4.1. Mineralogical impact
The application of mineralogical and geochemical characterization of exposed asbestos-containing mine waste allows improved risk assessment with direct applications in predictive management. Mineral dust and fibres are heterogeneous substances with respiratory sensitizing properties. The complex nature of, and exposure to, mineral fibres necessitate procedures that account for this complexity if the allocation and attenuation of the human health impacts is to be conducted reliably. Importantly, the selected methods are based on what is realistically practical for developing countries where funds and scientific engagement are limited. In hand sample, all three types of asbestos show asbestiform morphology, including fibre thickness, parallelism in arrangement, separability, and flexibility. The fibres retain their aspect ratio forming numerous finer fibres during breakage caused by crushing. All samples showed moderate cohesion as fibres were released from bulk material when vigorously disturbed by hand. The three types of asbestos minerals sampled are cross-fibres in veins for chrysotile and seams for the amphiboles.
The fibre geometry (
Table 2), defined by its diameter (D) and length (L), is a key parameter in its pathogenicity, toxicity, and inflammation [
58]. Polarising light microscopy (PLM) is most used for semi-quantifying the percentage and identifying the type of fibre [
60], but can also be used to accuratly measure fibre dimensions > 1 µm in diameter [
62]. The dimensions provide information on the respirability and biological activity of airborne fibres [
63]. The ‘Stanton Hypothesis’ states that the optimum fibre morphology for generating intrapleural tumours is D ≤ 0.25 μm and L > 8 μm, and was derived from experimental observations succeeding fibre implantation and injection into animals [
64]. According to this model, ‘frustrated phagocytosis’ [
65] results because phagocytic cells are unable to eliminate ‘Stanton fibres’, i.e., needle-shaped particles with L > 8 µm [
Optical microscopy provides important knowledge on texture, mineralogy, and alteration. All samples consist of poly-filamentous fibre bundles with parallel-sided, long, thin fibres having straight extinction. Splayed ends and fibre curvature were characteristically demonstrated by the crocidolite samples. Under high magnification, amosite and crocidolite minerals do not appear compact having gaps and visible divisions between fibres further pointing to their asbestiform nature. Unlike amosite and crocidolite, individual chrysotile fibres are less clearly distinguishable under the polarising light microscope (PLM). Chrysotile appeared more compact however upon closer inspection divisions between fibres were also identified, but less prominent than that of amosite and crocidolite. In PLM the chrysotile fibres appear to be more tightly welded together with little porosity between them. Optically, the colours of the fibres are both homogenous and heterogenous under PLM.
Chemical heterogeneity suggested by colour variations in the fibre provides evidence of partial replacement of pre-existing fibres or generations of fibre growth. Homogenous colours were generally observed along the lengths of the amosite and crocidolite fibres (figures S8, S10, S12 and S14). Heterogenous colours within individual fibres is only observed in chrysotile (Figure S4 and S6) and implies compositional variability. This is further documented under cross-polarising light (
Figure S5 and S7). Both amphibole asbestos samples did not appear to show any modifications optically and texturally in PLM consistent with the homogenous colouring. In comparison with the amphibole asbestos samples, the chrysotile asbestos samples exhibited a more complex microstructure matrix under PLM, in which several coexisting textures are apparent.
The asbestos-containing rock materials are natural samples collected from mines and thus the presence of mineral impurities is expected [
67]. Typically, natural asbestos-containing rock samples occurs with other non-asbestiform morphologies and minerals [
68]. Although these associated phases are thought to be harmless, little information on their potential toxic effects exists [
68]. Thus, the characterisation of natural assemblages should include all phases occurring with the suspected asbestos fibres (Vigliaturo
et al., 2018). The results by XRD analysis allow the identification of co-occurring fine-grained minerals that are difficult to detect optically. Chrysotile (serpentine) and crocidolite (amphibole) samples are homogeneous containing no additional mineral phases. Amosite displays mineral phase heterogeneity and crystalline impurities of ~4.1 % quartz (SiO
2) and ~1.4 % sepiolite (Mg
2O). Fibrous and crystalline quartz (SiO
2) is known as a prolific cytotoxic particle that results in lung tumours upon inhalation [
69]. The phyllosilicate mineral, sepiolite (Mg
2O), belongs to the mineral group hormite and is characterised by a fibrous habit [
70]. Given limited studies and inadequate evidence for the carcinogenic effects of sepiolite in humans, few animal studies have indicated to include sepiolite in the Group 3 carcinogen category [
A survey of published literature indicates very limited research and knowledge exists regarding the carcinogenic and pathogenic effects of asbestos associated mineral phases following chronic inhalation. However, asbestos-associated mineral phases should not be neglected when considering the combined factors encompassing the toxicity of asbestos-containing mine-wastes.
