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Free Math Worksheets According To Grades
Printable Math Worksheets
Common Core Free Math Worksheets
Interactive Math Worksheets
Looking for free Online Math Worksheets, Math Quizzes, or Math Exercises? Here’s the place to start.
We have free online math worksheets and printable worksheets for different grade levels and math topics such as counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, algebra, geometry, statistics, probability and trigonometry and more. You can also generate customized worksheets to suit your needs.
You can either practice online or print the worksheets (pdf).
Our directory of Free Online Math Worksheets and Math Quizzes available on our site and on the Internet. They include Algebra Math Worksheets, Geometry Math Worksheets, Multiplication Math Worksheets, Division Math Worksheets, Measurement Math Worksheets, Fraction Math Worksheets, Decimal Math Worksheets, Integer Math Worksheets, Statistics Math Worksheets, Probability Math Worksheets and Trigonometry Worksheets. We categorize and review the worksheets listed here to help you find the math worksheets problems that you are looking for.
The following are some pre-configured links to our online interactive worksheets according to topics. Some of the worksheets are dynamically generated which means that you will be given a different set each time to practice. They are marked online, giving you immediate feedback. The topics are sub-divided and arranged in an approximate order of difficulty.
Numbers: 0 to 99
Numbers from 0 to 10
Numbers from 11 to 20
Numbers from 20 to 30
Numbers from 0 to 99
Words: Zero to Millions
Number Words 0 to 99
Number Words in hundreds
Number Words in thousands
Number Words in millions
Words to Numbers
Words to Numbers (up to 10)
Words to Numbers (up to 100)
Words to Numbers (up to 1000)
Words to Numbers (up to one million)
Words to Numbers (up to millions)
Numbers to Words
Cardinal Numbers (up to 100) (printable)
Numbers to Words (up to 10)
Numbers to Words (up to 100)
Numbers to Words (up to 1000)
Learning the Number 0
Counting Objects
Counting Objects 0 to 3
Counting Objects to 4
Counting Objects to 5
Counting Objects to 6
Counting Objects to 7
Counting Objects to 8
Counting Objects to 9
Counting Objects to 10
More or Less
One More Than
One Less Than
More, Less or Same
More or Less
Counting: 0 to 100
Counting 0 to 10
Counting Up to 20
Counting Up to 30
Counting Up to 100
Counting with Tally Marks
Count with Tally Marks 0 to 10
Count with Tally Marks Up to 20
Count with Tally Marks Up to 30
Count with Tally Marks Up to 100
Printable & Online
One Less
Compare & Select
Compare using Sentences
Compare using Symbols
Learning the > and < symbols (eg. >, <. =)
Compare Numbers up to 30 (eg. 25 > 17)
Compare Numbers up to 100 (eg. 25 > 17)
Compare Numbers (3-digit) (eg. 534 > 524)
Before, Between, After
1 more, 1 less, 10 more, 10 less
Number Sequence (2-digit numbers)
Number Pattern (3-digit numbers)
Order Numbers (2-digit) (eg. 14, 41, 54)
Order Numbers (3-digit) (eg. 344, 445, 545)
Greater than and Less than (2 digits)
Greater than and Less than (3 digits)
Greater than and Less than (4 digits)
Compare Numbers up to 30 (eg. 25 > 17)
Compare Numbers up to 100 (eg. 35< 68)
Printable & Online
Ten and Ones (eg. 17 = __ ten and __ ones)
Count Tens & Ones (with pictures)
Count Tens & Ones (with place value charts)
Tens and Ones (eg. 73 = __ tens and __ ones)
Add Tens & Ones (with pictures)
Add Tens & Ones (eg. 60 + 4 = )
1 more, 1 less, 10 more, 10 less
Hundreds, Tens, Ones (eg. 536 = 500 + 30 + 6)
Expanded Form (up to hundreds)
Expanded Form (up to millions)
Identify the place value of a digit
Place Values (1’s, 10’s, 100’s)
Place Values (up to 1,000’s)
Place Values (up to 10,000’s)
State the digit in ones or tens place
State the digit (1’s, 10’s, 100’s place)
State the digit (up to 1,000’s place)
State the digit (up to 10,000’s place)
Printable & Online
Round Numbers using the Number Line
Round to nearest 10 (2 to 4 digits)
Round to nearest 100 (3 to 4 digits)
Round to nearest 1000, 10000, 100000
Round to nearest 10 (2-digit) (eg. 45 -> 50)
Round to nearest 10 (3-digit) (eg. 725 -> 730)
Round to nearest 100 (3-digit) (eg. 651 -> 700)
Round to nearest 10 or 100 (3-digit)
Round to nearest 100 (4-digit) (eg. 2,754 -> 2,800)
Round to nearest 1000 (eg. 3,542 -> 4,000)
Round to nearest 10, 100, 1000
Round Multi-digit Numbers
Rounding Word Problems
Round to the nearest 10
Round to the nearest 10
Round to the nearest 100
Round to the nearest 100
Round to the nearest 1000
Rounding Numbers (mixed)
Finding Halfway (Sprint A)
Finding Halfway (Sprint B)
Round to tens (Sprint A)
