Larry Mayo has spent the last twenty or so years shaping some of the most refined, thoughtful, counter-intuitive, beautiful, modern and subsequently classic surfboards on the East Coast. He lives in Cocoa Beach, an unlikely place for a craftsman of largely unorthodox equipment—that area being ground zero of the 6'0”x 18”x 2” thruster as ridden by The New School, and their pater familias, Kelly Slater. Yet Mayo loves Cocoa Beach, and always will, as he's more comfortable as the black sheep than part of the flock, and always has been.
But more importantly, he will shape precisely the perfect board for you, as long as you don't call him three times a week to intellectualize your fin placement or color choice, or whether a 5'6” will be too small or a 5'7” be too big, or to tell him about a pin-stripe idea you saw on the internet. Let him do his work, producing stunning, functional surf equipment, so that you can get to work riding it. He only makes perfect surfboards, because, to steal a line from Mr. Elliot Smith, What's the point of doing something badly?