Invent with OTC Tools | Submit Tool Invention Idea

OTC is proud to help your invention go from an idea to a technician’s toolbox. Submit your automotive technician tool idea to Invent with OTC.

Have a solution to a common service problem?  Submit your tool idea to OTC today.  It could be the next must-have in the OTC Tool lineup, expanding our Invent with OTC program.

Necessity is the mother of invention, so next time you bend, modify, tinker, or otherwise create a new way to fix a vehicle, let us know.  There may be thousands of technicians looking for your solution, and OTC would be proud to help your invention go from your brain to their toolbox.

This is your opportunity to showcase your innovative tool creations, so show us something we haven't seen before.  Submit your tool idea below, and we'll review to potentially prototype, manufacture, and sell it.  If your tool is selected, you will receive a competitive royalty on every tool sold.

Some of our award-winning tools have come from your submissions already, including the Brake Pad Gauge and Tire Bead Seating Tool.

Additional inventor-submitted OTC tools include:

Submit your tool idea using the form below.

*Please note: this program is not to request modifications to one of our existing products or to provide feedback about a consumer experience with one of our products.

Contact us if you have questions or would like further details about the Invent with OTC program.

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 1-800-533-6127

Please enter a description of your product idea above.

(e.g., copyright, trademark, mask work, design patent/registration, trade secret)

Bosch Automotive Service Solutions is interested in evaluating your inventions, technologies, and product ideas. In order to protect both your rights and Bosch's, it is required that you review and agree to the Terms and Conditions before making the submission of an idea to Bosch Automotive Service Solutions.

Please note that by agreeing to these terms, you are not obligated to disclose to Bosch Automotive Service Solutions any information. However any information you do disclose must be non-confidential.

By checking the "Yes" box and proceeding with a submission, I confirm that I read, understood, and agreed to the Terms and Conditions.