Round to tens (Sprint B)
Round to hundreds (Sprint A)
Round to hundreds (Sprint B)
Printable & Online
Skip Count by 2 (Even) (eg. 2, __, 6)
Skip Count by 2 (Odd) (eg. 1, __, 5)
Skip Count by 3 (eg. 3, __, 9)
Skip Count by 4 (eg. 4, __, 12)
Skip Count by 5 (eg. 5, __, 15)
Skip Count by 6 (eg. 6, __, 18)
Skip Count by 7 (eg. 7, __, 21)
Skip Count by 8 (eg. 8, __, 24)
Skip Count by 9 (eg. 9, __, 27)
Skip Count by 10 (eg. 10, __, 30)
Skip Counting by 2’s
Skip Counting by 3’s
Skip Counting by 4’s
Skip Counting by 5’s
Skip Counting by 10’s
Skip Counting by 5’s (Sprint A)
Skip Counting by 5’s (Sprint B)
Roman to Decimal
Roman to Decimal (up to 10)
Roman to Decimal (up to 20)
Roman to Decimal (up to 50)
Roman to Decimal (up to 20)
Roman to Decimal (up to 70)
Roman to Decimal (up to 150)
Roman to Decimal (up to 550)
Roman to Decimal (up to 1500)
Decimal to Roman
Decimal to Roman (up to 20)
Decimal to Roman (up to 70)
Decimal to Roman (up to 150)
Decimal to Roman (up to 550)
Decimal to Roman (up to 1500)
Printable & Online
Addition Strategies
Adding 1 to 10
Adding 1
Adding 2
Adding 3
Adding 4
Adding 5
Adding 6
Adding 7
Adding 8
Adding 9
Adding 10
Sum to 6
Sum to 7
Sum to 8
Sum to 9
Sum to 10
Single Digit Addition
Decomposing Numbers up to 5
Decomposing Numbers up to 6
Decomposing Numbers up to 7
Decomposing Numbers up to 8
Decomposing Numbers up to 9
Decomposing Numbers up to 10
Adding Objects
Addition up to 5
Numbers that Make 10
Numbers that Add to 10 (eg. 8 + __ = 10)
Addition within 10 (eg. 3 + 5)
Addition within 20 (eg. 6 + 8)
Adding Doubles (eg. 3 + 3)
Add using Addition Facts
Mixed Single Digit Addition
Sums across 10 (1-digit + 1-digit)
Addition across 10 (2-digit + 1-digit)
Compose Teen Numbers (eg. 10 + 9 = __)
Missing Addend (sums < 10) (eg. __ + 5 = 7)
Missing Addend Word Problems (eg. 8 + __ = 17)
Count-On Strategy
Add One or One More
Add by Counting On
Counting On with Missing Addend
Make 10 Strategy
Make 10 strategy, addend is 9 (eg. 9 + 6)
Make 10 strategy, addend is 8 (eg. 8 + 5)
Make 10 strategy, addend is 7,8,9
Make 10 strategy (eg. 67 + 4)
Make 100 Strategy (eg. 440 + 280)
Adding to 0
Adding to 1
Adding to 2
Adding to 3
Adding to 4
Adding to 5
Adding to 6
Adding to 7
Adding to 8
Adding to 9
Adding to 10
Add to 6 Sprint
Add to 7 Sprint
Add to 8 Sprint
Add using Make a 10, Sprint
Add using Make a 100, Sprint
Sums Crossing Ten (eg. 8 + 4)
Find Missing Addend (sums 10, 20, 30 or 40
Printable & Online
Addition Facts to 10
Addition Facts to 20
Addition Facts (up to 10)
Addition Facts (up to 18)
Addition Facts (up to 20)
Printable & Online
Number Bonds 5 (eg. 5 = 3 + __)
Number Bonds 6 (eg. 6 = 4 + __)
Number Bonds 7 (eg. 7 = 2 + __)
Number Bonds 8 (eg. 8 = 6 + __)
Number Bonds 9 (eg. 9 = 5 + __)
Number Bonds 10 (eg. 10 = 8 + __)
Number Bonds for 5
Number Bonds for 10
Number Bonds for 20
Number Bonds for 6
Number Bonds for 7
Number Bonds for 8
Number Bonds for 9
Fact Family 10 (Add & Subtract) (eg. 10 - 4)
Fact Family Triangle (addition, subtraction)
Fact Family within 20 (eg. 15 - 8)
Fact Family of 10 Worksheet #1
Fact Family of 10 Worksheet #2
Fact Families up to 10 (Dynamic)
Fact Families up to 18 (Dynamic)
Printable & Online
Add 10 to a 2-digit number (eg. 10 + 24)
2-digit + 1-digit (eg. 56 + 3)
2-digit + 2-digit (eg. 35 + 24)
2 digits + 1 digit
2 digits + 2 digits
3 digits + 3 digits
4 digits + 4 digits
Printable & Online
One-digit Addition
Addition within 10 (eg. 3 + 5)
Addition within 20 (eg. 6 + 8)
Missing Addend, Sum < 10 (eg. __ + 5 = 7)
Missing Addend, sum < 20 (eg. __ + 7 = 15)
Missing Addend, Multiples of 10 (eg. 22 + __ = 30)
Multi-digit Addition
Add Whole Tens (eg. 50 + 60)
Add Tens to a 2-digit number (eg. 60 + 34)
2-digit + 1-digit (eg. 48 + 5)
2-digit + 2-digit (eg. 64 + 29)
3-digit + 2-digit (eg. 543 + 39)
3-digit + 3-digit (eg. 648 + 594)
Addition Fluency (eg. 11 + 7)
Make 10 strategy (eg. 67 + 4)
Mental Math Addition (2-digit addends)
Compensation Addition (eg. 98 + 79)
Make 100 Strategy (eg. 440 + 280)
Multi-digit Addition (eg. 12,456 + 3,376)
Addition Word Problems (2-digit)
Multi-digit Addition Word Problems
Arrow Addition/Subtraction
Arrow Addition (eg. 450 + 360)
Arrow Subtraction (eg. 650 - 480)
Add using Make a 100, Sprint
Find Missing Addend (sums 10, 20, 30 or 40
1 digit + 1 digit
2 digits + 2 digits
3 digits + 3 digits
4 digits + 4 digits
5 digits + 5 digits
Printable & Online
3 Addends, Make 10 First (eg. 5 + 3 + 5 = __)
Add 3 single digit numbers (eg. 4 + 7 + 8)
3 Addends Word Problems
3 Addends
1 digit, 3 addends
1-digit, 3 addends Sprint
2 digits, 3 addends
3 digits, 3 addends
4 Addends
1 digit, 4 addends
2 digits, 4 addends
3 digits, 4 addends
How Many are Left?
