Double the number of sprites for all weapons and effects.

Widescreen fix for any cutoff weapon sprites.

Minor fixes to some existing sprites i.e. erroneous floating pixels or misplaced/overlooked colors in the wrong places.

Frost Shards weapon and effect color changed slightly to look more like actual ice instead of blue sludge. I'll probably do a version with the original at some point.

Mage: 95%
Cleric: 99%
Fighter: 95%

The full version is out!

Next update: Mage's flechette and a vanilla version of Frost Shards and two Fire Bull statue sprites. Subsequent updates will be edits and revisions.

All sprites were painstakingly hand drawn by just me over the course of some months. Everything kept within Hexen's palette.

If you're going to use my work in a mod, please credit me.

Written in Zscript and tested on GZDoom 4.5.0

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Hexen Weapon Refinement

Hexen Weapon Refinement

Full Version

All weapons have been properly adjusted for widescreen play. Most animations used by the player additionally have twice the number of sprites.




Hammer of Retribution, Cleric's Flechette, and ZFireBull (bull statue fire)



Demo 1 comment

Second update to the Fighter including Timon's Axe and Twined Torch. Everything previous included as usual.




Spiked Gauntlets and Fighter's Flechette and Wall Torch



Demo 2 comments

Last part of the Cleric weapons with an updated version of the Brass Torch.



Demo 2 comments

Part 2 of the Cleric weapons including both the Mace of Contrition and Wraithverge updates.

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pentriket Creator
pentriket - - 8 comments

the sword is taking forever but it'll be done soon

Reply Good karma+1 vote
PaladinKnight - - 223 comments

Holy cow, good animations!, must have been a real pain drawing all those extra frames though.
Maybe you could team up with the guy developing the Legend Farewell Edition mod for Hexen.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
hexenstar - - 266 comments

Hey :-) I'm the guy developing Legend Farewell Edition version 9.
And i was just thinking about exactly the same thing!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
pentriket Creator
pentriket - - 8 comments

cool, let me know if you need anything. i'm currently about 80% done with the cleric firestorm.

Reply Good karma+3 votes
hexenstar - - 266 comments

Awesome, sounds great. If we're talking about animation enhancement, then yes, there are a few things in Legend 9 that could be improved in this department, as it expands the animation department greatly, compared to Hexen. We are talking mostly about death animations and perhaps a couple of weapon-related ones. I'll elaborate on that, if you're interested in this kind of thing.

The other subject, perhaps, shares a more common ground between our mod areas. You mod for ZDoom, - and i mod for Doomsday. So whatever we do, - is incompatible with each other by default,
Unless a further modification is done in each respective engine.
I know nothing about Slade, scripts, compiling, ACS, coding, programming - all that is like alien gibberish to me. Using just logic and imagination was quite enough so far.

Last week, however, i started to develop a side-project, which
is intended to be not only free from attachment to any sourceport and compatible with anything, but the main platform i test it on is actually GZDoom...which is extremely unlike me.
But, the sole reason for it - is that GZDoom is the most reasonable software renderer that i found, after extensive testing of everything else around. And that's what i want.
The mod is "Legend: Forgotten Chapter" (not announced yet)
and so far it has zero Legend 9 features - except it's unique level design with my signature stylistics, and Legend-like enemy / item array.

Now for THIS mod, - all kinds of stuff can be done in a direct transition, with no further modification needed. What i would want to happen, - is to get help from someone who knowns his/her way around GZDoom and all that coding/scripting business - to incorporate the following into the mod:

1. Neutralize the initial Hexen original game plagues. Currently, they're all intact, since the gameplay of this mod is currently all vanilla.

2. Match the weapon VS monster balance exactly as the latest Legend Mod presents it.

3. Incorporate as many Legend 9 features into the "Forgotten Chapter".

Whatever your decision regarding this whole thing is - is perfectly fine by me: whether you're interested, not interested - or interested only in specific things. The further "Forgotten Chapter" goes away from vanilla - and closer to Legend 9, the better. Even it is happens some time in

I'll send you a mail via Moddb with more details, if you want to be a part of either project. I am launching the DEMO(!) of the "Forgotten Chapter" mod in 7 to 10 days. (not the entire mod, lol still, it's gonna be an awesome demo...)
Legend 9: Farewell Edition launch, on the other hand, is yet quite far, by comparison.

So, play the "Forgotten Chapter" demo in a couple of weeks (or play the outdated and outclassed Legend 8.33 - just remember it's Doomsday only) and see if any of this appeals to you.
Thanks for responding, and I'll be in touch.


Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
pentriket Creator
pentriket - - 8 comments

thanks man. and i'm down for whatever, i figure people making bigger or more in-depth mods for hexen would enjoy this

Reply Good karma+3 votes
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