An 8-Week Transformational Training
8-Week Training Winter & Fall
Next Session Starts January 25
Enlist with a band of brothers committed to helping one another become better men.
Engage in spiritual, physical, and relational challenges that strengthen your mind, body, soul, and relationships.
Enjoy healthy competition as you and others strive toward life transformation.
Join the Adventure
Deep Roots is about helping you flourish in your life and relationships by equipping you to establish and maintain healthy spiritual, relational, and physical rhythms in your life. Each session is designed to equip you to become more of the man God created you to be so that you can become a greater force for good in your marriage, family, church, and community. Come join us as we strive toward meaningful transformation together!

It is not what a man does that is of final importance, but what he is in what he does. The atmosphere produced by a man, much more than his activities, has the lasting influence.
— Oswald Chambers —
Why Deep Roots?
Because no man drifts into excellence, but many men drift into regret, broken relationships, loneliness, and wasted potential. Getting back into the arena of life day after day is hard. Deep Roots will help you stay in the fight to become the man God created you to be, side-by-side with other men on the same difficult but rewarding journey.
What is Deep Roots?
It’s an 8-week training for men to help them fight to become the men God uniquely created them to become. It challenges men to grow deeper spiritual, relational, and physical roots as they strive to become more like Jesus. These deep roots help men survive and thrive in times of famine and stay grounded in times of abundance.
What isn’t Deep Roots?
Deep Roots isn’t another Bible study. The goal isn’t to engage in inductive Bible study to gain more information about what the Bible says. That’s important, but it’s not our purpose. Deep Roots isn’t for learning more about Jesus, it’s for training to become more like Him in real life, in real-time, one 8-week session at a time.