Take Away
Take Away from 6
Take Away from 7
Take Away from 8
Take Away from 9
Take Away from 10
Addition & Subtraction within 5
Fact Family Triangle (addition, subtraction)
Fact Family within 20 (eg. 15 - 8)
Addition/Subtraction Word Problems (Addition & Subtraction)
Add, Subtract 2 (Sprint A)
Add, Subtract 2 (Sprint B)
Add, Subtract 3 Sprint
Add, Subtract 5 (Sprint A)
Add, Subtract 5 (Sprint B)
Add, Subtract within 10
Add, Subtract within 20
Add or Subtract within 20
2-Digit Add, Subtract Sprint
Write Linear & Nonlinear Expressions
Distributive Property for Expressions
Factoring Expressions
Writing Expressions
Equivalent Expressions
Write Expressions for Word Problems
Evaluate Algebraic Expressions (1 variable, positive numbers)
Evaluate Algebraic Expressions (1 variable, integers)
Evaluate Algebraic Expressions (2 variables, positive numbers)
Evaluate Algebraic Expressions (2 variables, integers)
Simplify Expressions (Add, Subtract Like Terms)
Simplify Expressions (Multiply, Divide)
Simplify Expressions (Distributive Property)
Simplify Expressions (Combine Like Terms)
Simplify Expressions (Distributive Property & Combine Like Terms)
Equivalent Expressions using Number Properties
Evaluate Expressions by Substitution
Simplify Expressions by Combining Like Terms
Simplify Expressions using Distributive Property
Use Distributive Property & Combine Like Terms
Write Equations
Write Equations Using Symbols
Write & Solve Linear Equations
Solve Linear Equations (Distributive)
Solve Linear Equations in Disguise
Solve Linear Equations Word Problems
Solve 1-step Equations
Words to Equations
Solve 1-step equations (addition & subtraction)
Solve 1-step equations (multiplication & division)
Solve 1-step equations (all operations)
Solve 1-step equations (negative numbers)
Solve 1-step equations (decimals)
Solve 2-step Equations
Solve 2-step equations (positive answers)
Solve 2-step equations (negative answers)
Solve 2-step equations (fraction answers)
Solve 2-step equations (with fractions)
Solve 2-step equations (with decimals)
Solve Linear Equations
Solve linear equations (1-step equations)
Solve linear equations (2-step equations)
Solve linear equations (combine like terms)
Solve linear equations (distributive property & combine like terms)
Solve linear equations (fractions)
Solve Quadratic Equations
Solve Quadratic Equation (use factoring)
Solve Word Problems using Quadratic Equations
Sketching Quadratic Graphs
Rewrite Expressions in Completed-Squared Form
Solve Quadratic Equation (use completing the square)
Solve Quadratic Equation (use quadratic formula)
Discriminant in the Quadratic Formula
Quadratic Equation with Complex Solutions
Solve Literal Equations
Solve 1-Step Literal Equations
Solve 2-Step Literal Equations
Solve 3-Step Literal Equations
Rearrange Formulas
Solve Proportion Equations
Solve Absolute Value Equations
1-step Equations (Add or Subtract)
1-step Equations (Multiply or Divide)
Solving 1-Step Equations
2-Step Equations
Solving 2-Step Equations
Combine like Terms (Sprint)
Solve by Combining Like Terms
Solve Equations with the Variable on Both Sides
Solve Equations by Distributive Property
Solve Multi-Step Equations 1
Solve Multi-Step Equations 2
Solve Word Problems using Algebra
Write & Graph Inequalities
Solve 1-step inequalities (addition & subtraction)
Solve 1-step inequalities (multiplication & division)
Solve 1-step inequalities (all operations)
Solve linear inequalities (include number lines)
Graph compound inequalities on the number line
Solve & graph compound inequalities
Solve Systems of Equations with Substitution
Solve Systems of Equations with Elimination
Solve Systems of Equation Word Problems
System of Equations using the Graphical Method
System of Equations Word Problems using the Graphical Method
System of Equations with No Solution
System of Equations with 3 Variables
Intersection of Circles & Lines
Solve System of Equations by Substitution
Solve System of Equations by Addition
Solve System of Equations by Subtraction
Solve System of Equations by Addition or Subtraction
Solve by Multiplication and then Addition or Subtraction
Using Factor Theorem
Using Remainder Theorem
Remainder Theorem
Factoring Trinomials (a = 1)
Factoring Trinomials (a > 1)
Factor Perfect Square Trinomials
Factoring Quadratics (a = 1)
Factoring Quadratics (a > 1)
Factor Difference of Squares
Factor Perfect Square Quadratics
Factor Binomials by Difference of Squares
Factor Perfect Square Trinomials
Factor Trinomials or Quadratic Equations
Factor Different Types of Trinomials 1
Factor Different Types of Trinomials 2
Solve Trinomials using Quadratic Formula
Find Discriminants of Quadratic Polynomials
Add & Subtract Complex Numbers
Multiply Complex Number
Rationalize Complex Number
Operations with Complex Numbers
Quadratic Equation with Complex Solutions
Powers of i: Positive Exponents
Powers of i: Negative Exponents
Complex Number Addition
Complex Number Subtraction
Complex Number Multiplication
Complex Number Division
Complex Number: Magnitude (Absolute Value)
Distance Between Two Complex Numbers
Midpoint of Two Complex Numbers
Plot Ordered Pairs (First Quadrant)
Ordered Pairs & Lines
Parallel Lines & Coordinate Plane
Ordered Pairs (Four Quadrants)
Symmetry in the Coordinate Plane
Coordinate Plane (Horizontal & Vertical Distance)
Midpoint Formula
Distance Formula
Slope Formula
Standard Form & Slope-Intercept Form
Parallel Lines
Perpendicular Lines
Quadrants of Coordinates
Slope of a Line
Slope and Intercept of a Line
Midpoint Formula 1
Midpoint Formula 2
Distance Formula 1
Distance Formula 2
Exploration Activity
Slope and Intercept of a Line
Compare Decimals
Order Decimals
Comparing Decimals
Ordering Decimals
