PetRescue is working towards one big, hairy & audacious vision.
A transformed animal welfare system that protects and cares for vulnerable pets.
A universal, proactive, well-funded, recognised process of support, rehabilitation and care.
future look like?
we can reach our long term goal.
What will get us there?
Find a home for every pet that needs one
Increase safety for pets within the current pound system
Increase capacity for rescue groups to help the most vulnerable pets
Recognition & support of the bond between pets and their families
Prevent 100,000* pets from being killed in pounds each year
Reduce intake to shelters, rescues, vets, and pounds
A world-class pet adoption platform helping to find permanent & temporary homes for over 928,780 pets since 2004.
Assisting hundreds of rescue organisations bring homeless pets face-to-face with thousands of potential adopters every day to help find a home for every pet that needs one as quickly as possible.
About the platform
Driving transformation & long-term systemic change…

With 1.9 million^ Australian households interested in acquiring a pet, we know there’s a home for every pet that needs one right now.
BUT even if we get the number of homeless pets to zero today, there’ll be hundreds more in vulnerable positions again tomorrow.
Ensuring fewer pets enter the system by supporting pet guardians and communities who care for pets, and increasing a pet’s safety once they’re in the system, are crucial strategies for saving the estimated 100,000* healthy and adoptable pets that are killed each year.
“The system” is currently not designed to keep pets safe. This is why we must look beyond a temporary fix and work towards long term change.
Six Prevention & Early Intervention Programs
The PetRescue way
Disrupt the status quo.
We look at the big picture and create radical change that improves outcomes for rescue pets in Australia. Disrupters from the get-go, the PetRescue website launched in 2004 before disruption became an overused buzzword!
Use technology to drive social change.
We are digital innovators, always looking for ways we can leverage the latest advances in the tech world to solve the big issues and challenges that rescue pets face in Australia.
Create a positive and progressive culture for rescue.
We want to improve the rescue and adoption experience for everyone and believe that the best way to achieve this is by creating and nurturing a positive and progressive culture for rescue.
Drive advocacy through action.
Through all the innovative campaigns, programs and services we create and deliver, we actively advocate for rescue pets.
Unite to save lives.
We unite pets with new families, rescue groups with adopters and foster carers, corporate partners with a national rescue community, and we unite all passionate advocates for rescue pets to drive positive change.
20 years of creating
happiness & saving lives.
We’ve fetched some numbers for you.
total pets
pets safe
and sound
pets kept out of
the system
* Estimated annual figures based on research from sources across Australia. Not all pets are currently accounted for.
Source: Rand, Jacquie & Mortlock, Miranda. (2013).
The Unwanted Dog and Cat Problem in Australia An estimation of pound and shelter admissions and outcomes
^ Source: Pets in Australia Report : A national survey of pets and people by Animal Medicines Australia.
# Source: PetRescue platform data. Pets adopted via PetRescue council and vet members since 2004
** Pets adopted via PetRescue’s assisted rehoming program Home2Home, or who have stayed with their guardian thanks to the Home2Home program since 2020.