IMPERIAL COUNTY— The Brawley Police Department responded to Walmart at 250 Wildcat Drive, Brawley, about a shoplifting in progress, December 30, 2024. Walmart Security described the suspect who was later identified as Elijah Perez of Niland.
A Brawley Officer spotted Perez walking on Wildcat Drive and stopped him based on his description. Walmart Security positively identified Perez, who allegedly stole items of value under $950, typically a misdemeanor before the passage of Proposition 36, according to the Imperial County District Attorney's press release.
Perez was arrested for shoplifting, however in this case, it was alleged that he had two prior theft convictions, one for shoplifting and one for grand theft. Because of his prior convictions, Perez was charged with a felony in his latest shoplifting arrest from Walmart, exposing him to 16 months, two or three years, in County Jail.
Perez was arraigned on a complaint on January 2, 2025 alleging felony Shoplifting with two prior theft convictions, a violation of California Penal Code 666.1(a)(1). Perez remains in custody instead of $10,000 bail.
This is the first time since the passage of Proposition 36 that the Imperial County District Attorney’s Office has been charged with this newly passed law that allows for harsher punishment of repeat theft offenders. The Imperial County District Attorney’s Office will aggressively prosecute repeat offenders by the newly enacted Proposition 36. The District Attorney’s Office is working on a pilot program called the Retail Theft Initiative to combat theft crimes in our county. The pilot program will be implemented in the Calexico Walmart soon. Details will be furnished as the plan is revealed.
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