure chest full of coins for THIS?! Shame on you!"
  • "Wings? They grew wings?"
  • "Since we can't fly, I suggest we RUN!"
  • "Lost at last is more like it... Where are we?"
  • "It's coming from over there!"
  • "Pee-yew! Stinks like that horrible Special Scoopa Sauce of Koopa's! This must be where Scoopa Koopa sends its garbage! That Warp Pipe must go into the kitchen!"
  • "Let's bash blocks! Ladies first!"
  • "Try that one up there!"
  • "Not on your life."
  • "Nuts to you, Koopa!"
  • "I'm sending you where the pecking's good! You can be free-range Chickadactyls from now on!"
  • "You and Luigi both, Yoshi!"

Born to Ride[edit]

  • "Let's just worry about getting a sink in first."
  • "Have you seen Yoshi?"
  • "You scolded him?! He's just a baby, he doesn't know any better!"
  • "Dino Riders? You joined a gang?"
  • "He'll forget the scolding, huh? Those Dino Riders are a nasty bunch of juvenile delinquents!"
  • "(whispering) Good idea! Here's your chance to straighten out this mess!"
  • "They're gone!"
  • "Come on, Yoshi! They're right behind us!"
  • "It won't fit. Besides, it belongs to the Dino Riders, unless you still wanna be part of their gang."
  • "Boy, I'm sure glad Yoshi decided to stay out of that gang!"

Party Line[edit]

  • "I saw what happened! Show me where it hurts, Yoshi."
  • "And he looks awfully hungry!"
  • "Hello, Dome Central? This is your princess speaking! Sorry, that vine is busy!"
  • "Mario! Help! I can't move!"
  • "Listen to them! A few vines go down and they go crazy! I need a break! Ugh...we have to get rid of these telephone vines before they choke out what passes for civilization around here!"
  • "The Cave People are too busy talking on the phone to notice a thing! They'll be sitting ducks!"
  • "Gosh! The Cave People even talk on their phone in their sleep!"

Gopher Bash[edit]

  • "Mario, if Luigi thinks he can teach the Cave People farming, let him try!"

Rock TV[edit]

  • "Well, count me out! Yoshi and I are going out for a nature walk!"
  • "Oh... This is terrible! Yoshi, we gotta save them! But how? If only we can find a Feather in one of those blocks, can I get up there?"
  • "Don't mention it, Mario! Thanks to us, Koopa finally gave everybody a show worth watching!"

A Little Learning[edit]

  • "Why, thank you, Oogtar!"
  • "BLECH!!! A caterpillar!"
  • "That's not funny, Oogtar! I could've eaten that worm! Inside, now! Both of you!"
  • "(with Yoshi, Oogtar, and the other cave people) I pledge allegiance to the flag, of the United Lands of of Dinosaur World."
  • "Hip, Hop, what are you doing here?"
  • "I'm sure he doesn't. You might learn how to behave yourselves."
  • "I'll be right back, class."
  • "You complain about the Koopas, but when they decide to do something to improve yourselves, you're against it!"
  • "Good! I'm sure even a Koopa can be made into a good citizen!"
  • "I don't like gum in my classroom, and this, is why!"
  • "You're new here, so I won't punish you. But from now on, no gum, unless you've got enough to share with everyone!"
  • "Now...Oogtar, I want you and Yoshi to show Hip and Hop around today!"
  • "It's that, or clean the woolly mammoth stable after school!"
  • "Good!"
  • "Outside, everyone! Time for recess!"
  • "Hang on, kids. I'll get another one!"
  • "Oogtar! I'm ashamed of you!"
  • "It's hard being a new student, Oogtar. We should make them feel at home!"
  • "From now on, I want you all to be good friends, alright?"
  • "Good! Let's all get back to the classrooms."
  • "Alright, students! We're going to have a science fair!"
  • "Welcome to Dome City's very first science fair!"
  • "And here are my judges!"
  • "Good might be stretching it, but still, I'm awfully proud of 'em! Wait till you see their project!"
  • "Hip, you want to explain your project for the judges?"
  • "Very realistic!"
  • "Here, Yoshi!"
  • "No school tomorrow, boys!"
  • "No! You're expelled...forever!"
  • "The lava's headed for the city!"
  • "What'd you do with it?"


