Editor’s note: 2025 begins my 30th year of writing a weekly column for The Transcript. Longtime readers often ask what column drew the most re…
Some say that deaths occur in “threes,” and for Oklahomans that was truly the case last week with a trio of remarkable individuals who each ha…
My, My, what a difference three years makes. Three years ago the number one issue in the mayoral and city council races was policing and polic…
My first real job as a professional journalist came on the early-morning copy desk shift at the late Oklahoma City Times 46 years ago this week.
The beginning of a new year is often a time to set goals, make resolutions, and embrace a fresh start. Or maybe it’s simply a time to try to l…
Donald Trump is escalating his long-running vendetta against the media. "It costs a lot of money to do it, but we have to straighten out the p…
It wasn’t really Christmas until the Greyhound bus arrived in Norman in the late afternoon hours on Christmas Day. That’s when an aunt, one of…
A bus full of tourists pulled up in Herb Greene’s east Norman driveway in the early 1960s when he was still living here. The OU architecture p…
The more I study the subjects of computer networks, the Internet, and the exploitation of sensitive personal information by governments, busin…
In a world fractured by political divides, foreign wars and unequal resources, music can be the healing balm. It knows no geographic boundarie…
Every county in Oklahoma voted red earlier this month. It’s been that way for a while.
The first grade class at St. Joseph’s Catholic School knew immediately something was very wrong that wintry day in 1963. Sr. Doris didn’t inte…
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The more I study the subjects of computer networks, the Internet, and the exploitation of se…
In a world fractured by political divides, foreign wars and unequal resources, music can be …
Every county in Oklahoma voted red earlier this month. It’s been that way for a while.
The first grade class at St. Joseph’s Catholic School knew immediately something was very wr…
The University of Maine fans that made the trip to the Gaylord Family Oklahoma Memorial Stad…
It was half time and the country wanted anyone but Trump or Biden. Trump was too rude. Biden…
It’s easy for us to run most letters to the editor. If they have an opinion and have a point…
It was drilled into my brain — in graduate school and in the military — that it was best, wh…
The Norman Chamber of Commerce’s legislative candidate forum was held a few weeks ago. This …
September is National Preparedness Month, but we might not have known it — it caught us unprepared.
As Kamala Harris energizes the Democratic base and rises in the polls, two numbers signal ho…
The emphasis the two major presidential campaigns are putting on swing states understates th…
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