The Dalton Highway in it's entirety is a round trip of nearly 1000 miles in the most northern part of Alaska. Much of it is unpaved and the paved sections that appear randomly along it's length are more difficult to negotiate due to their susceptibility to frost heave during the Winter. The solution seems to now have become unpaved roads strongly built and then dressed at the beginning of each season. We encountered a long stretch of tarmac being removed North of Coldfoot. I think this sign outlines your responsibilities before heading North.

Of course we have to have the pictures at the sign!
As you head North the scenery starts to become wild and wonderful as your vehicle gets battered and dirty.
The Arctic Circle appears and demands to be photographed
Eventually you get to Coldfoot site of he Arctic Interagency Visitor Center (well worth a visit if only to book your passage to the Arctic up in Prudhoe Bay) as you now will know your ETA.
You will also now have an idea of the fuel requirement to get back to Coldfoot as the only fuel stations along the whole length are Fairbanks $4.70 per gallon, Coldfoot $7.99 per gallon and Deadhorse over $10.00 per gallon. Once again being a good mathematician can save you money!
Wild camping places are very easy to come by along the route. We stayed our first night about 10 miles North of Coldfoot.

The drive definitely gets tougher in this section due to both the terrain and the road surface.
Spectacular views around every corner.

You meet the remnants of the journeys that weren't successful and unusual methods of transportation.
After another night about 60 miles from Deadhorse we ploughed the last section of unpaved road to be treated to 40 miles of pristine tarmac as a final runway. Prudhoe Bay/Deadhorse then rises into view