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Hello and welcome to this safeguarding update presented by Sarah Neville from knots of training and consultancy on behalf of child care co dot UK I thought I'd talk about safeguarding today because it's the area of practice I am most asked about by colleagues on the independent child minders Facebook group and on the child binding forum it's a requirement of the FS 2017 the earlier foundation stage which has our statutory framework to have a faith grading policy you can call it what you want I call mine safeguarding and child protection policy and procedures to cover everything and the link at the bottom of this slide takes you to a free sample document which gives you the content of a typical safeguarding and child protection policy and procedures the early Earth inspection Handbook which was by the way updated in April to remove references to prospect and tribal because all inspections are now carried out by Ousted also links with three other documents working together to safeguard children I've heard a rumor this is being updated soon, but we have to wait and see inspecting safeguarding in early years education and skills setting and keeping children safe in education the final one keeping children safe in education is noted in the FS 2017 which says we need to be aware of it even though it's meant to schools therefore some information I'm sharing is drawn from that lets have a look at some of the main areas that are coming up more than once in Ousted inspections of late child neglect is area of concern in a lot of local authorities it's the single most reported concern I live in Cheshire East and Cheshire East local Safeguarding Children board have provided us with a range of new materials to use as a resource if were concerned about a child being neglected, and we've got some leaflets for parents I advise you to check your own website your own local authorities safeguarding children website and see what's available there's also some useful information on the LSPCC website which you can pop into your safeguarding folder if you've got one there's no requirement to have a safeguarding folder, but it can be useful to keep all the safeguarding information together sexualized behavior came up in recent training what do you do if a child exhibits sexualized behavior or behavior of a sexual nature beyond their age and capacity this is a traffic light tool on the Brooke website normal behavior is green concerning behaviors amber and significance of in ferns are red very simple to use it covers all ages, and it talks about what normal for children with an inquiring mind and when practitioners ardor parents should be concerned the safeguarding lead in your provision must record concerns and consider how they'll be followed up as a general rule you don't can discuss concerns about sexual abuse with parents you record and report and that's someone else looks into it the US modern slavery act 2015 makes modern slavery sexual exploitation and all these...
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