Up to 1 digit after the decimal point
Up to 2 digits after the decimal point
Up to 3 digits after the decimal point
Up to 4 digits after the decimal point
Up to 5 digits after the decimal point
Up to 6 digits after the decimal point
Printable & Online
Round Decimals (nearest whole number)
Round Decimals (nearest tenths)
Round Decimals (nearest hundredths)
Round Decimals (different place values)
Round Decimals to nearest whole number
Rounding Decimals (mixed)
Generated & Interactive
Rounding Decimals to the nearest ones
Rounding Decimals to the nearest tenths
Rounding to the nearest hundredths
Rounding Decimals (mixed)
Convert Decimals to Fractions
Convert Decimals to Mixed Numbers
Convert Repeating Decimals to Fractions
Convert Fractions to Decimals (denominator 10, 100, or 1000)
Convert Fractions to Decimals (use equivalent fractions)
Convert Fractions to Decimals (use long division)
Convert Fractions to Repeating Decimals (recurring decimals)
Convert Mixed Numbers to Decimals
Decimals to Fractions
Decimals to Mixed Numbers
Fractions to Decimals (denominators 10, 100, 1,000)
Mixed Numbers to Decimals (denominators 10, 100, 1,000)
Fractions to Decimals using division
Convert between Decimals, Fractions & Percents
Printable & Online
Adding Decimals
Decimal Word Problems (addition)
Add Decimals to 1 dp
Add Decimals up to 2 dp
Add Decimals up to 3 dp
Add Decimals up to 4 dp
Subtracting Decimals
Online & Interactive
Subtract Decimals to 1 dp
Subtract Decimals up to 2 dp
Subtract Decimals up to 3 dp
Subtract Decimals up to 4 dp
Multiply Decimals by 10, 100, 1000
Multiply Decimals by Powers of 10 (eg. 3.2 × 103)
Multiply Decimals by Whole Numbers (eg. 3.12 × 8)
Online & Interactive
Multiply Decimals by 10, 100, 1000
Multiply Decimals by 10, 100, 1000 (Sprint)
Multiply Decimals by Powers of 10 (Exponent Form)
Multiply/Divide Decimals by 10, 100, 1000
Multiply Decimals by 1-digit Whole Number (Sprint)
Multiply Decimals by Whole Number (1 dp)
Multiply Decimals by Whole Number (2 dp)
Multiply Decimals by Whole Number (3 dp)
Multiply Decimals by Whole Number (4 dp)
Divide Decimals by 10, 100, 1000
Divide Decimals by Whole Numbers (eg. 7.28 ÷ 4)
Divide Decimals by Multiples of 10
Divide Decimals by Powers of 10 (eg. 74.2 ÷ 103)
Divide Whole Numbers to give Decimal Quotients
Divide Decimals by Whole Numbers (without rounding)
Divide Decimals by Whole Numbers (with rounding)
Divide Decimals by Decimals (with & without rounding)
Online & Generated
Divide Decimals by 10, 100, 1,000
Divide Decimals by Powers of 10 (Exponent Form)
Divide Decimals by Multiples of 10
Divide by Whole Number, 1 dp ÷ 1 digit
Divide by Whole Number, 2 dp ÷ 1 digit
Divide by Whole Number, 3 dp ÷ 1 digit
Divide by Whole Number, 3 dp ÷ 2 digits
Divide Decimals by Decimals (with & without rounding)
Online & Generated
Divide by Tenths or Hundredths
Division & Equal Groups
Fact Family Triangle (multiplication, division)
Division using Multiplication Facts (2 to 5)
Divide using Multiplication Facts (6 to 10)
Division Facts (Random Order)
Division using Distributive Property
Division using Multiplication Facts of 2
Division using Multiplication Facts of 3
Division using Multiplication Facts of 4
Division using Multiplication Facts of 5
Division using Multiplication Facts of 6
Division using Multiplication Facts of 7
Division using Multiplication Facts of 8
Division using Multiplication Facts of 9
Division using Multiplication Facts of 10
Fact Family Triangle (multiply/divide)
Division Facts using Multiplication (2 to 5)
Division Facts using Multiplication (6 to 10)
Division Facts (Random Order)
Mental Division (with or without remainder)
Multiply or Divide by 0 or 1
Division Facts for 2
Division Facts for 3
Division Facts for 4
Division Facts for 5
Division Facts for 6
Division Facts for 7
Division Facts for 8
Division Facts for 9
Division Facts for 10
Mixed Division Facts (1 to 10)
Mixed Division Sprint
Printable or Online
Divisibility Tests (Printable)
Divisibility Rules (Online)
Divide by Multiples of 10 (eg. 6,300 ÷ 300)
Divide by Multiples of 10 (eg. 8500 ÷ 100)
Divide Multiples of 10 (eg. 9000 ÷ 3)
Divide 2-digit by 1-digit (eg. 74 ÷ 3)
Division Word Problems (2-digit ÷ 1-digit)
Divide 3-digit by 1-digit (eg. 576 ÷ 5)
Division Word Problems (3-digit ÷ 1-digit)
Divide 4-digit by 1-digit (eg. 3,870 ÷ 4)
Division Word Problems (4-digit ÷ 1-digit)
Division with Zeros in the Quotient
2 digits ÷ 1 digit, no remainder
3 digits ÷ 1 digit, no remainder
1 digit ÷ 1 digit, with remainder (Sprint)
2 digits ÷ 1 digit, with remainder
3 digits ÷ 1 digit, with remainder
3 digits ÷ 2 digits, with remainder
4 digits ÷ 2 digits, with remainder
Multiplication & Division Facts (2 to 5)
Multiplication & Division Facts (6 to 10)
Multiply or Divide by 0 or 1
Multiply Divide by 2 (Sprint A)
Multiply Divide by 2 (Sprint B)
Multiply Divide by 3 (Sprint A)
Multiply Divide by 3 (Sprint B)
Multiply Divide by 4 (Sprint A)
Multiply Divide by 4 (Sprint B)
Multiply or Divide by 5
Multiply or Divide by 6
Multiply or Divide by 7
Multiply Divide by 8 (Sprint A)
Multiply Divide by 8 (Sprint B)
Multiply Divide by 9 (Sprint A)
Multiply Divide by 9 (Sprint B)
Multiply or Divide by 10
Word Problems (Multiplication & Division)
Powers of 10 (eg. 103=)
Multiply by Powers of 10 (eg. 4 × 103=)
Multiply Decimals by Powers of 10 (eg. 3.2 × 103=)
Divide Decimals by Powers of 10 (eg. 74.2 ÷ 103=)
Squares & Cubes (whole number, fraction & decimal bases)
Squares & square roots
Cubes & cube roots
Squares with bases 0 to 10
Squares with bases 2 to 20
Squares with bases -10 to 0
Squares with bases -20 to 0
Cubes with bases 0 to 10
Cubes with bases 2 to 20
Cubes with bases -10 to 0
Cubes with bases -20 to 0
Squares & square roots
