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Cobb County Commissioner Jerica Richardson’s seat is vacant, a Cobb Superior Court judge ruled Tuesday.

Judge Ann Harris’ ruling declares that Richardson is no longer a commissioner, as declared in the vacancy notice issued by her fellow board members in September.

(6) comments

William Hicks

As a Republican leaning voter, I am disappointed too in this ruling. But the Democrats brought this on themselves with their "homerule" crap. Ms. Richardson should have been able to stay in her office until the election of her successor.

Bill Radler

Despite what she says, she doesn't respect our court system and the rule of law and neither do her two counterparts on the commission. This was clear cut from the beginning, and it was a disservice to the citizens of Cobb County for the three Democratic commissioners and Cobb County staff to pull this stunt. There should be a strong case to go back and invalidate every one of Richardson's votes. What a waste of county resources!

Pat Berry

And looking at the current Commissioners we can expect more of this type of governing from the board.

jerry dupree

After all is said and done, the 3 democrats that started this mess should be required to reimburse the county for all this illegal ranging that they created.

MK Smith

This started with the GOP-led legislature deciding to undo the will of the Cobb County voters

Tony Waybright

I think it started with a Dem drawn map that would have turned D3 purple and likely blue changing the district split from 2-2 to 3-1. The R's countered with a map that kept the likely split 2-2. The BOC adopted the Dem map as the home rule map. Politics on both sides. Other Dem controlled counties have not picked up the travesty and terrible precedent issue. Consider why?

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