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yo I have been a fan of stroggdm for years and I just recently re discovered it, I think its awesome I am considering hosting a public server with it if you have any updates on the mod please post them! It really is great quality stuff and a really fun concept!
Wouldn't be needed, but I do need a tester for this. My other tester is gone, and has left me to be testing it myself. If you are interested, please drop me a line at I would LOVE to get a working Single Player/Coop StroggDM working.
What I had in mind too were different gamemodes for this too. Example:
Normal - Play the COOP/SP as you would DM, but with monsters.
RPG - Start low, and make your way up the tables by killing monsters. (I had a thought to make this the main StroggDM gameplay, but quickly changed my mind soon after. RPG is a planned gamemode in 8.0. I hope to have an atleast working SP by then, but no promises for COOP.)
Random - You might be a soldier, you might be Makron, who knows? Only after your respawn will you find out.
Human Invaders - Changes all of the Stroggo enemies into humans. Weapons depend on who they replace. (This is going to be part of what I call "StroggFlags", which will also include the teamplay options, removing them as cvars).
That's all I can think of. So yeah, the idea of StroggSP/COOP isn't bad. I might release each Strogg series game (StroggDM, StroggSP/COOP, StroggCTF) on it's own, and then mix all of it together in one StroggDM release.
Ideas welcome, and I'm looking forward to hearing from you LordWriath.
My Email is I'd be interested in the concept and would help any way I could, but I don't know anything of coding, modelling or the like.
scorpionz, make sure deathmatch is 1. The tutorial does not work in Single Player or Coop.
Lord_Wriath, as of the latest build (7.0 Final), there was no single player or coop support. At one time, I did think of making it, but I just don't know how to approach it. If you want to discuss this more, we can talk.
i was testing out your class tutorial and went through all the steps, but when i join the game or type in the class name, i spawn in noclip mode with nothing everytime and in the console it says 'can't find pic:' over and over again..
yo I have been a fan of stroggdm for years and I just recently re discovered it, I think its awesome I am considering hosting a public server with it if you have any updates on the mod please post them! It really is great quality stuff and a really fun concept!
DUDE, I WANT your quake 2 ragdolls, can you plz give me a copy of it (sorry for posting did message on 2018
Hi, can you send me last wersion of stroggDM?
My e-mail, or
Can you make an ironsight tutorial and can u put the melee as a secondary/tetiary fire?
I need help starting up stroggDM and i don't know how
Wouldn't be needed, but I do need a tester for this. My other tester is gone, and has left me to be testing it myself. If you are interested, please drop me a line at I would LOVE to get a working Single Player/Coop StroggDM working.
What I had in mind too were different gamemodes for this too. Example:
Normal - Play the COOP/SP as you would DM, but with monsters.
RPG - Start low, and make your way up the tables by killing monsters. (I had a thought to make this the main StroggDM gameplay, but quickly changed my mind soon after. RPG is a planned gamemode in 8.0. I hope to have an atleast working SP by then, but no promises for COOP.)
Random - You might be a soldier, you might be Makron, who knows? Only after your respawn will you find out.
Human Invaders - Changes all of the Stroggo enemies into humans. Weapons depend on who they replace. (This is going to be part of what I call "StroggFlags", which will also include the teamplay options, removing them as cvars).
That's all I can think of. So yeah, the idea of StroggSP/COOP isn't bad. I might release each Strogg series game (StroggDM, StroggSP/COOP, StroggCTF) on it's own, and then mix all of it together in one StroggDM release.
Ideas welcome, and I'm looking forward to hearing from you LordWriath.
My Email is I'd be interested in the concept and would help any way I could, but I don't know anything of coding, modelling or the like.
scorpionz, make sure deathmatch is 1. The tutorial does not work in Single Player or Coop.
Lord_Wriath, as of the latest build (7.0 Final), there was no single player or coop support. At one time, I did think of making it, but I just don't know how to approach it. If you want to discuss this more, we can talk.
Dude, this mod is awesome, thanks for letting us try the other side. Is there any way one could do SP as a Strogg?
i was testing out your class tutorial and went through all the steps, but when i join the game or type in the class name, i spawn in noclip mode with nothing everytime and in the console it says 'can't find pic:' over and over again..