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Selecting a membership plan.
The first step in signing up requires choosing a membership plan. There are four membership plans to choose from: Consumpreneur, Pro Entrepreneur, Executive Entrepreneur, and Mogul Entrepreneur.
Consumpreneur: This plan is for people who want to join mainly for rating products, sharing information, and networking. Access is geared toward networking rather than selling. A Paypal account or Amazon account is recommend. See the membership plan section for more information. $10 yearly fee.
Pro Entrepreneur: This plan is for Entrepreneurs that are ready to list and sell products, looking for additional exposure, or want to blog and post affiliate links. See the membership plan section for more information. A Business Paypal account, Amazon affiliate account, or other affiliate marketing accounts are recommended. $25 yearly fee.
Executive Entrepreneur: This plan is for Entrepreneurs that are ready to sell products, looking for additional exposure, want to blog and post affiliate links, create networks, and poll network members for input. A Business Paypal account, Amazon affiliate account, or other affiliate marketing accounts are recommended. See the membership plan section for more information. $50 yearly fee.
Mogul Entrepreneur: This plan is for Entrepreneurs that are ready to sell products, looking for additional exposure, want to blog and post affiliate links, create networks, and poll network members for input. A Business Paypal account, Amazon affiliate account, or other affiliate marketing accounts are recommended. See the membership plan section for more information. $100 yearly fee.
Advertiser Account: This plan is for Companies that want to promote their business and advertise. Companies can build networks specifically to advertise or offer products to a specific consumer base. Advertising on OVBE is another way to position products and services in front of the correct consumer audience. Companies can post video Ads, picture Ads, articles, poll their network members for input about products and services, and develop a following. The Advertiser plan is excellent for collecting consumer data, developing a targeting campaign, and positioning products in front of people that want them.
In addition to a member profile page, a company Ad page will be created for exclusive use by the company and listed on the Ad Universe section.
Company Ad pages will display: www.ovbe.club/(company name). See the membership plan section for more information.
Create your account.
For account creation, an email address, invite code (optional), and password will be needed. During account creation, the Profile Address can be your name, nick name, name or your business, or something unique. The profile address will be www.ovbe.club/profile/(your unique name). Members will not be able to change their profile names once created.
Next you will have to pick your profile address. The selected profile address should match the membership plan selected in the previous step. Member profile questions are based on the profile type. Pro, Executive, and Mogul have the same profile questions. The Consumpreneur and Advertiser account have different questions. Once created your profile type cannot be changed without upgrading or creating a new account.
Create your profile.
Member profiles consist of questions to assist with connecting members with like minded individuals. The information can updated at anytime and all the questions do not have to be answered.
Consumpreneur questions: First & last name, Gender, Location, Where do you find the best deals, Show me a deal, About me, and Product Review.
Pro, Executive, & Mogul questions: Business Name, Est. Since, Business Structure, Business Type, Location, First & Last name, Gender, Business Experience, Expertise, About Me, and Follow me @.
Advertiser questions: Business Structure, Business Type, Location, Company name, Est. Since, Industry, About Us, Follow me @.
Add your picture.
The picture you add can be your business logo, or whatever you decide. Copyright protected pictures, or pictures misrepresenting the identity of the profile owner is a violation of the member contract, and will be removed.
Invite associates.
Invite friends, business associates, or anyone you feel is an entrepreneur or considering it.
Deleting your account.
To discourage fraud members cannot delete their account. To have your account deleted please send a message from your member account to the OVBE Club profile, with the subject: cancellation. Please allow 48-72 hrs before your account is deleted. Request for account deletion will only be accepted from the profile associated with the request. Deleting your account before your next annual membership is due, will not result in a refund.
Changing your account name.
Members cannot change their profile names after creation. Profile name changes will be made at the discretion of OVBE. To request consideration for a profile name change, please send a message from your member account to the OVBE Club profile, with the subject: Profile name change. In the message please include your justification. A response will be provided with 48 to 72 hours.
