Peace Youth has two engaging programs for our middle and high school students.
Middle School Confirmation
Middle school students in grades 6th-8th can participate in “Confirmation” on Wednesday nights during the school year from 6:15-7:45 pm starting in the Auditorium for large group worship and teaching. They finish the night off in a small group to discuss the teaching and their week.
The Peace confirmation program is a 3-year program starting in 6th grade and ending in the fall of 9th grade. Our goal is to provide a positive and engaging experience for 6-8 grade students that will help their faith in Christ grow toward maturity.
Young people learn best through relationships and experiences. Our program uses a large group/small group model that strives to:
….Help students develop close relationships with fellow Christians their age
….Encourage students to think and apply their faith to life situations
….Provide meaningful opportunities for students to serve others and lead
….Teach basic Lutheran Christian doctrine in an interesting and interactive approach
….Give students a sense of belonging in the Body of Christ and Peace Church
We rotate the following topics/themes on a three-year cycle:
….2023/2024: Old & New Testament Overview
….2024/2025: Lord’s Prayer/Grace/Baptism/Communion
….2025/2026: The Apostle’s Creed/The Ten Commandments
*In addition, each year we address relevant topics that affect students' lives such as Stress, Peer Pressure, Smartphones, Social Media, Bullying, Healthy Relationships, Pornography, Vaping, Drugs/Alcohol, etc.
Students are expected to participate in the following:
….Attend Wednesday night Confirmation weekly, 6:15-7:45pm (follows the Eau Claire Area School District) *no more than 4 absences
….Attend weekly worship services with your family during the program year
….Complete at least 2 service projects with your small group per program year
….Attend a First Communion Class with a parent ONCE during your three years of instruction
….(Highly Encouraged!!!) Attend at least one Winter Retreat during the three year program. If you ask previous students, some of the biggest growth and deepest connections with God happens during this retreat, and it’s fun!
*In the months prior to the Rite of Confirmation, each student will write a Faith Statement and submit it to the youth department. A conference is then set up with the student, pastor, and a least one parent before getting confirmed.
Every year we rely on committed adult volunteers to lead Confirmation small groups of 4-6 students. These adults love Jesus and have a desire to help students grow spiritually and cultivate Christian friendships. Adult Leaders or “Guides” are responsible for leading students in discussions that help apply the large group lesson while creating a caring community.
We believe our middle school program presents tremendous possibilities for youth and their families to DISCOVER, GROW, & GO. Discovering Jesus, growing in community and through God’s Word, and going out to share the Gospel. Our staff is committed to praying for and supporting every student and family.
High School
High School students meet Sunday Nights from 6:30-8:00 pm in the Refuge for snacks, games, and life-application lessons. Join us anytime!