• expired

LEGO Star Wars Droideka 75381 $49 + Delivery ($0 C&C) @ Target


Pro tip, add a $1 item and use the sign up coupon for another $10 off:

Mod - Reference:

$10 off $50 Spend with Online Newsletter Signup @ Target
$10 off $50 Spend with Account Creation @ Target

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Target Australia

closed Comments

  • Bah! Just bought this from Amazon the other week for $70 ($64 after $6 CR CB)

    • +14

      Time to average down.

    • If you’ve opened the Amazon one, buy from this target deal and then return that to Amazon.

  • has anyone used the newsletter sign up with an existing account recently? It looks like theyve closed the loophole banning existing accounts from using a newsletter signup code. I know i know….i can create another account but i have onepass linked so prefer to use same account.

    • +2

      The newsletter offer works. I used a junk email account and received the code in a few minutes, then bought the lego

      • +1

        it's working again. im certain it didnt work earlier this week…

        • I just get

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    • Nowadays you can make aliases for your existing email. You’d think that should work the loophole

      • The fraud detection systems are all over that. I still get blocked by target on newsletter codes, but last time via onepass auth it actually suprisingly worked!

        • worked for me. blah+target@gmail.com

          • @theguyrules: Target login or onepass?

            Was several months back and didnt work on gmail alias, but onepass seems fine now as its just an oauth2 via onepass.

            • @tm32: Onepass yeah, just got the code from the email and applied it to my cart on my normal Onepass account

      • ive been using a temp email service to get the codes - no problem receiving the code the only problem was applying saying something along the lines can't be applied to an existing account but as i said it seems to be working again.

        • This seems to still work. You may need to keep finding a new temp email provider. The signup page refused to work on a couple of the more commmon ones.

  • +2

    Hell yeah, $40 with 2 bubble wands for the kids.

  • +11

    And for anyone wanting to quickly select an item to make up the $1 to get $10 off:

    Two of these bubble wands for the kids:

    Or some Christmas sticker tags:

    • +3

      Great minds think alike eh

  • i remember getting one of these as a kid which could curl into a ball like in the movies, this doesn't look like that one though, or i just remember things being better as kid…

  • look like a cockroach

    • +11

      For some trivia, all clone-wars era battledroids in Star Wars are designed by the geonosians who are bugs themselves.

  • Thanks OP! Bought one.

  • Bought one, but couldn't get either Target $10 off code.

    • Did you try a burner email address? The code they send isn't linked to your "main" Target account and can be used on a different account.

    • Try this one, I've got a code within 5s - https://temp-mail.org/en/view/675bf2b6fdca76002696af57

      • Worked, thanks. Must have already explioted that newsletter code. Just reordered with the code and got it delivered for free due to low stock levels, bingo!

  • Lots of store with low stock - does Target have warehouse stock for deliveries or do they pick floor stock from whichever store has them available?

  • +9

    my vow to not buy unnecessary bargains is no match for droidekas!!!

    • +1

      I ordered too, but it hadn’t arrived yet … where is my droideka!!

  • Is this the normal price? There is no indication on Target website or in the ozbargain post that this is even discounted?

    • +1

      All powerful google says "was $89" for Target, and BigW and Kmart currently have it $79, Myer $70, so yeah $49, then (down to $39 with the email code) I think qualifies as being discounted.

  • thanks ordered…now just waiting for the cancellation email :-)

    • I never got a confirmation email weirdly

      • just got my confirmation email

        • +1

          I’ve still never got one but I’ve already picked it up so all good I guess

  • Nice. Bought this for about $79 ages ago.

  • Does anyone's black friday order from target still not arrive?

  • -3

    Do we not say what the bargain or saving is anymore? Basically just a message board choose your own adventure. Fkn useless.

    • +5

      Who hurt you? People who are into Lego will already know how much cheaper this is than retail.

    • +2

      If you scroll up, people before you already gave out indication of the price. $49 out of $89 is $55 saving. If you wanted a deep analysis as in piece per dollar ratio then it is around $0.08 which is incredibly good value for money by Lego standard, plus this is an incredibly fun build.

      Sometimes people just kinda post random stuff they found that might be cheap and that's the beauty of it - as Ozbargainers you supposed to be that first person to sniff out a good deal, a price error, a bargain that can be picked up only from a store 50kms away from where you live. Or just buy first, think later. Why the attitude?

  • +4

    Thx OP. Very good price. Got my $10 off using this link - https://temp-mail.org/en/view/675bf2b6fdca76002696af57 - credit to @MattyD for this one! I just added a random Lego minifig from the Xmen line, let's see what I've got lol

    • +1

      Thanks @Grey 13 - the gmail+blah trick wasn’t working for me. This worked.

    • +1

      Glad that’s working for you - and you’re sharing the love ;)

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