Freedom of Information Act

This page outlines how to request U.S. National Science Foundation records in accordance with the "Freedom of Information Act" (FOIA) and the "Privacy Act of 1974."

NSF's policy is to provide the maximum amount of information possible, in accordance with restrictions imposed by FOIA and the "Privacy Act" to anyone who requests information, without unnecessary expense or delay.

NSF public records

You can access many of NSF's records and information without having to submit a FOIA request.

  • Funding Search: View funding publications, including current and archived solicitations, program descriptions, announcements and Dear Colleague Letters.
  • Award Search: View award abstracts for all NSF awards made since 1989. Information about older awards may be available; contact the appropriate NSF directorate or NSF's FOIA Officer for more information.
  • NSF News: View recent NSF press releases. If you are looking for historic press releases or text of speeches, contact NSF's Office of Legislative and Public Affairs at [email protected].
  • NSF by the Numbers: View information on NSF awards, NSF-funded institutions, funding rates, proposals evaluated and obligations by Fiscal Year.
  • Online Document System: View agency reports and policy documents.

Make a FOIA request

FOIA applies only to existing agency records. It does not require agencies to create records or to answer questions. However, NSF will attempt, in all cases, to provide the information requested. The NSF FOIA regulations describe the agency's policies in detail.

Copies of awarded proposals are available upon request. Personal and proprietary information will be removed from the proposal documents before they are released.

You may be charged a fee. Fees may include search, review and duplication, depending on the identity of the requestor. You will not be charged if applicable fees are less than $25.

Questions? You can email [email protected] or call (703) 292-8060.

Other ways to submit a FOIA request:

You may also submit your request to us via mail, email or fax following the instructions below.

To submit a request for NSF records, email [email protected].

To submit a request for NSF Office of Inspector General (OIG) records, email [email protected].

Your request should:

  1. Be clearly identified as a FOIA request.
  2. Clearly describe the records you seek, including information such as the record names, dates and subject areas whenever possible. The more information you provide, the easier it will be to determine if the records exist and result in quicker responses and lower (or no) fees.
  3. State your willingness to pay applicable fees. If you wish, you can include a maximum dollar amount you are willing to pay.
  4. Include the mailing address to which records should be sent.
  5. Optional: If you include your telephone number, we can contact you if there are any questions about the scope of your request, possible fees, or other issues.

Mail a request for NSF records to:

U.S. National Science Foundation
Attn: FOIA Officer
2415 Eisenhower Avenue
Alexandria, Virginia 22314

Mail a request for NSF Office of Inspector General (OIG) records to

U.S. National Science Foundation
Office of Inspector General
Attn: FOIA Officer
2415 Eisenhower Avenue 
Alexandria, Virginia 22314

Your request should:

  1. Be clearly identified as a FOIA request.
  2. Clearly describe the records you seek, including information such as the record names, dates and subject areas whenever possible. The more information you provide, the easier it will be to determine if the records exist and result in quicker responses and lower (or no) fees.
  3. State your willingness to pay applicable fees. If you wish, you can include a maximum dollar amount you are willing to pay.
  4. Include the mailing address to which records should be sent.
  5. Optional: If you include your telephone number, we can contact you if there are any questions about the scope of your request, possible fees, or other issues.

Fax a request for NSF or NSF Office of Inspector General (OIG) records to (703) 292-9041.

Clearly label on your request whether you are requesting NSF or OIG records.

Your request should:

  1. Be clearly identified as a FOIA request.
  2. Clearly describe the records you seek, including information such as the record names, dates and subject areas whenever possible. The more information you provide, the easier it will be to determine if the records exist and result in quicker responses and lower (or no) fees.
  3. State your willingness to pay applicable fees. If you wish, you can include a maximum dollar amount you are willing to pay.
  4. Include the mailing address to which records should be sent.
  5. Optional: If you include your telephone number, we can contact you if there are any questions about the scope of your request, possible fees, or other issues.

Make a "Privacy Act" request

If you wish to make a "Privacy Act" request for personal information about yourself, NSF's privacy regulations describe the agency's policies in detail. In brief, you will need to provide a description of the records you are requesting and verify your identity.

Requests can be made in person at NSF headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia, or in writing. When submitting a request in writing, the request must either be notarized or submitted under 28 USC 1746 (Unsworn declarations under the penalty of perjury). You may use this form to provide identity verification. 

Requests by mail can be sent to:
U.S. National Science Foundation
Attn: Privacy Act Officer
2415 Eisenhower Avenue
Alexandria, Virginia 22314

If you have questions, you can call NSF's Privacy Act Officer at (703) 292-8060.

FOIA Electronic Reading Room

NSF's frequently requested information under FOIA and the agency's FOIA logs are included below.

