Do you, or somebody you know, need help to understand and navigate the aged care system? The aged care system can be very confusing, but HAAG's Care Finders are here to help!

   Call us on 1300 765 178 or email [email protected] for information and assistance with accessing aged care.   

HAAG's Care Finders can help you to:

  • Register with My Aged Care - the starting point for accessing all aged care services.
  • Prepare you for what to expect when you contact My Aged Care and what will happen when you get referred for an aged care assessment
  •   Refer you to services who can provide additional support

We can answer questions like

  • What is the role of the government agency My Aged Care? 
  • What is an assessment?
  • Who provides me with a service?
  • More questions? Read more facts about Aged Care here

How can I get help

Call us on 1300 765 178 or inquire using the form below.

Our services are free, confidential and independent.



Find out more about the change the change from the Aged Care Systems Navigator to the Care Finder program here

The service is supported by the Western, North-West Melbourne, South-East Melbourne, Eastern, Murray and Gippsland Primary Health Networks through the Australian Government's Primary Health Networks Program.