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Captain Sully Sullenberger Now Works In Montreal & Has Been Exploring The City (PHOTOS)

Sullenberger rose to fame after landing US Airways Flight 1549 on the Hudson River in 2009.

Sully Sullenberger and his wife Lorrie in front of Montreal's Saint-Viateur bagel shop in the Mile End. Right: Sully Sullenberger and his wife Lorrie donning Canadian souvenir hoodies and mittens.

Sully Sullenberger and his wife Lorrie in front of Montreal's Saint-Viateur bagel shop in the Mile End. Right: Sully Sullenberger and his wife Lorrie donning Canadian souvenir hoodies and mittens.

Senior Editor

Former Captain Sully Sullenberger now works in Montreal as the U.S. ambassador to the International Civil Aviation Organization and seems to be enjoying his time in the city.

Sullenberger rose to fame after landing US Airways Flight 1549 on the Hudson River in 2009. The feat was the subject of a 2016 movie directed by Clint Eastwood and starring Tom Hanks.

President Joe Biden nominated Sullenberger for the ICAO position in June 2021. The U.S. Senate confirmed him to the role on December 2, 2021, a moment he called "one of the greatest honors" of his life.

In a New Years' message on Instagram, he said he and his wife, Lorrie, were "excited to be off on our new adventure to Montreal." A photo of the couple dressed in Canadian souvenir hoodies and mittens accompanied the post.

Sullenberger formally entered the position on February 3, 2022, after presenting his credentials to the ICAO Secretary-General.

Since then, Sully has shared regular snapshots of his life and work in Montreal. Several social media updates show him and Lorrie exploring the city.

"We are adjusting to Canada - one layer at a time!" he wrote in a February 8 Instagram post alongside a selfie on rue McGill in Old Montreal.

Life in Montreal, of course, has necessitated some "new gear," including, it seems, doggie booties.

The ambassador called the sites of Old Montreal "magnifique!"

The most recent update, from March 14, shows Sully and Lorrie in front of the Saint-Viateur bagel shop in the Mile End.

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    • Senior Editor

      Thomas MacDonald was the Senior Editor of MTL Blog. He received a B.A. with honours from McGill University in 2018 and worked as a Writer and Associate Editor before entering his current role. He is proud to lead the MTL Blog team and to provide its readers with the information they need to make the most of their city.
