

Between 1980 and 2022 there were 1 birth of Èlla in the countries below, which represents an average of 0 birth of children bearing the first name Èlla per year on average throughout this period.
On the last available year for each country, we count 0 birth.

Other languages  :  
En Français Prénom Èlla   
In Italiano Nome Èlla   
Available variants : Ella , Ella- , Ellá , Élla
Variations : Eleanor , Eléanor , Éléanor

Information about the first name Èlla

We celebrate Èlla on February 1st
The first name Èlla has been assigned to:
0.00% to boys
100.00% to girls
The country where the first name Èlla is the most common is:
AB Alberta
This first name is on trend: Female
This first name has 4 letters including 2 vowels and 2 consonants

Anagrams of the first name Èlla

An anagram is a word that contains the same letters of another word. Here is the list of first names which are an anagram of Èlla : Alle, Elal, Lael, Laël, Läel, Lale, Lále, Lâle, Leal, Lela, Léla

Anacyclics of the first name Èlla

An anacyclic is a word or phrase that can be read in the normal sense of reading or in the opposite direction. Here is the list of names that are anonymous of the given name Èlla: Alle

Èlla in Japanese *

* This is a phonetic conversion, not a translation.
Èlla in Japanese
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Èlla in sign language

Èlla in binary language

11000011 10101000 01101100 01101100 01100001

Origin and meaning of name Èlla

US English
Etymology src :
Anagrams src :
Pronunciation src :
  • IPA(key): /ˈɛl.ə/
  • Rhymes: -ɛlə
Proper noun src :
Proper noun (Related terms) src :
Pronoun src :
  • Ella f
  • (formal, polite) Alternative letter-case form of ella (“you”)
  • Synonym: Lei
Proper noun (Statistics) src :
  • Ella is the 58th most common female given name in Finland, belonging to 11,820 female individuals (and as a middle name to 2,954 more), and also belongs to 6 male individuals, according to February 2023 data from the Digital and Population Data Services Agency of Finland.

Popularity of the name Èlla

Number of ÈLLA births per year

Total births of Èlla by country

Births with the first name Èlla
1980 - 2022

Comments on the name Èlla

Personalities with the first name Èlla

There are 81 personalities with the first name Èlla

Ella Fitzgerald
(Ella Jane Fitzgerald) src

United states of america
Jazz musician Recording artist Composer Conductor Singer Singer-songwriter Bandleader Film actor

Ella Baker
(Ella Josephine Baker) src

United states of america
Civil rights advocate Women's rights activist

Ella Henderson

United kingdom
Singer Singer-songwriter Recording artist

Ella Raines

United states of america
Actor Television actor Film actor

Ella Purnell

United kingdom
Actor Stage actor Model Film actor

Ella Balinska
(Ella Pascale Balinska-Emmott) src

United kingdom
Actor Film actor

Ella Wheeler Wilcox

United states of america
Writer Poet

Ella Eyre
(Ella Mary Mcmahon) src

United kingdom
Singer Singer-songwriter Recording artist


Kingdom of northumbria

Ella Asbeha

Kingdom of aksum

There are more than 10 personalities with the first name Èlla
Full list of personalities with the first name Èlla

Film Actors and Actresses with the first name Èlla

There are 0 actor and actress with the first name Èlla

Rankings of first name ÈLLA by country

Country ranking (boys)
No ranking of first name ÈLLA (male) births over the last year available in each country
Country ranking (girls)
No ranking of first name ÈLLA (female) births over the last year available in each country

Names that are phonetically close to Èlla
No phonetically similar names were found in our archives