  • "Get ready! Here comes Captain N and Super Mario Bros. World!" - "Here comes the show" bumper from Captain N and the New Super Mario World


  • "That's Wizenheimer!"
  • "This is my enchanted forest! Whoever enters it becomes my prisoners! Now, plunge yourselves into that Warp Pipe!"
  • "How do you feel about Bob-ombs? Bob-ombs!"
  • "Welcome to the dungeon of my haunted house, plumb scum!"
  • "That's WIZENheimer! WIIIIIIIZENheimer!"
  • "Because, I'm an evil Koopa Wizard! I don't need a reason to be mean and nasty. It's my nature!"
  • "Besides, I just LOVE to have people over to...hang around!"
  • "Whatever you say, cave rat!"
  • "You ridiculous runt of a reptile! I won't miss again! Take this, lizard lips!"
  • "My magic wand! Ohhhhh, without it, I'm powerless!"
  • "Gimme that wand back, you green-faced glutton!"
  • "That's WIZENheimer!"


Fire Sale[edit]

  • "Oh, sorry!"
  • "Oh, kukumba! Mama Fireplant lives on the other side of the river, AND I SCARED OF WATER!!!"
  • "Oh, bungabungabungshak! I hate water! I can do it! ...But, do I have to do it now?"
  • "Mama Fireplant in trouble! I gotta help!"
  • "I'm comin', Mama Fireplant!"
  • "I coming!"
  • "I here! But where's Mama Fireplant?"
  • "Does ice mean there's water?"
  • "Bungabungbooshka! This fun!"
  • "Oh! That means dum-dee-dum-dum...WATER!!!"
  • "Stung by Porcupinefish! That mean they won't be able to move until it wears off!"
  • "Bingabinga! It's all up to me to save Mama Fireplant!"
  • "Oh no! Water!"
  • "I gotta save her!"

The Wheel Thing[edit]

  • "Hey! I still hungry!"
  • "Oh, that look like fun! Wait for Yoshi, Luigi!"
  • "(muffled) Ooooh! That's good!"
  • "Oogabooga! I ready, and hungry!"

Send in the Clown[edit]

  • "Well, I get ball like you say!"
  • "What? Me no eat ball! You call this fun?"
  • "Well, outside court means out of play! Is Yoshi yes?"
  • "Doom? What is doom?"
  • "Oh, this doom thing definitely more fun than tennis!"
  • "Ohhhh, not bad! Deeeeeelicious!"

Ghosts 'R' Us[edit]

  • "Oh, creepity spookity scary! Yoshi hopes no ghost in enchanted forest!"
  • "Ooga! Yoshi boogie!"
  • "Yoshi big fraidy-cat! Run away from Princess and Mario friends when they need him."
  • "Now Yoshi more afraid than ever! Yoshi wish he wasn't alone!"
  • "Oh, Yoshi change mind. Yoshi wish he WAS alone."
  • "Ooh! Food!"
  • "Oh, too bad! Yoshi can't stop for snack!"
  • "Oogtar! Why you scare me?"
  • "Yoshi save Oogtar!"
  • "Mmm! Yoshi get snack after all!"
  • "Scooze me!"
  • "Oogtar friend, but plumbers and Princess worried about Oogtar! Why Oogtar lost?"
  • "Plumbers and Princess get captured by Koopa Wizard because of Oogtar!"
  • "Where Warp Pipe? Oh, Yoshi hope no ghosts inside!"
  • "Yoshi thought Oogtar not afraid of anything. Why Oogtar run?"
  • "Jogging good for health?"
  • "Humongous caterpillar gaining on Yoshi and Oogtar! Stop! I fix him."
  • "Look, Oogtar! Magic flying block!"
  • "Magic wings make Yoshi fly like dino-birdie! Oogtar ride!"
  • "Oh, yum! Yoshi catch 'em caterpillar!"
  • "Oogtar no stop, that why."
  • "Now Yoshi and Oogtar find Warp Pipe where friends disappear!"
  • "Well then if Wizenmeanie kidnap friends, he take them there. Boogie!"
  • "Oogtar not tell Yoshi Koopa Wizard live in haunted house! ...Yoshi not go in there! Yoshi too scared! Mucho ghosts inside!"
  • "Oh no! Koopa Wizard magic Oogtar!"
  • "Yoshi's friends all Koopanapped! Now only Yoshi can rescue!"
  • "Yoshi must find other way into haunted house, so Koopa Wizard don't get him too."
  • "Triangle Blockety! Oh, I so scared! Yoshi never go in haunted house before. Yoshi be brave and find friends! I go up Triangle Blockety!"
  • "Ooga! Good idea!"
  • "Mmmm, deliciscrumptious!"
  • "Well, Yoshi scared. But Yoshi get by ghosts! No problemo, plumber dudes!"

