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Research from our scientists
Behind the scenes, hundreds of Museum scientists study every aspect of life in our galaxy - from far-flung planets to the insects in our gardens. Explore their discoveries.
Environment news
Nature needs our help. Get updates on the climate crisis, biodiversity loss and more.
Dinosaur news
The Museum houses one of the world's most important dinosaur collections. Discover more about how it is supporting research into these prehistoric animals.
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New species
Thousands of new animals and plants are discovered every year. Hundreds of them are found by scientists at the Museum.
Human evolution news
New discoveries about how we became human are being made all the time. Innovative technologies are allowing us to understand the history of humanity in more detail than ever before.
Explore findings from the Museum's Centre for Human Evolution Research.
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Space news
Our scientists are working at the forefront of space research, collaborating on missions to Mars and beyond.