4.2. Geochemical impact
Of further importance is the ability to quantify the amount of potentially harmful elements that can potentially be released both into the environment and ingested by the human body. The high concentrations of Al, Mg, Mn and Fe are not unexpected as they are major rock forming elements and are among the primary constituents in sediments and soils [
72]. One of the most important factors for fibre-induced patho-biological activity is the total iron content of the asbestos minerals [
73]. Siderosis is caused by the inhalation of iron-bearing compounds [
74]. As iron acts as a catalyst for reactions involving release of reactive oxygen species and lipid, protein and DNA damage, it is a significant property in determining asbestos toxicity [
75]. Iron becomes available at the reacting surface of fibres during dissolution where, through a Haber-Weiss chain reaction sequence, it promotes hydroxyl radical formation that damages DNA [
In addition to iron, other major chemical elements have been reported to participate in asbestos toxicity following inhalation [
79]. Silicon (Si) is the second most abundant element and when inhaled, result in numerous pathologies such as silicosis [
80]. Being the 3
rd most abundant element in the Earth’s crust, the environmental toxicology of aluminium has been revealed in recent investigations to cause numerous diseases. It thus presents a major threat to plants, animals, and humans [
82]. The bulk chemical analysis of the chrysotile sample indicates only a slight deviation from the ideal composition of serpentine, containing very little Fe and Al. Substitution in chrysotile may occur in both the octahedral (O) and tetrahedral (T) sheets making up this layer silicate [
83]. In the 1:1 T and O sheet ratio, both Si
4+ and Mg
2+ can be replaced by Al
3+, respectively, with an average Al
3 content of <0.9 wt.%, while the FeO content may be as much as 6 wt.% [
84]. Mg
2+ in the O sheet can also be replaced by Fe
2+ and Fe
3+ while Si
4+ replacement in the T sheet is infrequent and minor. In the octahedral sheet, both Fe
2+ and Fe
3+ can replace Mg and the eventual replacement of Si
4+ by Fe
3+ may occur, although Al
3+ is preferentially hosted in this position. The presence of both Fe
2+ and Fe
3+ exclusively in 6-fold coordination has been suggested by [
The different samples show considerably variable Mn concentrations with the highest amount found in the amosite. These results concur with those reported in [
85] who explained that Mg in all the M(1), M(2), M(3) and M(4) sites of magnesium-iron-manganese-lithium amphiboles may be substituted with Mn [
12]. Manganese is an essential trace element for biological organisms. However, in excess manganese poising ensues typically in the brain and lungs [
86]. Thus, managing the environmental entrance and migration of manganese is a marked human health risk to humans [
Trace elements within mineral fibres may, in addition to the major elements, take part in the fibre toxicity [
90] . The presence of trace metals in fibres and their effects on the carcinogenesis of asbestos has been documented by [
91]. In our study, the highest content of Ni, Co, Cr and V was observed in chrysotile; amosite contained the greatest concentration of Zn, Rb, Sr, Zr, Nb and Ba; and crocidolite was the only sample in which Ga was measured. Overall, the amosite rock sample contained the greatest number of detected trace elements and crocidolite had the overall lowest concentration of trace elements. Mn and trace metals, such as Ni, Cr, Ni and Cu, in chrysotile almost exclusively represent isomorphous substitution of Mg [
93]. Unlike that for antigorite and lizardite minerals, trace metal substitution in chrysotile is typically more restricted [
94]. Interestingly, although characterised by different geological conditions of formation, the detection of copper, nickel, zinc, strontium, lead, yttrium, and zirconium was shared by the three asbestos rock samples. Lead was detected in all samples, and is a considerably toxic metal [
95]. Unlike other metals (e.g., copper, manganese, and zinc) lead serves no biological functions (Flora
et al., 2012) and is highly toxic being listed as a hazardous heavy metal contaminant [
96]. The toxicity of lead in living cells is caused by oxidative stress and ionic mechanisms [
98]. Due to its high toxicity, lead is ranked among the 10 top priority substances of concern to the public (ATSDR, 2018). Several effects arise from the contamination of soil with lead including the reduction of soil fertility, microbial diversity, and nutrients [
96]. Nickel was detected in all samples with chrysotile exhibiting an exceptionally high concentration (1519 ppm). A variety of adverse human health effects, such as lung fibrosis, kidney diseases, contact dermatitis, cardiovascular diseases and cancer of the respiratory tract, are forms of nickel allergy that can result from contact with nickel compounds [
101]. Bioavailable Ni
2+ toxicity at the intracellular sites was postulated by [
102]. In human CD4+T lymphocytes cause the greatest apoptosis, DNA damage and caspase-9 positive T cells were induced by Ni
2+ at a concentration of 0.05 mM [
Chromium was found in the chrysotile (83 ppm) and amosite (4.6 ppm) samples and represents a source of concern. Chromium results in the formation of hydroxyl and superoxide radicals describe by the Fenton reaction [