Refund policy.
With the exception of the Advertiser accounts, refunds will only be given within 24 hours of your membership being approved. Once access is granted if you decide to cancel your membership, please send a message from your member account to the OVBE Club profile, with the subject: Refund/cancellation. Refunds will only be refunded to the account used for the initial payment. OVBE accepts payments via Paypal, and will refund via Paypal. Refunds will only be initiated after the initial membership payment is complete. Please allow 3 to 10 days for a refund.
Using the privacy controls.
There are a few levels of privacy for status updates, profile information, blog posts, and things you upload. Every aspect of your profile and things you upload can be allowed to be accessed by Everyone(public non members), All registered members, Friends and Networks, Friends of Friends, or Friends. The OVBE profile questions do not solicit personal identifiable information, so please be cognizant of what you share with registered members as well as the public. The best way to protect very private information is not to post it in the first place
How to list Paypal buttons & affiliate links.
The Blogs, Classified section, and OVBE Xchange allow Pro, Executive, and Mogul level members to upload either HTML or Javascript for posting Paypal buttons, Amazon, Ebay, or other affiliate links. Based on the affiliate company and type of link, either HTML or Javacript will display the affiliate link.
When members create a new listing in the sections mentioned above, they post information in the description or overview section. Overview works the best, however feel free to try both sections. Under the view button, clicking the symbol <>, will open a window for source code. In the source code window post your Paypal code/ affiliate link HTML or Javascript to have the link or paypal button displayed in the desired section. HTML or Javascript posted in the description may not display as active hyperlinks. See the OVBE Store for examples.
Please do not post affiliate links in areas where they do not belong. Any member caught posting malicious html, or other malicious code will be banned and we will take every step necessary to assist law enforcement with prosecution.
How to load videos.
Members can upload videos to the main OVBE Video section, the Blogs, Classified section, and OVBE Xchange.
Click the post new video at the bottom right to upload a video in the main video section. Members can upload a video from their computer or use the share link from YouTube or Vimeo. The upload max file size is 100MB. Using the embed file code will not work in the main video section. A video category must be selected before the video can be uploaded.
Videos in Blogs, Classified, or OVBE Xchange listings can be uploaded in the video section of your listing, once you click add video. Members can upload a video from their computer or use the share link from YouTube or Vimeo. The upload max file size is 100MB.
When creating a new post, in the overview section and in the body section for new blog posts , members can click the film strip icon under the Format tab, and use share a link or use the embed code from YouTube or Vimeo. A video category must be selected before the video can be uploaded.
How to navigate OVBE.
Members can access all sections of OVBE from homepage. Clicking the OVBE logo at the top left from any page will
return members to their homepage.
The left side of a members homepage has the main links under the profile picture. The first set of links are for administration of a members profile. The links listed in the O-links menu
allow members to access all of the networking sections of the website, such as Blogs, OVBE Xchange, Forums, the Chat room, and other things. All links open in a new window.
Additional links for administration of profile security, are located at the very top of in the black area of the header.
How to make money.
The Consumer level members can generate income by posting product reivews
in the blog section. However, the amount of posts are limited.
Pro level members can generate income by posting product reviews with their affiliate links, and listing individual items in the classifieds section with
the option of using a Paypal button. The amount of listings and posts will also be limited.
Executive and Mogul level members can generate income by listing items in the classifieds and the OVBE Xchange, as well as doing product reviews with
affiliate links. Paypal buttons can be used in the classifieds section and the OVBE Xchange. MOGUL member's listings will be featured
on the home page of the OVBE Xchange, which will receive the most attention from visitors. Listing for both levels also have a max.
OVBE does not earn money from any member's transactions via Paypal, affiliate link postings, or if customers mail payment. Therefore, OVBE
cannot make any guarantees regarding products or services. If an OVBE member conducts sub standard business, OVBE can only freeze their profile ban them, and comply with legal process. Additional fraud solutions maybe available via Paypal, since there is some fraud protection built into their platform.