An industry leader
Sheet Music for Christian Worship Bands
PraiseCharts features a large, online sheet music catalog of popular praise and worship songs offering lyrics, chords, vocal chart arrangements and orchestrations. With a full suite of resources, your team will sound good, feel confident, and acquire greater competence and skill. You will find top-quality resources for songs that will help you stay relevant, current and "in-tune" with trends, along with older songs that are tried and true.

Accurate And Engaging
Guided Feedback
MatchMySound technology features a unique note-by-note matching algorithm making practice productive, and learning easier and faster. With an application that utilizes sound recognition technologies to compare the enhanced file to the practice recording, the algorithm then detects the differences between the audio files every 1/43rd of a second. With a focus on sound qualities, such as pitch, intonation and articulation, along with timing correctness, the user visually receives feedback on sections, phrases, or notes that need practice. Millions of people are already using their technology!

MainStage For Everyday Church Pianists
Do you love to play keys, but feel like modern technology has left you behind? We have designed WorshipKeys for you! WorshipKeys is a free MainStage template designed for everyday church pianists, so they can shine with confidence and sound just like the original recordings. Use it, modify it, upgrade it, customize it, and even download song specific patches from PraiseCharts.

Back your Band
More Than Just "Charts"
MultiTracks are our central audio backing track at PraiseCharts. It is from this powerful resource most of our other audio backing tracks are derived. MultiTracks are a resource that fits perfectly with a wide range of worship bands AND unique situations where specific instrument players may be needed.
SOUND amazing
Song Specific Guitar Patches
The right tone, expression, effects, setup, and sequence all go into helping you sound like the recordings of the top worship songs. Download patches for your favorite guitar pedals today.