The Omlet Guide to Keeping Quail
What's not to love about quail? Small and perfectly formed, they are prolific egg layers and easy to keep. This great guide is full of advice, tips and essential information covering everything you need to know about quail. You will find information on feeding, health checks, seasonal care as well as fantastic facts about quail. For example did you know that the Egyptians were such admirers that they gave the quail it's own heiroglyphic?
Customer Images

Charlotte, 23 March 2024
All these people asking for help in the comments, i advise you to join fb groups. I run "quails in the uk/quails uk" and we would be happy to advise you on how to care for various breeds.
Bijan, 24 May 2020
How can i get feeds for quail. Thanks
Derek, 18 February 2020
Advice on breeding quail
Harmoni, 22 June 2019
Hi I am a owner of a quail I’ve had it’s for about a year but for the last day or so it has stoped eating and drinking it’s also staying in one place and is unable to stand up or walk I am very worried that it’s is in pain if anyone has and advice please let me know ASAP
Bernard, 19 June 2019
Needs guidance on how to keep quails