Centre Leaders

Dr Daniel P Bray

Associate Professor in Chemical Ecology

[email protected]

+44 (0)1634 88 3729

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Professor Steven Belmain

Professor of Ecology

[email protected]

+44 (0)1634 88 3761

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We conduct innovative research and knowledge exchange to develop agricultural practices which can reduce poverty and disease while enhancing ecosystem services and maintaining environmental health. Our work is global, and we build on our strong tradition in overseas development to improve agricultural sustainability both in the UK and abroad.

One third of world food production is still lost to pests and diseases, and agricultural production remains a major cause of climate change and biodiversity loss.

We aim to minimise these losses through collaborative research on agricultural pests and diseases that cause poverty and undermine food security. Through international partnerships, we seek to understand and improve the ecosystems services which are the foundation of sustainable agricultural production worldwide.

The Centre has longstanding expertise in monitoring and controlling pests and disease vectors which affect animal, plant, and human health. Through improved understanding of the ecology of weeds, animal pests, and plant diseases, we seek to develop new diagnostic tools and natural products which can reduce crop losses and protect people and their livestock.

Our consultants and natural scientists conduct knowledge exchange with farmers and businesses to promote use of novel methodologies which can improve agricultural production while reducing our reliance on the synthetic insecticides which impact upon environmental health. Our expertise in ecosystem services includes researchers working to improve soil health and maintain populations of insects which control pests and pollinate our crops. In partnership with farmers and stakeholders worldwide, we seek to quantify and restore the balance between agricultural production and environmental sustainability.