Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

We appreciate that parents/carers who are new to our school will have questions and concerns.

Here are some answers to questions in relation to your child’s education, school timings, procedures and a variety of other topics. We will not have answered everything so if you are unable to find the information you are looking for please contact the school by telephone or email:

Telephone: 01322 527 981
Email[email protected]

Attendance and Timings

What are school opening and closing times?

Please click the link below which will take you to the current School Day Timetable.

What do I do if my child is late to school?

If your child is late for school, they must be brought to the school office to sign in. 

All late comers will receive a late mark. 

Persistent late comers will be reported to the Head Teacher.

What do I do if I am going to be late collecting my child?

If there are changes to collection arrangements, please call the school office on 01322 527981 before 3.00pm to ensure the class teacher is informed and the pupil is aware. 

In the case of a delay, please call the School Office.

Can I send someone else to pick up my child?

Please call the school office on 01322 527981 if someone else will be collecting your child from school that day.

How do I report my child's absence from school?

If your child is unwell and unable to attend school, parents must notify the school office on 01322 527981 to report their absence.

This should be done before 9am each day.

Can I take my child on holiday during term time?

We expect all children on roll to attend school every day during term time, as long as they are fit and healthy enough to do so. 

The school will not authorise holidays during term time. 

If a child misses school due to a family holiday, their absence will be recorded as unauthorised.  Unauthorised absences of 5 or more consecutive days may be liable for a fixed penalty notice issued by Bexley Council.


Health issues

What do I do if my child is prescribed medication?

Medicines should only be brought into school when prescribed. 

All medicines must be brought to the school office and the correct form completed. 

Medicines will only be accepted in the original container/packaging as dispensed by a pharmacist and should include the child’s name, as well as the prescriber’s instructions for administration.

What happens if my child has a medical/dental appointment?

Any routine dental or optician appointments should be made outside of school time. 

However, if you need to take your child out of school for a doctor or hospital appointment, please contact the school office in advance. 01322 527981

How long before my child can return to school after an illness?

Children may return to school as soon as they are well enough to do so. 

In the case of sickness or diarrhoea, children may return 48 hours after their last episode.

What happens if my child has an accident at school?

All accidents at school are recorded in the first aid book, with first aid given where appropriate. 

In the case of a head bump or visible injury, parents are contacted by phone.

What do I do if my child has head lice?

Please advise the school if your child has head lice so that other parents in the class can be informed and can check their child. 

Please treat your child using the wet combing method or by purchasing a suitable product from your local pharmacist. 



Can I park at the school?

There is no parent parking at the school.  The car parks are for staff use only. 

If you must drive to school, please park considerately using one of the local roads. 

Can my child cycle to school?

Cycle and scooter racks are provided at school for your child to use. 

Any items are left at your own risk.