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Chakras are the concentrated energy centers of the body. Chakra is a Sanskrit term, and it means “wheel” or “disk” and is derived from the root word “cakra.” Chakras are spinning wheels of energy/light. Chakras have the loving responsibility of taking in and radiate energy to keep us functioning at an optimal level.
The concept is found in the early traditions of Hinduism. Beliefs vary between Indian religions. Many Buddhist texts consistently mention five chakras, while Hindu source offers six or even seven.
It is believed that they are embedded in the actual physical body, as they originate in the context of the mental and spiritual fields. Or, in modern interpretations, complexes of electromagnetic diversity, the exact degree and variety of which are directly obtained from the synthetic average of all positive and negative so-called fields — thus eventuating the Nadi complex. In Kundalini Yoga, the techniques of breathing exercises, visualizations, mudras, bandhas, kriyas, and mantras focus on transmitting subtle energy through the chakras.
We Have Minor and Major Chakras
We have minor and major chakras in our energetic body systems of our body. When the chakra is not functioning correctly or is blocked, the disease is more susceptible. Our well being on all levels can affect and is affected by the chakras. If we feel depressed, we may not be taking in the maximum amount of energy for our needs. If we do not feed our bodies with proper food and nutrients, then we can consume less energy than more. If we “block,” feeling like anger, etc., or without telling the truth, we can unconsciously impede our healthy flow of energy.