We want to make it as easy as possible to give to OCBF. We offer four ways for you to give your tithes and offering:
We want to make it as easy as possible to give to OCBF. We offer four ways for you to give your tithes and offering:
Click the button below to give via the website.
Text “OCBF” to 214-672-9100
Text “OCBF” to 214-672-9100
Download the OCBF app at the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store to give.
Mail your tithes to 1808 W Camp Wisdom Rd, Dallas, TX 75232.
Follow the steps to print your contribution giving statement.
a. Click the ‘Giving History’ button below.
b. Log in to your account or register to set up an account.
c. Click ‘Available Contribution Statement.’
d. Print Statement.
If you have any questions or a problem accessing your giving statement, please email [email protected].