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Indian Game Chickens

blue female dark male jubilee female jubilee male

Breed Rating (10 Reviews)


Indian Game History

Indian Game birds are bred in Cornwall and have been since the 19th century. They are sometimes referred to as Cornish. They do prefer to live where the climate is mild. The bird descends from an Asil, an Indian breed of bird whose name means aristocratic. Although the bird looks fierce and stout it has never been used as a fighting bird. They were and still are very popular due to their very large proportion of breast meat. They are used for cross breeding purposes for their meat. Although called Indian Game they are not classed as game at exhibition standard. The shortness of the legs and the increased width of the bird is something that has been developed over this century. Earlier birds had longer legs. Crossbreeds of this bird are what we find in our supermarket shelves today.

Indian Game Behaviour

The Indian Game is both sensible and tame and very confident in character. Their strange shape does make them vulnerable to lice and mite infestation as they find it hard to preen under their tails. As its purpose is mainly cross breeding for meat it does not lay that many eggs. It can become broody and protective. A full grown bird can become tricky to pick up due to its width. They do need to have low perches and large pop holes to get through.

Indian Game Varieties

Standard colours for this bird are dark, jubilee and blue laced. The plumage on the females gives a very elegant look. The feathers are hard, close and double laced. The cock bird in dark colour does not have the lacing but a beetle green shine on his back feathers. The jubilee has white where the dark has black and the females again are well laced. The blue laced is the most attractive of the three. It has blue where the dark has black. Over the breastbone there usually is an area with no feathers. The eyes are pale red or pearl. The earlobes are red and the legs are orange or yellow.

Indian Game Pictures

Indian Game Chickens hunting for food
blue indian game
Shamo Rooster and Aseel Hen
My indian games
An indian game chicken free ranging.
A black indian game chicken.
Indian Game Chicken
Indian Game Cock in grass
Chickens in the garden
Chickens in their run looking outside
Chick in grass
Chicken in cage
Chicken posing
Chicken posing

Indian Game For Sale

Please note: All animals listed here are for collection only. They cannot be delivered by the seller or by Omlet. The seller will send you their contact details to arrange payment and collection.
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Latest Reviews For Indian Game (5 of 10)

- Brandon,

An excellent meat breed

eggs - Deacon,

HI my large hen has layed every day and 168 eggs before she stoped. I have bantams in lay all year bar from when thay are broody and i let them sit and hatch. And i dont light them up its just what you no and how to give them the best. Wind and rain are your biggest reason why they stop laying in winter.

Good looking, males vicious - Cornish-Hen,

These are my favourite breed but along with other local breeders i have to keep mine behind tall fences and well away from children... the cockerels seem to be able to sense fear and whereas mine cower from fully grown men, they do tend to go for other humans entering their territory, and for this reason it pays to keep their spurs short. The females on their own do make nice pets, but don't have a very long laying season, but IMO the beautiful tight feathering and lacing on their plumage makes up alot for this. Great garden ornaments though they are very strong/muscular and can uproot grass, not just clip it.

great - George,

Indian game are stunning and are one of the hardiest breeds I have ever kept they do go broody but aren't very good mothers and tend to stand on eggs and chicks.

just the best - Deacon,

I have bantams and one large hen. One of my bantams has layed 102 eggs befor she whent broody. And my big hen is still laying and she has layed 115 so for so I think thay are not as bad as layers as thay have been made out to be. I think for a breed thay are ACE! My children love them.

Breeder Clubs for Indian Game

Indian Game Club

Email: [email protected]


Telephone: 01462 711617