Sanctuary Choir
The Sanctuary Choir rehearses every Wednesday from 7:30-8:30 pm and is comprised of adults of all ages who love to sing. In addition to singing several Sundays a month, the choir presents special programs during the Christmas and Easter season. The choir enjoys singing a variety of styles-something for everyone! In all we do, we want to glorify God through His music ministry. The choir is under the direction of Kathy Lafon with Donna Harner as accompanist.
Jazzy Juniors
The Jazzy Junior Choir includes children in grades 1st-6th and meet on Wednesday nights from 6:15-7:30 pm as part of our children's programming. The atmosphere is one of fun and fellowship giving students the chance to grow in their relationship with God. The Jazzies sing throughout the year for Sunday services and enjoy presenting a Christmas musical in December. They are under the direction of Kathy Lafon.
Wee Worshippers
The Wee Worshipper Choir is for preschoolers ages 4-kindergarten. They meet Wednesday nights from 6:15-7:30 pm as part of our children's programming. During this time they have the opportunity to grow in their relationship with God and their fellowship with others. They are under the direction of Kathy Lafon.
Sounds of Joy Handbell Choir
The Sounds of Joy Handbell Choir rehearses on Tuesday evenings from 7-8 pm and enjoys being part of the Music Ministry at Memorial. They ring throughout the year at both services as well as special occasions seasonally. The choir is made of music reading folks who want to share their gift for the glory of God. If you are interested in being part of this ensemble, you may contact Kathy Lafon. [email protected]