State of Photojournalism in the Philippines 2021: A Survey

The purpose of this study is to provide media workers, media organizations, and researchers a better understanding of the current state of the photojournalism industry in the Philippines. The results of this study will be used to aid efforts in improving the industry.

The researchers will determine the challenges and opportunities relating to labor practices, copyright issues, work environment, financial security, and inclusivity through this survey. This research guarantees anonymity to the respondents and the researchers will not use the data to identify the respondents. This online survey will take approximately 15-20 minutes.

This study is conducted by the collaborative efforts of members of the Photojournalists' Center of the Philippines, independent visual journalists, data analysts, and scholars. The survey will run from March 2021 to June 2021.

If you have any questions regarding this study or as to how any data collected in this survey will be used, please feel free to email [email protected]