New Practice in Art and Technology - Find out what's on, who we are, our studio, research + study programme. Don't miss: journal & loops event series.


The Studio seeks to create a multifunctional space for open experimentation, practice-oriented and research-based learning and student-based collaboration. From seminars or tutorials, project-based teamwork, to laboratory or exhibition areas, the Studio supports the open-ended and collective work processes of students, artists and researchers.

○ Research Project

The project "D&C-Co-Lab - Dynamische Systeme in Lehr- und Lernraumarchitekturen" (Dynamic Systems in Teaching and Learning Architectures) has been awarded funding by the Stifterverband arrow_outward and the Dieter-Schwarz-Stiftung arrow_outward as part of their funding initiative "Raumlabore - Experimentierräume für zukunftsorientierte Lernarchitekturen" (Space Laboratories - Experimental Spaces for Future-Oriented Learning Architectures). The joint project of Technical University Berlin and Berlin University of the Arts is one of five projects across Germany that will now each be funded with 100,000 €.

○ Calendar

○ A Spatial Framework and Model

Thanks to modular adaptability, spatial configurations can be created as needed to meet the requirements of specific learning situations. Through this interactivity, users encounter a flexible and designable space - in contrast to the rigid and hierarchical lecture halls or seminar rooms. Creative and critical thinking, communication and collaboration skills cannot simply be taught, but must be experienced in an active process of interactive learning. These processes of scientific and artistic work are not only enabled and promoted by the spatial laboratory, but in the course of the funding phase the Studio itself will be continuously developed as a spatial framework through empirical evaluation and feedback. This will create a close connection between model and reality, theory and implementation, which is new for the participating universities.

○ Participation

With the participatory involvement of students and teachers from a large number of faculties at the two cooperating universities, the spatial laboratory will also produce extensive documentation and information material that will support the implementation of further spatial redesigns, but will also develop strong impulses for project-based and student-centred learning and research.

○ Updates

© 2023



New Practice in Art and

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M.A. Design & Computation