The Night Before Cave Christmas[edit]

  • "Hey! This Yoshi's barbecue mammoth rib!"
  • "Is so!"
  • "MY corn!"
  • "MY corn!"
  • "What that?"
  • "Oooohohoho! Neat treats!"
  • "Sound like Oogtar!"
  • "Santa need go on diet."
  • "G-g-g-g... GHOST!!!"
  • "Not been good? Oogtar been bad!"
  • "Ooooh! No can do! Yoshi no got wings!"

King Scoopa Koopa[edit]

  • "Huh-huh! Ooga! Okay, I ready to order! 4 Coconut Shakes, 6 orders Papaya Fries, 8 Egg Scoopa Koopas!"
  • "Um...I forgot money."
  • "Ohhh, taste good too!"
  • "Excuse me."
  • "(acting like a chicken) Yoshi hungry!"
  • "(acting like a chicken) Oh, Yoshi hate diet!"
  • "(with Chickadactyl Luigi) What?!"
  • "I really clucked like a chicken?"
  • "Ohhhh, I embarrassed..."

Born to Ride[edit]

  • "No, I leave some for you."
  • "Oh, but I hungry... Bamboo good! Yoshi not know it plumbing!"
  • "They no want me around... Yoshi run away!"
  • "I need no Mario Bros..."
  • "Oh! Oh, I wrong! I need Marios!"
  • "Oh, Yoshi like motorcycle! Go varoom!"
  • "Oh, Yoshi like! Oh, but I don't think Mario Bros. let me! Mario Bros. mad at me!"
  • "Yoshi like ride!"
  • "Yoshi got right stuff! I prove! Yoshi get motorcycle and jacket!"
  • "Ooooh! Yoshi love paint!"
  • "Yoshi make pretty for Cave People!"
  • "Mmmm! Eat Bob-omb?"
  • "Throw Bob-omb? Oh, that bad!"
  • "Ew, smell Bob-omb! Sorry, Cave People!"
  • "Yoshi born to ride! Dino Riders no yell at Yoshi! Wish Mario Bros. treat me nice like you!"
  • "Yoshi like that! You tell Mario and Luigi talk nice to me!"
  • "Yoshi the name, cruising my game!"
  • "Hey! No costume! Yoshi Dino Rider!"
  • "Not gang! Social group! They friends! They no yell at me like Mario Bros..."
  • "Aww, chill self, Princess! My friends nice! They want talk with Mario and Luigi at Tar Pit!"
  • "My friends want talk with you alone! I wait."
  • "What happen Mario and Luigi? I go see what take so long."
  • "Oh no!"
  • "Yoshi lied to! I get Princess! Save Mario and Luigi!"
  • "No tell Yoshi where go! Oh! We follow tracks! Take us right to Mario and Luigi!"
  • "Hang tight! Yoshi...a jet!"
  • "Oh, what about Yoshi motorcycle?"
  • "Oh, Yoshi no gangster! No way! Bye bye, bike! Me go home. Clean up Yoshi paint and Bob-omb mess."
  • "Yoshi joking! Try faucet now!"

Party Line[edit]

  • "Oooh, oochagumba! Yoshi fall!"
  • "Mergency number! Oof! Mergency number! Mergency number!"
  • "What telephone do?"
  • "Yoshi hear Oogtar too good! Huh! Who need telephone?"
  • "Yoshi having vine time, Mario!"

