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Three equal-sized horizontal stripes make up the Indian flag. The top stripe is orange, while the center stripe is white and the bottom stripe is green. In the centre of the flag is a white stripe with a 24-wheeled blue wheel (Ashoka Chakra) insignia signifying the law.
Today, the color orange is associated with boldness and charity, whereas white is associated with purity and correctness, and green is associated with plenty and trust.
This 24-spoke wheel signifies the 24 hours of the day and the everlasting cycle of existence.
India is a country in southern Asia that encompasses the majority of the Indian subcontinent. Bangladesh, Bhutan, Burma (Myanmar), China (Xizang – Tibet Autonomous Region), Nepal, and Pakistan are its land boundaries, while Indonesia, Maldives, Sri Lanka, and Thailand are its marine borders.
India’s Main Characteristics
With its entertainment methods, traditions, cuisine culture, and colorful living, India has made a reputation for itself across the world. It is the world’s second most populated country, with a population of over 1 billion people. Because of the exciting events hosted practically every day of the year, it is also known as the festival nation.
Bollywood movie is very well-known over the world. New Delhi is the country’s capital, with a contemporary architectural framework. Except for the official languages of Hindi and English, 850 distinct languages are spoken. Rupees are the currency of India.
The weather varies depending on where you are. Hot, cool, and monsoon are the three primary seasons. In many sections of the nation, the months of November and February are chilly.
Spices are the foundation of the country’s cuisine. Curry powder, black cumin, mustard seeds, cinnamon sticks, and ginger are some of the most often used spices. Regions have different food cultures. Veal does not receive much attention because to Hindu religious beliefs.