104]. Fenton reactions induced by Cr
3+ damage proteins [
105]. The direct binding of Cr
3+ to numerous non-metallo-protiens and metallo-proteins has been shown in Cr associated patients to result in the loss of their biological functions [
106]. Chromium is also known to cause several health problems such as vomiting, kidney failure, mouth ulcers, lung cancer, stomach cancer, indigestion and acute tubular necrosis in humans following contact [
Vanadium was measured in chrysotile (16 ppm), crocidolite (3.9 ppm) and amosite (3.5 ppm) samples. Any of the three oxidation states of vanadium can produce genotoxic effects [
110]. However, double-strand breaks are induced by V
4+ causing lesions and creating aberrations in structural chromosomes [
111]. Asthma, anemia and rhinitis can be caused by excessive amounts of vanadium in the body and even increase the possibility of lung cancer and uremia occurrence [
115]. The release of vanadium from asbestos fibres into solution does? not represent a concern as it is very low [
Molybdenum was measured in amosite (0.9 ppm). Biologically, molybdenum is an essential nutrient required by humans. However, inhalation and exposure to excess levels can decrease lung functioning, coughing and dyspnea [
The substantial presence of potentially toxic trace elements at concentrations measured in the studied chrysotile and amphibole asbestos samples may be explained, primarily, because of isomorphic substitutions in particular crystallographic positions [
118]. The variability of potentially toxic elements amongst the studied samples, on the other hand, is best explained by the shared chemical changeability exhibited by asbestos mineral particles [
119] and the different petrological and geochemical processes occurring during their formation [
120]. High levels of heavy metals in the wastes indicates the possibility of the release into the soil, water and atmospheric environments presenting an interminable environmental hazard [
The heavy metals hosted in fibrous minerals accumulate in the lungs via dissolution following inhalation, altering the normal human lung baseline levels of these elements [
122]. The surface area of asbestos has been proposed to play a role in fibre toxicity [
123]. The surface area is a factor influencing the rate of dissolution and therefore clearance from the lungs [
58]. Lung cancer, bronchogenic carcinoma, mesothelioma, etc. are caused when sufficient abundances of heavy metals are accumulated as the human lung tissue is damaged by metal-induced disease [
124]. The concentration range of metals in normal human lungs are reported in
Table 8 and shows that these ranges are greatly exceeded by their concentrations in the different asbestos types.
The solid mass loss of the bio-durability experiments for each asbestos sample is always less than 100% solid. The reason is not incomplete dissolution but rather the precipitation of silica out of the solution [
22]. As demonstrated by the dissolution tests, chrysotile has the lowest bio-durability and amosite the highest. Based on the close link between bio-durability and bio-persistence it is expected that amosite fibres will have a much longer retention time following inhalation when compared to both chrysotile and crocidolite. Therefore amosite fibres have a greater toxicity than chrysotile and crocidolite following inhalation due to their greater persistence in the lungs [
More recently, in addition to the already stated mineralogical and geochemical properties influencing the toxicity to asbestos exposure, trace element concentrations hosted in asbestos mineral fibres and their role in fibre toxicity have come under the spotlight [
120]. The obvious threat of exposure to asbestos is much publicised. Numerous rehabilitation strategies, focused solely on mitigating the dispersion of these mineral fibres, have been considered and implemented. As well as their role in determining fibre toxicity, the elevated concentrations of heavy metals hosted in asbestos minerals pose a profound influence on the quality of the environment. Many potentially toxic elements have been found to be hosted in all forms of asbestos minerals [
128]. The fundamental factor surrounding these findings is that, in the natural setting, leaching and weathering of asbestos-bearing rocks results in reduced heavy metal concentrations within the mineral particles themselves and the subsequent increase in concentrations in the surrounding soil and water ecosystems [
129]. Compared to the maximum limits imposed by environmental governments and agencies, the concentrations of heavy metals in the proximity of asbestos-bearing geological sites are typically one order of magnitude greater [
130], as documented, for instance, in the serpentine-derived soils of the Gimigliano – Mount Reventino Unit (GMRU), Calabria Region (S-Italy) [
131]. In addition to soils, the interaction of water with asbestos-bearing rocks is also characterised by exceedingly high heavy metal concentrations due to the dissolution of these minerals [
18]. The magnitudes of their concentrations and the fact that these toxic elements can be mobilised and dispersed into different terrestrial environments and subsequently absorbed by humans, makes their presence in asbestos-bearing mine waste a consequential public health and environmental threat.