Same-Day Grocery Delivery

Save money and time using Mercato’s same-day Grocery Delivery service. Stay connected with our personal shoppers and receive your favorite products in-store. By clicking on the store page of your desired merchant, you can view the many different products & delivery time options they have available. Mercato covers many locations nationwide and you can receive same-day delivery options in as little as an hour! If you’re crunched for time, Mercato will have your products provided to you within your suggested time slot. No commute, no waiting in line, you will not only save valuable time but also save money on groceries using the Mercato delivery system.

How it works

Trust Mercato to connect you with the best independent grocers in your neighborhood and to deliver food you love with the click of a button.

How it works

Trust Mercato to connect you with the best independent grocers in your neighborhood and to deliver food you love with the click of a button.


Enter your zip code to shop your favorite stores and discover new ones.


Choose your items and add them to your basket. Shop from a single store or combine items from multiple merchants in the same order. Schedule your delivery or in-store pickup.


All that's left is to enjoy the best-tasting food your city has to offer, knowing you've done a little more to help your community.

Shop from stores near you
1309 5th Street Northeast Washington, DC 20002
65 on Yelp
Order min: $8.00
Local delivery: Available
1309 5th Street Northeast Union Market Washington, DC 20002
3 on Yelp
Order min: $1.00
Local delivery: Available
1309 5th Street Northeast Union Market DC Washington, DC 20002
165 on Yelp
Order min: $5.00
Local delivery: Available
1309 5th Street NE Union Market Washington, DC 20002
35 on Yelp
Order min: $5.00
Local delivery: Available
1309 5th St NE Washington, DC 20002
3 on Yelp
Order min: $10.00
Local delivery: Available
1309 5th Street Northeast Union Market Washington, DC 20002
60 on Yelp
Order min: $1.00
Local delivery: Available
1309 5th St NE Washington, DC 20002
76 on Yelp
Order min: $10.00
Local delivery: Available
2985 District Avenue Fairfax, VA 22031
167 on Yelp
Order min: $10.00
Local delivery: Available
* Estimated item price. Final price based on weight.
Our promise

We believe you shouldn't have to compromise quality for convenience, and local independent retailers deserve the same opportunities to compete and thrive in their communities. It's why Mercato was founded, and it's why we hope you choose to shop with us. If you do, we promise:

Your Favorite Grocers, delivered to your door.

Isn't it time you enjoyed the benefits of same-day delivery from the best independent grocers in your community?

Grocery Delivery Services Near Me

Do you find yourself always missing an important ingredient? Or probably too tired to go aisle to aisle finding what you need? Do you need to check off your grocery list and prices too without pulling out the calculator? Are you looking for a solution to help streamline your grocery shopping? If your answer is yes to these questions, then know that Mercato is perfect for you. Not only will you know what you’ll be spending, but you’ll also save time knowing your groceries can be delivered to your doorstep on a recurring basis.

Mercato’s online delivery service is time-efficient, and you can enjoy the satisfaction of same-day delivery from your favorite stores all while relaxing at home. Up to 30 days in advance, you can schedule your favorite goods delivered to your doorstep in as little as an hour or a month from now! Enjoy what your local supermarkets have to provide without waiting in line.

With Mercato, we are dedicated to offering a satisfactory delivery system from local stores to customers. Receive your personal favorites and high-quality foods from your top community markets. From smoked salmon to organic fresh greens, you get high quality, natural goods served right in your community. We believe you shouldn’t have to compromise valuable time and fresh ingredients for convenience, and local markets deserve to showcase their high-quality goods to the community. It's why we pride ourselves on being your primary go-to when you’re ready to shop for groceries!

Thank you!
We'll be in touch soon.
Join 1000+ independent grocers who are growing their businesses online
  • Increase your sales by 15% or more
  • Get your entire store online - we do the heavy lifting!
  • Compete against grocery chains and win
My basket
There's nothing in your shopping basket, but together we can change that!
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* Estimated item price. Final price based on weight.