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The Dark Pastime

The Dark Pastime

First Person Shooter

Single Player Story Mod in the best traditions of Dark Forces I & II. The Galactic Empire was defeated 13 years ago, but the New Republic continues to...

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KOTNR - - 1 comments

Hi! Gladly to welcome you! The first complete chapter of the mod is SUPER-AWESOME !!!!! Rated to the top, even, since across the newest mods and new games! I thought it was never released, but unexpectedly find it here (that's obvious!) I was working for the mod too for voicing many years ago on and ready to help if something will be needed for the next releases. Do a lot, have a fancy for small setting up or editing the program content or else! Much, much thanks for adding me to the cast! )))))

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NumberWan Creator
NumberWan - - 315 comments

Thanks for your kind words! Glad to hear from you too)

Reply Good karma+1 vote
DarthValeria - - 34 comments

Your mod is amazing but I wish there are english voices in the mod too
But perhaps I can help you to get some good voice actors for free if you want.

I know some people and I have a crew of voice actors whose do this for hobby and they're talented

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NumberWan Creator
NumberWan - - 315 comments

Thanks! We'll have to think about it. It would be nice to have different languages, but our team is too small to work with more voicing. But that's not impossible.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Unguided14 - - 1 comments

Hi there!

Could you tell me where can I download the Darth Whirmah model only in itself? It looks amazing and I would like to include it in Moviebattles II - a mod to Jedi Academy as well.

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NumberWan Creator
NumberWan - - 315 comments

Hi! The model is part of the story and will be available together with the mod ;)

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Ivan19830111 - - 1 comments

Numberwan. Привет подскажи я застрял на архивах империи ключ добыл захожу в архивы и счётчик тикает а там ничего нет. Не подумай что я ламер . Я сам разработчик продолжения истории Ддейдена

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NumberWan Creator
NumberWan - - 315 comments

Look for the strange "book" in the walls, which is "open". It's pushable.

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Blackwind2 - - 10 comments

Я в суть того что там написано тобой, понял лишь немного из всего этого. Вот вопрос это ведь похождение Катарна после того как Джейден перешёл на тёмную сторону? Или это что-то другое?

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NumberWan Creator
NumberWan - - 315 comments

Light Side Ending.

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