Mountain View Safari Lodge, Ndlovumzi Nature Reserve
Located inside the Kruger to Canyons biosphere reserve.
Ndlovumzi is situated 15 mins from the R527 tar road, deep in the African bush within the Olifant's River conservancy, 25kms outside of Hoedspruit, Limpopo.
Mountain View consists of two private camps so our guests can enjoy a real sense of privacy and exclusivity. Both are fully solar powered (loadshedding friendly) and enjoy stunning mountain views, immersed in the lowveld bush, with no fences.
Ndlouvmzi is known for its many species of plains game and has healthy populations of Waterbuck, Kudu, Nyala, Impala, Zebra, Giraffe, Wilderbeest, Bushbuck, Duiker and other species. Numerous bird species abound for the keen birder and nocturnal wildlife includes Civet Cat, Genet, Honey Badger, Porcupine, Aardvark and even the elusive Caracal to mention a few.
Ndlovuzmi roads are excellent for mountain biking, jogging and walking while enjoying nature in an unspoiled environment.
We are able to assist our guests with booking a range of activities including private game drives in an open safari vehicle, guided nature walks, star gazing safari, educational bird experience, guided big 5 day tours and day tours across the Blyde River Canyon.
We are perfectly situated close to Hoedspruit and other local tourist attractions such as the Kruger National Park and Blyde River Canyon.