Welcome to the Math Salamanders Counting Money Games for Kids.
Here you will find a wide range of free Money Games to help
you count a range of US and UK coins.
Using games is a great way to learn Math facts and develop mental calculation skills in a fun and easy way.
Children will pick up a whole range of skills through playing games naturally and informally.
Encouraging your child to play math games and puzzles like sodoku and chess will also help develop their logical reasoning.
Using these math games below will help your child to develop their Math fact skills as well as their strategic thinking and memory skills.
Both US and UK coins are supported on this page.
Using these games will help your child to:
Pairs is a simple yet fun game to play which helps to develop children's memory skills.
There are lots of special squares which may mean you get a penalty
or a bonus depending on the color you land on.
- Place all the flashcards face down on the table or surface.
- Take turns to pick up any 2 flashcards.
- If the total of the coins on the flashcards matches the amount of money then you have made a 'pair'. Take both cards.
- If you do not make a pair, then turn both cards back over again.
- Play then passes to the next player.
Optional rule: if you made a 'pair' then you take another turn.
Who am I? is a simple money counting game to play which involves using the printable money flashcards.
- Choose 8 of the printable money flashcards and put them out face up in front of both players.
- The Chooser chooses one of the flashcards.
- The Guesser then asks a series of "yes" and "no" questions to try to find which of the flashcards has been chosen.
Example: "Do you have more than 50¢?", "Are there any nickels on the card?" etc.
- Once the Guesser thinks they know the card, they can tell the Chooser which the card is. If they are correct they swap over.
Optional Rules
- The Guesser can only ask 5 questions.
- The Chooser scores 1 point if they guess correctly first time.
- The Guesser scores 1 point if the Chooser guesses wrong.
- To make the game easier, choose fewer than 8 coin flashcards.
- To make the game harder, choose more than 8 flashcards.
Dominoes are another fun way to learn your Math facts.
These money dominoes can be used in several different ways.
- Take all the dominoes and muddle them up.
- The challenge is to put the dominoes end-to-end so that the amount on the coins matches the amount of money written in numbers on the dominoes.
- See how fast you can put all the dominoes together.
- Deal the dominoes out.
- One player starts by placing a domino on the table.
- The next player then has to place a domino that matches either the amount on the coins or the amount of money written in numbers on the dominoes.
- If a player cannot go, then they miss their turn.
- The first player to place all their dominoes is the winner.
This game requires very little effort to set up, and can be played anywhere.
It can be played with any number of people from 2 upwards.
- The Chooser chooses 3 coins and places them in his/her pocket.
- The Guessers (everyone else) then has to ask "yes" or "no" questions about how much money the Chooser has, in order to work out the coins that are in the Chooser's pocket.
Example: "Do you have more than 20¢?", "Are any of the coins copper coloured?".
- When a Guesser thinks they know what the coins are, they can tell the Chooser. If they are correct, they get to be the next Chooser.
Optional Rules :
- Each Guesser is only allowed one guess.
- The Guessers are only allowed a total of 5 questions.
- Easier game - Chooser chooses 2 coins.
- Harder game - Chooser chooses 4 coins.
This game is a 'Guess Who' type game involving money.
You have to ask some good questions and be the first person to guess which set of coins your opponent has chosen.
Grade: 1st grade and up
Number of players: 2
Learning: counting money, asking good questions
-For this game, you will need to print the Guess the Coins game board and each player will need a questions board as well.
- You will also need a pencil for each player.
This board game involves counting money amounts up to $1 (or £1).
Grade: 2nd grade (Year 3) and up
Number of players: 2-4
Learning: counting small amounts of money up to $1
-For this game, you will need to print the game board and each player will need a money board
- You will also need a dice and also a pencil and counter for each player.
This board game involves counting money amounts up to $5 (or £5).
Grade: 3rd grade (Year 4) and up
Number of players: 2-4
Learning: adding amounts of money up to $5
-For this game, you will need to print the game board and each player will need a balance sheet.
- You will also need a dice and also a pencil and counter for each player.
This card trick is a great 'magic' trick to play on friends and family.
- For this money trick you will need 21 of the printable money flashcards.
- Ask your partner to choose one of the flashcards without telling you.
- Get them to write down the total of the coins somewhere secret.
- Now get them to watch you closely as you deal all the flashcards ,one at a time, into 3 piles face up.
- They need to tell you which pile their flashcard is in.
- You need to collect the 3 piles of flashcards up with the pile that they have indicated in the middle!
- Repeat this again, dealing the flashcards into 3 piles.
- They need to tell you the pile their flashcard is in.
- Collect all the piles together with the selected pile in the middle.
- Repeat this one more time (so that you have done this a total of 3 times).
- Now look through your pile of 21 flashcards, appearing to study them carefully.
- The flashcard that they chose will be the 11th one!
- Tell them the amount of money on the flashcard and watch for their amazement!
Take a look at some more of our worksheets similar to these.
Here you will find a range of free printable First Grade Money Worksheets.
The following worksheets involve counting different amounts of money in pennies, nickels and dimes.
Using these first grade math worksheets will help your child to:
Here you will find a range of free printable Second Grade Money Worksheets.
The following worksheets involve counting different amounts of money in pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters.
There is a wider range of free money worksheets at the 2nd Grade Math Salamanders (see below). These sheets will open in a new tab.
Using these sheets will help your child to:
All the free Second Grade Math Worksheets in this section are informed by the Elementary Math Benchmarks for 2nd Grade.
Money Worksheets
Here you will find a selection of Counting Money sheets designed to help your child count different amounts of money using UK coins.
Using these sheets will help your child to:
Using puzzles is a great way to get children to learn about money in a fun and interesting way, and apply their counting money knowledge.
Using these money riddles will help your child to develop their money skills and their problem solving skills at the same time.
There are a range of sheets suitable for a range of abilities.
If the games on this page are too challenging, or if you are looking for something easier, try these kindergarten money worksheets.
These kindergarten worksheets are all about recognising and counting coins: pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters.
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The Math Salamanders hope you enjoy using these free printable Math worksheets and all our other Math games and resources.
If you have any questions or need any information about our site, please get in touch with us using the 'Contact Us' tab at the top and bottom of every page.