Square Root Worksheets
Cubes & cube roots
Cube Root Worksheets
Simplify square roots
Using Radicals to Solve Equations
Rationalize denominators
Add & Subtract Radical Expressions
Multiply Radical Expressions
Divide Radical Expressions
Simplify Radical Expressions
Solve Radical Equations
Whole number exponents
Negative whole number exponents
Unit fraction exponents (positive or negative)
Fractional exponents (positive or negative)
Equal Parts
Introduction to Fractions
Compare Unit Fractions
Compare Fractions with Same Numerator
Fractions on the Number Line
Compare Fractions on the Number Line
Compare Fractions using Benchmarks
Compare Fractions
Order Fractions
Equivalent Fraction Models
Equivalent Fractions on the Number Line
Find Equivalent Fractions
Equivalent Fractions with Area Model
Reduce Proper Fractions
Simplify Proper & Improper Fractions
Improper Fractions to Mixed Numbers
Mixed Numbers to Improper Fractions
Fractions as Division
Fraction of a Set
Writing Fractions in Words
Reducing Fractions (Sprint)
Simplifying Fractions
Equivalent Fractions
Equivalent Fractions (Sprint)
Comparing Fractions
Comparing Fractions
Compare Fractions (Same Denominator)
Compare Fractions (Different Denominators)
Fractions & Mixed Numbers
Fractions as Division
Improper fractions to mixed numbers
Improper fractions to mixed numbers
Mixed numbers to improper fractions
Mixed numbers to improper fractions
Decimals & Fractions
Convert Decimals to Fractions
Convert Decimals to Mixed Numbers
Convert Repeating Decimals to Fractions
Convert Fractions to Decimals (denominator 10, 100, or 1000)
Convert Fractions to Decimals (use equivalent fractions)
Convert Fractions to Decimals (use long division)
Convert Fractions to Repeating Decimals (recurring decimals)
Convert Mixed Numbers to Decimals
Decimals to Fractions
Decimals to Mixed Numbers
Fractions to Decimals (denominators 10, 100, 1,000)
Mixed Numbers to Decimals (denominators 10, 100, 1,000)
Fractions to Decimals using division
Convert between Decimals, Fractions & Percents
Add/Subtract Fractions
Add Like Fractions
Add Unlike Fractions
Subtract Like Fractions
Subtract Unlike Fractions
Subtract Fraction from Whole Number
Add/Subtract Mixed Numbers
Add Mixed Numbers (like denominators)
Add Mixed Numbers (unlike denominators)
Subtract Mixed Numbers (like denominators, no regrouping)
Subtract Mixed Numbers (like denominators, regrouping)
Subtract Mixed Numbers (unlike denominators, no regrouping)
Subtract Mixed Numbers (unlike denominators, regrouping)
Add (common denominator, no reducing)
Subtract (common denominator, no reducing)
Add/Subtract (common denominator, reducing)
Least Common Denominator
Add/Subtract (unlike denominators, guided)
Add/Subtract (unlike denominators)
Multiply Fractions with Canceling
Multiply Fractions & Whole Numbers
Multiply Fractions by Fractions (Area Model)
Multiply Mixed Numbers
Fraction Word Problems (Add, Subtract, Multiply)
Fraction Word Problems (Tape Diagrams)
Multiply Fractions with Fractions
Multiply Fractions with Whole Numbers
Multiply Fractions and Mixed Numbers
Divide Fractions by Whole Numbers
Divide Whole Numbers by Fractions
Divide Fractions by Fractions
Divide Mixed Numbers
Divide Different Types of Fractions
Divide Fractions Word Problems
Divide Whole Numbers by Fractions
Divide Fractions by Whole Numbers
Divide Fractions by Fractions
Divide Fractions and Mixed Numbers
Fraction Word Problems (Add, Subtract)
2-Step Fraction Word Problems (Add, Subtract)
1-Step Mixed Number Word Problems (Add, Subtract)
2-Step Mixed Number Word Problems (Add, Subtract)
Fraction Word Problems (Add, Subtract, Multiply)
Recognizing 2D Shapes (Kindergarten)
Recognizing 3D Shapes (Kindergarten)
Drawing 2D Shapes (Kindergarten)
Sides & Corners (First Grade)
2D Shapes (First Grade)
Divide Shapes (Halves & Quarters)
Shapes & Attributes (2nd Grade)
Polygons (2nd Grade)
Quadrilaterals (2nd Grade)
Composite Shapes (2nd Grade)
Divide Composite Shapes (2nd Grade)
Divide Circles & Rectangles
Relate Square to Cube (2nd Grade)
Classify Quadrilaterals (3rd Grade)
Classify Polygons (3rd Grade)
Lines of Symmetry
Types of Triangles
Classify Quadrilaterals (4th & 5th Grade)
Quadrilateral Properties
Angles in a Quadrilateral
Angles in Polygons
Interior Angles in Polygons
Exterior Angles in Polygons
Slicing Solids
Slicing Solids Worksheets
Give the number of sides
Give the names of the polygons
Quadrilateral Properties
Types of Angles (Acute, Obtuse, Right)
Angles on a Straight Line
Vertical Angles
Complementary Angles
Supplementary Angles
Complementary & Supplementary Angles
Angles at a Point
Calculate Adjacent Angles
Angles & Transversals
Angles, Transversals & Triangles
Types of Angles
Angles in a Straight Line
Angles at a Point
Complementary Angles
Supplementary Angles
Printable & Online
Introduction to Area of Rectangles
Area of Rectangles
Area of Rectangles Word Problems
Area of Rectangles Word Problems (interactive)
Area of Composite Rectangles
Composite Area Worksheets (include circles)
Shaded Area Worksheets
Perimeter (rectangles & regular shapes)
Perimeter Word Problems (rectangles & regular shapes)
Area & Perimeter of Rectangles
Area & Perimeter of Rectangles Word Problems
Area of Parallelogram
Area of Triangle
Area of Polygons
Area of Polygon by Decomposition
Area of Triangle using Sine
Area of Polygon in the Coordinate Plane
Area & Perimeter of Rectangles 1
Area & Perimeter of Rectangles 2
Area & Perimeter of Rectangles 3
Area & Perimeter of Parallelogram
Area of Triangle
Area of Parallelograms
Area of Triangle & Parallelogram
Area of Trapezoid (Trapezium)
Area of Shapes
Area of shaded Region
Circumference Worksheets
Area of Circle Worksheets
Area & Circumference Worksheets
