A sequel to RA2/YR: Nod's Revenge imagines the original Command & Conquer (Tiberian Dawn) as taking place in an environment not long after Yuri's defeat...

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Poll: Should Terrorists and Flamethrowers be available for all Scavenger countries? (21 votes)
Nod Rebel Infantry (Games : C&C: Yuri's Revenge : Mods : Nod's Revenge : Forum : Soviet-Nod (Scavenger) Convo : Nod Rebel Infantry ) Locked
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Sep 15 2015 Anchor

"... a scavenger culture emerging from the ashes of the collapsed Soviet Union, which would eventually become the Brotherhood of Nod..."

This concept art of Nod Militants inspired our slightly less-cybernetic take on the post-RA2 scavenger Nod Rebels.

Militants Concept Art inspires Nod Rebel Infantry

No, we do not condone smoking, even if you are a rebel; Its not good for you.

  • The quickest-moving basic infantry. Hit and run experts.
  • The least-expensive basic infantry
  • AK-47s for everyone!
  • NodsRevenge scavengerIcons

NodsRevenge scavengers RebelTest

Edited by: Bucknife

Sep 18 2015 Anchor

What I disliked about vanilla RA2 is how little variety there is between subfactions. They are all identical in every aspect except each subfaction has maybe 1 or 2 unique assets. With this mod, I think you have a chance to make the different subfactions a lot more unique and that you should take it- after all, each of them represents a different nation with its own cultural heritage, which should reflect itself in assets and gameplay to some extent even if they all use the same basic Soviet technology. Because Nod is a global terrorist organization, I voted all Nod/Scavenger subfactions should have terrorists, but that only one should have flamethrowers, to spice things up a bit.

Edited by: P.Rex

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