
1-3 rue Marcel Carn�
91080 Courcouronnes

Sales : +33 (0)1 61 61 20 80
Support : +33 (0)1 61 61 20 90

Hours of operation: Monday to Friday 9.00 am -6.00 pm

Legal information

Legal form: SARL
CODE APE : 6201Z
RCS RCS Evry B 440 159 721
SIRET 44015972100024
TVA FR 36440159721
Capital : 40 000 Euros
Registration : 13/12/2001
Responsible : Herv� KOPYTO

As per the the law "Informatique et Libert�s" of January 6th, 1978, you have at any time the right to access, rectify, modify, and delete any personal data. You can exercise this right by sending a letter to the following address: Target Skills, 1-3 Rue Marcel Carn� 91080 Courcouronnes - France.

Website hosting

OVH - 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France. +33(0)820 698 765