Find Radius from Circumference
Find Radius from Area
Find Area from Circumference or vice versa
Circle Word Problems
Circumference of Circle
Area of Circle
Area & Circumference of Circle
Circle Problems: Circumference, Area
Circle Word Problems 1
Circle Word Problems 2
Area of shaded regions that include circles
Area of figures that include circles
Area of figures that include circles
Arc Length & Area of Sector (Degrees)
Arc Length & Area of Sector (Radians)
Convert between Radians and Degrees
Volume of Rectangular Prisms
Volume of Composite Rectangular Prisms
Volume of Rectangular Prisms Word Problems
Volume of Prisms
Volume of Composite Prisms
Volume of Prism Word Problems
Volume of Cones & Cylinders
Volume of Spheres
Pythagorean Theorem & Volume
Volume of Truncated Cones & Pyramids
Volume of Composite Solids
Volume of Cylinders
Volume of Sphere
Volume of Prisms & Pyramids
Volume of Square Pyramids
Volume of Cones
Surface Area
Nets of Solid Figures
Find Surface Area using Nets
Surface Area of Rectangular Prisms
Surface Area of Right Prisms
Surface Area of Solids (include composite solids)
Surface Area of Cylinder
Surface Area of Sphere
Surface Area of Solids I
Surface Area of Solids II
Surface Area of Solids III
Surface Area of Solids IV
Surface Area of Solids V
Surface Area of Cylinders & Pipes
Surface Area of Cylinders & Spheres
Volume & Surface Area
Surface Area and Volume of Cube
Surface Area & Volume of Rectangular Prisms (Cuboids)
Volume and Surface Area of Cylinder
Volume and Surface Area of Sphere
Pythagorean Theorem Find the length of the hypotenuse or side, check for right triangle, Pythagorean Theorem word problems
Converse of Pythagorean Theorem
Pythagorean Theorem Word Problems
Pythagorean Theorem & Volume
Pythagorean Theorem
Find the missing side
Test for right triangle
Pythagorean Theorem Word Problems
Converse Pythagorean Theorem, Types of Triangles
Integers, Less & More (one less, one more)
Compare Integers (use <, >, = )
Ordering Integers (increasing or decreasing order)
Add Integers using the Number Line
Add Integers using the Rules
Adding Integers
Subtract Integers using Addition
Subtracting Integers
Multiplying Integers
Dividing Integers
Order of Operations with Integers
Add Integers, 2 operands
Add Integers, 3 or more operands
Subtract 2 Integers
Subtract 3 or more Integers
Multiply Integers
Divide Integers
Standard/Customary Measurements
Standard Measurement Conversion
Convert Units of Length (yd, ft, in)
Convert in to ft and in
Convert Units of Weight (pounds, ounces)
Convert Units of Capacity (gallons, quarts, pints, cups)
Convert Units of Time (days, hours, minutes, seconds)
Convert Length, Weight, Capacity
Add/Subtract mixed units of Length
Add/Subtract mixed units of Weight
Add/Subtract mixed units of Capacity
Add/Subtract mixed units of Time
Customary Measurement Word Problems
Multi-Step Measurement Word Problems
Metric Measurements
Metric Measurement Conversion
Metric Measurement Word Problems
Adding Measurements
Subtracting Measurements
Measurement Word Problems
Printable & Online
Metric Length Conversions (km, m, cm)
Metric Length Word Problems (+, -)
Convert m to cm
Convert m to km and m
Adding lengths (km, m, cm, mm)
Subtracting Lengths (km, m, cm, mm)
Multiplying Lengths (km, m, cm, mm)
Dividing Lengths (km, m, cm, mm)
Metric Length Conversion (mm, cm, m, km)
Printable & Online
Metric Mass Conversions (kg, g)
Metric Mass Word Problems (+, -)
Adding and Subtracting Weights (kg, g, mg)
Multiplying Weights (kg, g, mg)
Dividing Weights (kg, g, mg)
Metric Weight Conversion (kg, g, mg)
Pennies, Nickels, Dimes
Pennies, Nickels, Dimes, Quarters
Count On Pennies
Counting Pennies
Counting Nickels
Counting Dimes
Counting Quarters
Counting Half Dollars
Counting Nickels, Pennies
Counting Dimes, Pennies
Counting Dimes, Nickels, Pennies
Counting Quarters, Dimes, Nickels, Pennies
Convert Coins to Cents (eg. 2 quarters, 3 dimes, 1 penny = ___ cents)
Count Coins & Write as Decimals
Counting Coins (eg. 3 quarters, 2 dimes, 1 penny = ___ cents)
Counting Pennies
Counting Nickels, Pennies
Counting Dimes, Nickels, Pennies
Counting Quarters, Dimes, Nickels, Pennies
Include 1 Dollar
Include 5 Dollars
Include 10 Dollars
Specify your own conditions for counting money
Worksheets for Different Currencies
United States Dollar, Australian Dollar, British Pound Sterling, Canadian Dollar, Indian Rupee, Euro, Malaysian Ringgit, Mexico Peso, New Zealand Dollar, Singapore Dollar
Printable & Online
Money Word Problems (quarters, dimes, nickels, & pennies, dollar bills, change for $1, up to $100)
Money word problems worksheets involving the addition, subtraction, multiplication & division. The amounts of money are in dollars and cents ($x.xx)
Money Word Problems: +, −
Money Word Problems:+, −, × & ÷
Learning Equal Groups
Equal Groups & Repeated Addition
Arrays & Equal Groups
Multiplication Strategies
Represent Equal Groups as Multiplication
Represent Multiplication using Arrays
Meaning of Factors
Commutative Property using Array Model
Multiplication & Associative Property
Multiplication & Distributive Property
Printable & Online
2 Times Table
3 Times Table
4 Times Table
5 Times Table
6 Times Table
7 Times Table
8 Times Table
9 Times Table
10 Times Table
Multiplication Table for 2
Multiplication Table for 3
Multiplication Table for 4
Multiplication Table for 5
Multiplication Table for 6
Multiplication Table for 7
Multiplication Table for 8
Multiplication Table for 9
Multiplication Table for 10
Printable & Online
Multiplication Facts (Random Order)
Multiply by 2
Multiply by 3
Multiply by 4
Multiply by 5
Multiply by 6
Multiply by 7
Multiply by 8
Multiply by 9
Multiply by 10
Multiply by 1-9
Multiply by Multiples of 10
