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Plumstead Manor

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Contact Us

Head: Douglas Greig
: Plumstead Manor School, Old Mill Road, London SE18 1QF
: 020 3260 3333             

For safeguarding enquiries e-mail: [email protected]

Designated Safeguarding Lead: Liz Grimes

Safeguarding and Child Protection Managers: Ikram Hersi and Maria Lala

For general enquiries e-mail: [email protected]   or visit our 'Getting in Touch' page for SLT, Head of Year and SENCO contact details.

Are you receiving EMAILS from My Child at School?  If the answer is no click http://www.plumsteadmanor.com/Communications-from-School/ and follow the instructions. If you have any enquiries regarding My Child at School or your contact details please email [email protected].


Buses: 51, 53, 96, 99, 122, 180, 291, 422  - Trains: Plumstead, Woolwich Arsenal