Recently Adopted Labrador Retriever Puppies Near Osceola County
AKC Labrador puppies
AKC labrador puppies for their forever homes left 1 girl 3 boys 700.00 each no shipping thanks.View Detail
Labrador are the best
Wel loved dogs puppies good home only. This not the puppies this is one i kept.View Detail
Labrador retriever puppies
Tustin,MI Puppies were born July 3rd and can go to their homes Aug 26th. They had their dew claws removed, will be de wormed regularly, and have appropriate vaccines. Puppies come with a2 year health guarantee. We have 5 males and 4 females available. We will hold your puppy with a $200 deposit.View Detail
Lab Puppies
We have 2 black males left. They have been vet checked, dew claws removed, wormed and will have first shots. Mom and dad are both registered and on site. Born 1-17-22. Rehoming fee.View Detail
AKC Reg Strong Healthy Lab puppies
Hello our personal pet Frosty had a litter of puppies on January 21st she is Reg Yellow. The father is a Reg English Chocolate. We have 8 of these Lab beauties available Yellow, Chocolate and Black. They have been vet checked vaccinated and wormed for the first time and will be ready to go this coming week. They are very friendly little guys and girls. My phone number is xxx xxx xxx4. My wife's is xxx xxx xxx6. Looking forward to meeting you.View Detail
Lab puppies
Pure breed labs no papers first shots and dew claws removed. 1 yellow female and 3 yellow males and 1 white male. Asking $500 for yellows and $600 for white male. They are 12 weeks dec. 24th. Please text for questions at xxxxxxxxxx.View Detail
Chocolate Labs
AKC Chocolate Labs, These healthy playful bunch of 10 weeks old pups come from an excellent bloodline. Being farm raised by a family They come with first shots and wormed. Sire with a stocky build and the Dame are both registered and on site for viewing. Hurry won’t last price reduced for quick sale!! Serious inquires only please.View Detail
akc silver english labs- full registration!
Born on Thanksgiving, at dinner time we got 7 beautiful Bright Silver Pups- 5 Female and 2 Males. 1 Female has already been spoken for and the deposit has already been paid so she gets first pick among the females. Mom and Dad are both 100 + Pounds and are big labs, Mom is 3 years old and this has been her only litter. Dad is 2 years old. Both are extremely smart. Dad rings a bell for his treats!- I will Have there first set of shots done at 6 weeks old, I like to watch them for 24 hour and then they will be ready for there new forever homes, January 8th. We don't hunt our dogs, there just our loving companions. Nonrefundable deposit holds and guarantees you your pup. 200.00 deposit. We are selling all pups with a full registration. if you have any questions please text or call me at xxxxxxxxxx. If I don't answer just leave a message- thank you -View Detail