- Strictly Necessary
Strictly Necessary
These cookies are necessary for the correct functioning of the website and cannot be disabled. Typically, these cookies allow the navigate through our website and its different features or services (such as, for example, logging in, filling the shopping cart, placing an order, applying for registration, for security reasons, among others). You can configure your browser to block these cookies, but it may affect your browsing experience on the website.
Involved cookies:- Plesk
- Shopify.com
- Xenforo
- Wordpress
- Lawwwing
- Hotjar
- Tawk.to
- Tawk.to Chat
- Youtube
- Command Act X
- Cloudflare
- Functionality or customization
- RejectAccept
Functionality or customization
These cookies allow us to remember information so that they access the website with certain features that can be different from that of other users, (such as, for example, the language, appearance or content of the website depending on the browser with which you access it or the region from which you access it, etc.).
- Analysis or measurement
- RejectAccept
Analysis or measurement
These cookies are necessary for the correct functioning of the website and cannot be disabled. Typically, these cookies allow the navigate through our website and its different features or services (such as, for example, logging in, filling the shopping cart, placing an order, applying for registration, for security reasons, among others). You can configure your browser to block these cookies, but it may affect your browsing experience on the website.
Involved cookies:- Shopify.com
- Microsoft
- Marfeel
- Behavioural advertising
- RejectAccept
Behavioural advertising
These cookies allow us to store information on user behavior obtained through the continuous observation of your browsing habits (such as, for example, repeated visits to a website, interactions, keywords, etc.), which allows us to develop a specific profile to show you advertising based on the same.
Involved cookies:- Adform
- Shopify.com
- Lotame
- Microsoft