
Current vacancies

View and apply for Council job vacancies

Working for us

Advice on applying for a job with us

Benefits of working for Pendle

Our total rewards package makes us a great place to work

Public sector jobs

Public sector jobs in other organisations, including local government, charity, education and housing sectors

Nelson Town Council jobs

Vacancies for jobs at Nelson Town Council

Mindful Employer

The Equality Act


We are committed to equality and dignity at work for all employees, as well as being a Mindful employer

Workforce report

Information about the people we have recruited and the composition of our workforce


Different opportunities to volunteer in Pendle and Lancashire.

Employment initiatives

Information about local opportunities for work experience


You can search and apply for apprenticeships on the GOV.UK website

North West Employers emerging talent interview

North West Employers’ podcast about attracting young people into Local Government jobs.

Categories in Jobs