Multiply by 10, 100 or 1000
Multiply by Multiples of 10 (eg. 6 x 30)
Multiplying Multiples of 10, 100, 1000 (eg. 70 x 400)
Multiply Multi-digit by 1-digit
Multiply 2-digit by 1-digit (eg. 34 x 7)
Multiply 3-digit by 1-digit (eg. 435 x 6)
Multiplication Word Problems
Multiply Multi-digit by 1-digit (eg. 6,435 x 8)
Multiplication Word Problems
2-step Word Problems (using +, -, ×)
Multiplication & Division
Find Missing Factors (eg. 12 = 6 x ___)
Fact Family Triangle (multiplication, division)
Multiplication & Division Facts (2 to 5)
Multiplication & Division Facts (6 to 10)
Multiplication Facts for 2
Multiplication Facts for 3
Multiply by 3 (Sprint)
Multiplication Facts for 4
Multiplication Facts for 5
Multiplication Facts for 6
Multiplication Facts for 7
Multiply by 7 (Sprint)
Multiplication Facts for 8
Multiply by 8 (Sprint)
Multiplication Facts for 9
Multiply by 9 (Sprint)
Multiplication Facts for 10
Multiplication Facts (1 to 5)
Multiplication Facts (1 to 10)
Mixed Multiplication Facts (Sprint A)
Mixed Multiplication Facts (Sprint B)
Multiply by Multiples of 10 (Sprint)
Multiplying by Multiples of 10
Multiply by Multiples of 10, 100, 1000 (Sprint)
Printable & Online
Multiply by Multiples of 10 (eg. 6 x 30)
Multiplying Multiples of 10, 100, 1000 (eg. 70 x 400)
Multiply 3-digit by 1-digit (eg. 435 x 6)
Multiply Multi-digit by 1-digit (eg. 6,435 x 8)
Multiply 2-digit by 2-digit (eg. 35 × 24)
Multiply 3-digit by 2-digit (eg. 215 × 32)
Multiply by Multiples of 10 (Sprint)
Multiplying by Multiples of 10
Multiply by Multiples of 10, 100, 1000 (Sprint)
Word Problems (Multiplication & Division)
Multiplication Word Problems (at most 3-digit)
Multiplication Word Problems (at most 4-digit)
2-step Word Problems (using +, -, ×)
Multi-step Word Problems (using +, -, ×)
Multiply or Divide by 0 or 1
Multiplication & Division Facts (2 to 5)
Multiplication & Division Facts (6 to 10)
Multiply or Divide by 0 or 1
Multiply Divide by 2 (Sprint A)
Multiply Divide by 2 (Sprint B)
Multiply Divide by 3 (Sprint A)
Multiply Divide by 3 (Sprint B)
Multiply Divide by 4 (Sprint A)
Multiply Divide by 4 (Sprint B)
Multiply or Divide by 5
Multiply or Divide by 6
Multiply or Divide by 7
Multiply Divide by 8 (Sprint A)
Multiply Divide by 8 (Sprint B)
Multiply Divide by 9 (Sprint A)
Multiply Divide by 9 (Sprint B)
Multiply or Divide by 10
Multiplication/Division Word Problems
Order of Operations (parenthesis)
Order of Operations (+, -, ×, parenthesis)
Order of Operations (+, -, ×, ÷, parenthesis)
Order of Operations (+, -, ×, ÷, parenthesis, exponents)
Order of Operations (introduce exponents)
Order of Operations (+, –)
Order of Operations (parenthesis, +, –)
Order of Operations (×, ÷ )
Order of Operations (parenthesis, ×, ÷)
Order of Operations (×, ÷, +, –)
Order of Operations (parenthesis, ×, ÷, +, –)
Order of Operations (parenthesis, ×, ÷, +, –)
Decimals to Percents
Percents to Decimals
Fractions to Percents
Percents to Fractions
Convert Fractions, Decimals, Percents
Percents to Decimals and Fractions
Percents to Fractions in Lowest Terms
Percents to Fractions
Fractions to Percents 1
Fractions to Percents 2
Decimals to Percents
Convert between Decimals, Fractions & Percents
Percentage of a Number or Part (30% of 60 = ___ )
Find the Base or Total (20% of ___ = 18)
Find the Percent or Rate (___% of 50 = 25)
Increase a Number by a Percentage
Decrease a Number by a Percentage
Percentage Increase Worksheet
Percentage Decrease Worksheet
Percentages (What is X% of Y)
Percentages (X is what % of Y)
Percentages (X is Y% of what)
Percent of a Number
Finding Percent
Finding the Base
Percent Word Problems (6th Grade)
Percent Word Problem (7th Grade)
Markup/Markdown Word Problems
Percent Error Problems
Simple Interest Word Problems
Percentage Word Problems
Percent Population Problems
Percent Word Problems
Percentage Word Problems
Percent Word Problems (Profit, Loss)
Percent Word Problems (Increase, Decrease)
Probability (Equally Likely Outcomes)
Probability (Not Equally Likely Outcomes)
Probability Tree Diagrams
Probability Problems
Complementary Probability
Probability Problems
Probability & Geometry
Mutually Exclusive Probability
Independent Events Probability
Dependent Events Probability
Introduction to Ratios
Ratio Word Problems using Tape diagrams
Ratio Problems given One of Quantities
Ratio Problems given Total
Ratio Problems given Difference
Ratio Problems with Change of Ratio
Ratio of Quantities
Ratio Word Problems I
Ratio Word Problems II
Ratio Word Problems III
Ratio Word Problems IV
Ratio with Algebra
Data Representation (First Grade)
Tally Charts (2nd Grade)
Picture Graphs (2nd Grade)
Bar Graphs (2nd Grade)
Line Plots (2nd Grade)
Scaled Bar Graphs (3rd Grade)
Line Graphs (5th Grade)
Statistical Questions
Categorical vs. Numerical Data
Create Dot Plots
Interpret Dot Plots
Relative Frequency Histograms
Scatter Plots
Two-Way Tables
Mean, Median, Mode
Mean Absolute Deviation
Interpret Mean Absolute Deviation
Interpret Median
Interquartile Range (IQR)
Box Plot (Box-and-whisker Plot)
Standard Deviation
Mean, Median and Mode
Mean, Median and Mode
Find the possible values for the Median
Given the Mean, find the missing number(s) in a set
Word problems that involve the Mean
Word problems that involve the Mean
Printable & Online
Learning Subtraction
Subtracting Objects
Subtraction within 5
Subtract 0 or 1 (eg. 7 - 0, 8 - 1)
Subtract all or 0 (eg. 9 - 9, 9 - 0)
Subtraction as an Unknown Addend
Missing Number Subtraction
Missing Subtrahend (eg. 6 - __ = 4)
Missing Minuend (eg. __ - 3 = 5)
Missing Number in Subtraction
Subtraction within 10
Subtract from 9 (eg. 9 - 5)
Subtract from 10 (eg. 10 - 6)
Subtraction with numbers within 10 (eg. 8 - 2)