Gopher Bash[edit]

  • "Ohohoho! Yum-dee-yum-yum! Good idea!"
  • "Glubba-d'glubba! I hate water!"
  • "I save you!"
  • "Oh, famma-famma-sheega! Me hungrier!"
  • "Hmm...kinda blah."
  • "Oh, yum! Salsa!"
  • "This means war!"
  • "Food go this way!"
  • "Aw, no cry, Luigi! We help!"
  • "...and all for dinner!"
  • "(*with Mario and Luigi*) No."
  • "(*with Mario and Luigi*) ♪ When there's something really rotten to be done, to be done, then Cheatsy's life becomes a worthwhile one, worthwhile one, that's Cheat-sy's life! ♪" - sixth and final line during the "Cheatsy's Life" song

Rock TV[edit]

  • "Fundabunga!"
  • "Uh, but-"
  • "Quick! Princess jump on Yoshi!"
  • "Oh! Yoshi hungry!"
  • "Oh, I sorry! It taste so good! Mmm, but filling inside? Ugh...gaggle!"
  • "Mmm! Big lunch!"
  • "Oh! I-I-I-I'm sorry! You stay! Yoshi eat down, get you out, OK?"

The Yoshi Shuffle[edit]

  • "Yoshi do! Yoshi do!"
  • "Hickety-hockety...hike!"
  • "Go long! Long! Throw touchdown!"
  • "Ohhh! I go see touchdown!"
  • "Hmm... Football here, but no Luigi. I bet he try tackle me!"
  • "But, Mario! Mario no tackle Yoshi! Yoshi find touchdown!"
  • "Hey, that not egg! That football!"
  • "Oh... I scared, Mario!"
  • "B-but it DO matter! If we break egg, Luigi get scrambled!"
  • "Ooh, foo! Tastes like sweat bands!"
  • "Yoshi try pass play!"
  • "Ooga 52! Hut! Hut! HIKE!!!"

A Little Learning[edit]

  • "Yoshi no understand why Princess mad! Caterpillar delicious!"
  • "(with Princess Toadstool, Oogtar, and the other cave people) I pledge allegiance to the flag, of the United Lands of of Dinosaur World."
  • "Gum?! But Yoshi thought-"
  • "Fireballs? Yum!"
  • "Like real volcano, Oogtar!"
  • "Ohhhh.... Yoshi no feel good!"

Mama Luigi[edit]

  • "Aww, do I have to go to bed so soon?"
  • "Mmmm! Worm's good! Tell Yoshi bedtime story now! Tell how Luigi find Yoshi, and Yoshi rescue Princess!"
  • "Oh! Hours long time!"
  • "Skulls? Skulls mean bad medicine!"
  • "Luigi bash blocks now!"
  • "Luigi find Yoshi egg!"
  • "Mama?"
  • "Yoshi think Luigi mama!"
  • "Mama Luigi!"
  • "Mama Luigi! Maaama Luiiiiigiiii!"
  • "Look! Caterpillar, Mama Luigi!"
  • "Ohohoho! Yoshi love caterpillars!"
  • "Ohhh, Yoshi hungry!"
  • "Aww, Yoshi no wait! Yoshi hungrier!"
  • "Googoo! More!"
  • "Ugh! Yoshi no like meatballs!"
  • "Mama Luigi!"
  • "Mama Luigi no leave Yoshi?"
  • "Googwagoo! Mama Luigi! Heeheehee!"
  • "Aww, robots no eat Luigi! Yoshi eat robots!"
  • "Ugh! Key no taste good!"
  • "Night, Mama Luigi!"


  • "Yoshi say, stay out of Ghost House. Bad things inside! Koopa Wizards, scary Ghosts, things that go bump in the dark... Yoshi no scared...but can you go first?" - "Ghosts 'R' Us" preview from Captain N: The Game Master
  • "No go away! Captain N and Super Mario Bros. World back soon!" - "We'll be back soon" bumper from Captain N and the New Super Mario World