GSA SmartPay Program Credit Card Holders

Ackerman, Meghan
Addison, Gwendolyn
Ahl, Joan R
Aikens, Crystal R
Allen, Yolanda
Alquisa, JoAnn L
Anderson, Carl
Andrews, Onica
Armstrong, Alicia
Badru, Ashantai Y
Bael, Ryan
Balanga, Patricia A
Barden, LiAnn
Bartlett-Whitcomb, Christina M
Blair, Christopher
Bongiorno, Nick
Brewer, Angelica T
Brogan, Kevin
Brooking, Patricia
Brown, Robbie W
Buhneing, Steven C
Butler, Kevin M
Butler, Tonya L
Caicedo, Jonathan J
Carroll, Anne E
Cash, Shanelle
Caudle, Shantae
Champion, Crystal R
Chiang, Erika
Connell, Jennifer A
Coox, Christopher
Crawford, James E
Cross, Jerrinus
Dallmeier, Alina
Daniel, Shayna E
Davis, Erika N
Davis, Terria
Dawson, Brian E
Dedmon, Antoinette
Douglas, Cynthia R
Dreher, Annette M
Dunn, Le'Sha
Durham, Jacqueline F
Eason, Brittany
Edquist, Toni
Evans, Rachel
Farrow, Allison V
Fooks, Carlena
Friedersdorf, Lisa
Fung, Victoria Y
Gambarani, Karen
Goines, Howard
Gonzalez, Cecile J
Grainger, Joyce A
Greene, Paula
Hall, Jeremy
Harmon, Siara
Harris, Angela M
Harris, Diane
Hayer, Caroline
Headlee, Dena
Henry, Denise S
Hobbs, Ashley L
Horton, Nabriya
Huertas, Edgar
Humphreys, Amanda
Hunter, Tina
Ivey, S. Renee
Izzard, Linda
Jackson, Cynthia A
Jackson, Lisa M
Jenkins, Melody
Johnson, Christina A
Johnson, Michele R
Johnson, Philip
Johnson-Bryant, Radiah
Jordan, Dexter N
Jugan, Michael Y
Kendrick-Albuquerque, Kimberly M
Keola, Tammye J
Khlok, Kethshara
King, Joann
Larrow, Ann
LeSesne, Stacey A
Levenson, Bruce
Lewis, Megan
Long, Lorraine
Luurtsema, Kellie A
Maizel, Valerie S
Makarow, Tatiana
Mann-Thompson, Robert
Marchese, William F
Marshall, Desiree
Mayberry, KaJuana
McDavid, Charles
McKinnon-Jones, Carolyn D
McLendon, Timothy P
McQueen, Adrian V
Miller, Jeffrey M
Miller, Joan
Minor, Jyesah N
Montgomery, Estha J
Moore, Jacqueline S
Mountain, Bonnie L
Moynihan, Thomas J
Nguyen, Linh
Nill, Kaelynne
Noble, Kimberly S
Osborne, Thomasina M
Owens, Candace R
Owens, Jasmine
Owens, Nia
Paige, Armani
Parker-Mann, Sabrina
Parks, DeMonica L
Parshall, Kelly
Pentecost, Elizabeth A
Perez, Gloria V
Petrella, S. Larissa
Pitt-Simpkins, Jeannette
Queen, Cassandra M
Ravanera, Patrick F
Rison, Kathryn R
Robinson, Crystal
Rogers, Arneeta S
Rollins, Dynika
Rozell, Tracy L
Saenz, Arthur R
Sanders-Peak, Latanya C
Schreyer, Katelyn
Schweitzer, Joseph
Scott, Tracy
Sellars-Wright, Camelita
Seward, Sharon B
Shelley, Veronica
Smith, Pamela J
Smith, Tyffani N
Smith, Wanda A
Smoot, Victoria A
Southern, Patrick
Spyropoulos, Paul G
Stewart, Marla
Sumpter, Pamela
Sumpter, Tiarra
Sung, Nancy
Sweitzer, Bonnie S
Templeton, Miki
Thomas, Jean
Viau, Matthew F
Walton, Carolyn B
Walton, Shalika N
Wang, Hui
Watkins, Andrea
Watson, Susan A
Webb, Donna K
White, Tanika M
White-Wilkins, Deborah J
Wilkinson, Sheila D
Wilkinson, Tracey M
Williams, Catherine D
Williams, Ganella
Wilson, Angela
Wilson, Betty L
Withington, F. N
Zimmerman, Matthew

FOIA reports

NSF's required FOIA reports can be found below.

You can also find these reports at Freedom of Information Act: Create a Quarterly Report.


  • NSF-2024-Q1 - PDF
  • NSF-2024-Q2 - PDF
  • NSF-2024-Q3 - PDF


  • NSF-2023-Q1 - PDF
  • NSF-2023-Q2 - PDF
  • NSF-2023-Q3 - PDF
  • NSF-2023-Q4 - PDF


  • NSF-2022-Q1 - PDF
  • NSF-2022-Q2 - PDF
  • NSF-2022-Q3 - PDF
  • NSF-2022-Q4 - PDF










Chief FOIA Officer

Angel Williams


FOIA Officer

Spencer Christian


FOIA Public Liaisons

Angela Nelson