Subtraction Word Problems within 10
Subtraction within 20
Decompose Teen Numbers (eg. 10 + __ = 16)
Compose & Decompose Teen Numbers (eg. 18 = __ + 10)
Subtract 9 (eg. 16 - 9)
Subtract 8 (eg. 17 - 8)
Subtract 7, 8, or 9
Add 10 or Subtract 10 (eg. 19 - 10)
Add or Subtract within 20 (eg. 17 - 3)
Multi-digit Subtraction
Take from 10 Strategy
Subtraction Fluency (eg. 11 - 7)
Subtract Whole Tens (eg. 70 - 40 = 30)
Arrow Subtraction (eg. 650 - 480)
Subtract 1-digit from 2-digit (no regrouping) (eg. 65 - 3 = 62)
Subtract 2-digit from 2-digit (no regrouping) (eg. 76 - 23 = 53)
Subtract 1-digit from Whole Ten (eg. 60 - 8)
Subtract 1-digit from 2-digit (eg. 84 - 6)
Subtract 1-digit from 3-digit (eg. 213 - 8)
Subtract 2-digit from 2-digit (eg. 84 - 56)
Subtract 2-digit from 3-digit (eg. 134 - 52)
Subtraction across zeros (eg. 400 - 265)
Subtract 3-digit from 3-digit (eg. 391 - 225)
Multi-digit Subtraction (eg. 32,406 - 4,375)
Multi-digit Subtraction Word Problems
Multi-digit Subtraction with Zeros (eg. 40,006 - 3,214)
Subtracting 0
Subtracting 1
Subtracting 2
Subtracting 3
Subtracting 4
Subtracting 5
Subtracting 6
Subtracting 7
Subtracting 8
Subtracting 9
Subtracting 10
Subtract by 6 Sprint
Subtract by 7 Sprint
Subtract by 8 Sprint
Subtract from 10 Sprint
Subtract from Teen Numbers Sprint
Subtract from 10 or 100
Fact Family Triangle (addition, subtraction)
Tell Time to the hour (eg. 6 o’clock)
Tell Time to the half hour (eg. half past 5)
Tell Time to the quarter hour (eg. quarter to 7)
Tell Time to the nearest five minutes (eg. 4:15)
Elapsed Time Word Problems
Tell Time on the Number Line
Time Interval Word Problems
Time Conversion: weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds
Add, Subtract Time
Multiply, Divide Time
Word Problems: Elapsed Time
Trig Ratios: Sin, Cos, Tan
Sin & Cos of Complementary Angles
Find Missing Sides
Find Missing Angles
Area of Triangle using Sine
Law of Sines and Cosines
Trigonometry (sine, cosine, tangent)
Trigonometry (sine, cosine, tangent)
Trigonometry (using a calculator)
Inverse Trigonometry (using a calculator)
Trigonometry (find an unknown side)
Trigonometry (find an unknown angle)
Using Sine
Using Cosine
Using Tangent
Using Sine, Cosine or Tangent
Trigonometry Applications Problems
Law of Sines/Cosines
Law of Sines or Sine Rule
Law of Sines
Law of Cosines or Cosine Rule
Law of Cosines
Subtraction Word Problems (1st Grade)
Addition Word Problems (1st Grade)
Addition/Subtraction Word Problems (1st Grade)
Addition Word Problems (2nd Grade)
Addition/Subtraction Word Problems (2nd Grade)
Multi-digit Addition/Subtraction
Missing Addend Word Problems (1st Grade)
Comparison Word Problems
2-step Word Problems (Multiply/Divide)
Word Problems (Addition & Subtraction)
Word Problems (Multiplication & Division)
Words to Equations
Algebra Word Problems
Angle Word Problems (6th Grade)
Angle Word Problems (7th Grade)
Word Problems (Multiplication & Division)
2-Step Word Problems (Multiply/Divide/Add/Subtract)
Multi-step Word Problems (using +, -, ×)
Printable & Online
Fraction Word Problems (Add, Subtract)
2-Step Fraction Word Problems (Add, Subtract)
1-Step Mixed Number Word Problems (Add, Subtract)
2-Step Mixed Number Word Problems (Add, Subtract)
Fraction Word Problems (Add, Subtract, Multiply)
Fraction Word Problems (Tape Diagrams)
Area of Rectangle Word Problems
Circle Word Problems
Composite Area Worksheets
Volume of Prism Word Problems
Triangle Problems (Height, Area)
Triangle Problems (Base, Height, Area)
Rectangle & Square Problems
Parallelogram Problems (Perimeter, Area)
Trapezoid Problems (Base, Height, Area)
Area, Perimeter Word Problems (Algebra)
Printable & Online
Money Word Problems (quarters, dimes, nickels, & pennies, dollar bills, change for $1, up to $100)
Money word problems worksheets involving the addition, subtraction, multiplication & division. The amounts of money are in dollars and cents ($x.xx)
Money Word Problems: +, −
Money Word Problems:+, −, × & ÷
Words to Equations
Word Problems (Multiplication & Division)
2-Step Word Problems (Multiply/Divide/Add/Subtract)
Multi-step Word Problems (using +, -, ×)
Multiplication Word Problems (at most 3-digit)
Multiplication Word Problems (at most 4-digit)
2-step Word Problems (using +, -, ×)
Multi-step Word Problems (using +, -, ×)
Percent Word Problems (6th Grade)
Percent Word Problem (7th Grade)
Markup/Markdown Word Problems
Percent Error Problems
Simple Interest Word Problems
Percentage Word Problems
Percent Population Problems
Percent Word Problems
Percentage Word Problems
Percent Word Problems (Profit, Loss)
Percent Word Problems (Increase, Decrease)
Introduction to Ratios
Ratio Word Problems using Tape diagrams
Ratio Problems given One of Quantities
Ratio Problems given Total
Ratio Problems given Difference
Ratio Problems with Change of Ratio
Ratio Tables
Ratios & Fractions
Value of Ratio
Equivalent Ratio Tables
Ratio Tables to Equations
Ratio Word Problems I
Ratio Word Problems II
Ratio Word Problems III
Ratio Word Problems IV
Free Printable Worksheets for the Different Grades
Interactive Math Zone
Auxiliary site to Generate online math worksheets according
to the students’ needs and ability.
Topics:Addition (with/without carry), Subtraction (with/without borrow), Multiplication
Tables/Facts, Multiplication, Division Facts, Place Values,
Comparing Numbers, Counting Money in various currencies
(American, Canadian, Australian, British, Euro, Singaporean, Malaysian),
Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Complex Numbers.
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problem solver below to practice various math topics. Try the given examples, or type in your own
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