Mosquitoes are responsible for more human deaths than any other animal in the world. The Orange County Mosquito and Vector Control District's (District) primary objective is to protect the people of Orange County from the dangers of vector-borne diseases. A major component of our program is to educate the public about the shared responsibility of vector control. The District works hard to eliminate existing mosquito breeding sources and prevent new ones. The common goal is public health and enjoyment of our backyards and the many recreational facilities within the County. The District also wants to promote mosquito-free agricultural and industrial working conditions.
Are you raising mosquitoes?Biology — Mosquito Life Cycle
Mosquitoes have four different stages in their life cycle- egg, larva, pupa, and adult. During each stage of their life cycle the mosquito looks distinctly different than any other life stage.

There are some insects that look very similar to mosquitoes. To see a list of these insects, click here.
What You Can Do
The owner of any property on which a breeding source is located is responsible for the abatement of the nuisance and for the prevention of its recurrence. The District will inform the property owner of the mosquito breeding source and assist them in working out a satisfactory correction. In extreme cases, where the owner does not accept their responsibility to the public, the nuisance may be abated and a lien filed against the property as enforced by the California Health and Safety Code.