Mental Health Support in North Cumbria is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust (CNTW)

Support phone numbers for North Cumbria are below or visit: for more information.
> Adults - 0800 652 2965
> Children and young people - 0800 652 2865
> Text number for people who are Deaf and/or have communication difficulties - 0779 565 6226

Mental Health Support Numbers image.png

CNTW logo.pngCumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust now provide mental health, learning disabilities and neuro-rehabilitation services in North Cumbria.

The Trust works from more than 70 sites across Cumbria, Northumberland, Newcastle, North Tyneside, Gateshead, South Tyneside and Sunderland. They also run a number of regional and national specialist services. Along with partners, they deliver support to people in their own homes, and from community and hospital-based premises.

Find out more from the trust:
Trust Website / Locations / Services / Doctors / Resource Library / News

Visit Kooth at:

An online mental wellbeing community with free, safe and anonymous support.
Some of the things you'll find on Kooth:

  • Magazine 
    Helpful articles, personal experiences and tips from young people and our Kooth team. 
  • Discussion Boards
    Start or join a conversation with our friendly Kooth community. Lots of topics to choose from! 
  • Chat with the team
    Chat to our helpful team about anything that’s on your mind. Message us or have a live chat. 
  • Daily Journal
    Write in your own daily journal to track your feelings or emotions and reflect on how you’re doing.

Resource Booklet
"Wellbeing and mental health - A guide to looking after yourself and others"

Written and produced by Every Life Matters with the support of Cumbria County Council.

NHS North Cumbria Talking Therapies

North-Cumbria-Talking-Therapies-logo-CMYK-e1680687498755.jpgNorth Cumbria Talking Therapies can help with a range of common mental health problems.​​​​​​, providing free, talking therapies for adults (18+) in North Cumbria.

It's part of Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust. (for individuals living in South Cumbria please visit NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria Talking Therapies).

You can also contact the service by phone at: 0300 123 9122

Find out more...

Find the Words

How to talk to your GP Team about your mental health. For most of us, our local GP practice is the first place we’ll go when we’re unwell. It’s there to help us with our mental health as well as our physical health. In fact, around one third of all GP appointments are related to mental health. However, it’s not always easy having that first conversation about your deepest feelings with someone in your GP Team, someone you may hardly know.

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Carlisle Eden Mind is one of 130 local Minds across the country, who work to empower, educate and support people with mental health issues. We are an independent, self-funded mental health charity that operates in Carlisle, Eden and across Cumbria.

As a local charity we match our services to meet the needs of the community we serve and campaign to improve the services available to those in need of mental health support, raise awareness and promote understanding.

Find out more...

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