Welcome to our Count to 100 by Ones Worksheets page.
Here you will find a wide range of free printable Counting Worksheets, which will help your child learn to count by 1 up to 100.
There is also a quick quiz at the bottom of the page to test your skills online.
Counting is a basic skill which is key to understanding the number system and how it works.
Learning to count confidently to 100 will support addition and subtraction skills as well as place value.
As well as counting to 100, we also have sheets involving counting up to 120, which is one of the Common Core State Standards for 1st grade (1.NBT (A))
The sheets are graded so that the easier ones are at the top.
Using these sheets will help your child to:
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One of the best resources for learning the number sequence to 100 is to use a number square (or 100 square).
Not only are these great for learning to count by 1, they are also really useful for counting by 10.
If you would like to see our full range of printable hundred charts including large (50cm by 50cm) and colored versions, use the link below:
These sheets involve filling in the missing numbers up to 100.
All the number square sheets involve using the whole number sequence from 1 to 100.
These worksheets involve filling in the missing numbers on a number track counting on or back by ones.
Each number track has 8 numbers and a different start and end point.
One of the best ways of learning to count to 100 is in an informal context like when you are playing a game.
This easy-to-play game will help you learn to count to 100 by ones.
First to 100 is a snakes-and-ladders type game where you have to move along the board from 1 to 100.
There are lots of special squares which may mean you get a penalty or a bonus depending on the color you land on.
For this game you will need 2 dice, and a few different colored counters (one for each player).
There are two versions of this game - one where you move down at the end of a row, and one where you move up at the end of a row.
The sheets below are all about counting groups of tens and ones up to 50, and also counting in groups of 2s.
They are at an easier level than the sheets on this page.
These worksheets are simlar to those on this page but involve counting on and back in ones from numbers up to 1000.
Take a look at some more of our worksheets similar to these.
We have some more challenging counting worksheets up to larger numbers, and in different size steps.
Here are our selection of dot to dot worksheets sorted by the number of dots.
Using dot-to-dot sheets is a fun way to get better at counting to 100 by ones.
We have an online practice area where you can practice your skills at adding and subtracting 1 up to a total of your choice.
See if you can get a gold or silver award!
This quiz tests your knowledge and ability to count on and back by ones up to 100.
How to Print or Save these sheets 🖶
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How to Print or Save these sheets 🖶
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