Let’s get down to the nitty gritty…


The Center for Mass Communications at Manchester High School provides instruction in the fields of journalism, advertising and public relations. Included within these realms are video production, photography, graphic design, social media, and media analysis.

Students take mass communications technology courses, English, and for the first two years, history within the specialty center. MC students take all other courses (world language, math, science, etc.) separate from the center at the appropriate level for each individual.

The Mass Communications program seal requires:

  • four years of Mass Communications production classes

  • four years of Mass Communications English

  • two years of Mass Communications world history

  • two Mass Communications electives


Mass Communications Course of Study

Student holding camera

Student holding camera

9th Grade

Here, students learn about the different facets of the mass communications industry. Students will be introduced to the worlds of journalism, advertising and public relations. They will begin to write and think as journalists, creatives and strategic communicators. In addition to a heavy emphasis on writing, students will learn Adobe InDesign and Photoshop for hands-on projects and real world experiences. Student projects include radio, video, print production as well as an in-depth look at career paths in the mass communications industry.


Introduction to Mass Communications

M.C. English 9

M.C. World History 9 or AP Human Geography



World Language

Health/P.E. 9 (online option too)

Macbook on desk

Macbook on desk

10th Grade

This is the class for graphic design lovers. Students will learn how to write and design for print and web journalism and advertising using Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign, as well as how to write and create visually appealing layouts and ads. Print production includes magazine/yearbook/newspaper layout, flyer/poster creation, and advertising campaigns.

Sample 10th Grade schedule

Mass Communications 10 (Graphic Design/Journalism)

M.C. English 10

M.C. World History 10 or AP World History



World Language

Health/P.E. 10 (online option too)

Recording interview

Recording interview

11th Grade

Welcome to a year of video production and broadcast journalism. Students will learn how to write, shoot, voice and edit video using Adobe Premiere. They will produce news style videos, public service announcements and a short documentary.

Sample 11th Grade schedule

Mass Communications 11 (Video Production)

M.C. English 11 or AP English

U.S./Virginia History or Dual Enrollment



World Language

Mass Communications Elective

Recording senior news program

Recording senior news program

12th Grade

This is the year to do it all. Students will practice the skills learned in MC 9-11 for the production of a student produced weekly news show. They will also use their writing and design talents to produce marketing materials for community based non-profits. They will stay abreast of current events and think critically about the media they consume.

Sample 12th Grade schedule

Mass Communications 12 (News Show)

M.C. English 12, Dual Enrollment English or AP English

U.S./Virginia Government or AP Government



World Language or elective

Mass Communications elective


Throughout the four years in the Mass Communications program, students need to take two qualifying MC. These electives include any level of yearbook, journalism, photography, graphic art design, as well as many other options.

Many students finish their third year of the world language requirement for the advanced diploma their freshman year, leaving MC elective options available to be taken sophomore, junior, and/or senior year. Required 9/10 PE & health and economics courses may also be taken online during the school year or summer to free space for other desired electives.